Staff Senate Full Senate Meeting May 11, 2011 Senate Chambers

Staff Senate
Full Senate Meeting
May 11, 2011
Senate Chambers
The meeting was called to order at 1:19 p.m. by President Lane. A quorum was present.
Roll Call
Guests: Doug Vinzant, Vice President of Administration, Laura Alexander, Associate Vice
President of Human Resources
Senators Present: Aimee Appelhans, Rebecca Ashley, Beverly Bell, Dave Bluemel,
Bonnie Botello, Christi Byers, Cyndi Cowardin, Mark Davidson, Lori Dockter, Al Emmons,
Cheri Frank, Tonya Gerharter, Farrell Graf, Winter Hansen, Carolyn Herman, Stacy Lane,
James Logue, Ben Marks, Aneesa McDonald, Christy Nordmann, Heather Patterson,
Linda Waggener, Maureena Walker
Senators Absent: Ginny Becker, Jamie LeJambre, Kelly McMicheal, Katie Ogden, Thyra
Page, Jauque Schuman, Tod Scott, Kathi Zubrod
Proxies: Kathleen Bertoncelj for Ginny Becker, Jon Kelly for Tod Scott, Valerie Vasquez
for Kathy Zubrod
Approval of Minutes and Agenda
A motion to approve the April minutes was made and seconded by Senators McDonald and
Nordmann. Motion passed.
A motion to approve the May agenda was made and seconded by Senators Walker and
McDonald. Motion passed.
Administrative Reports
Vice President of Administration, Doug Vinzant, stated the Board of Trustees meeting was last
week, with real estate capital and other activities on the agenda. Many things across campus
will be moving forward, including initiation for an update to the Staff Salary Survey where there
will likely be assistance from an outside source in order to receive data back by July or August.
The actual approach to the governor and legislature for a salary adjustment is yet to be
determined, whether it is during the close/start of a fiscal year or during biennial operating
budget requests. Typically, there is not much change between the first and second year of a
biennium. However, some highlights considered during this mid-biennium will be library
funding, classroom technology, student recruitment and retention, allocated dollars for
operation and physical costs of new facilities.
President Lane questioned who the comparators will be during the Staff Salary Survey. VP
Vinzant hasn’t had conversation with those in Cheyenne, and does not have an answer at this
time. Associate VP Alexander added that different employee groups have different market
comparators and that staff comparisons are not standard, as faculty may be. VP Vinzant
supplemented that some people will have classified positions that the other institutions may
use, but with some lower level positions they are going to have to sort out which positions
make sense to have a broad range of comparators, as compared to those who will be regional,
the process is going to be very complex.
VP Vinzant closed out his report with a thank you to President Lane for organizing Staff
Recognition Day, which he finds very important and a great job was done, and also for making
progress in the things she wanted to accomplish in her term as Staff Senate President. He
personally believes the salary issue will likely be a high priority with the upcoming budget
Associate Vice President of Human Resources, Laura Alexander, reported that HR is going to be
moving some offices down the west wing of WyoHall. Payroll will be moving over to WyoHall
and she hopes to secure offices in the next month. There have been changes in positions within
HR and additions. About 82% of performance evaluations have been collected. This was the
first year using the new tool and Mary Petroski has been going back to departments to clean
up. Once 95% of the evaluations are in, she wants to run some metrics and data. President Lane
will email questions of statistics Staff Senate would like to see. These statistics should be easier
and clearer, because the criteria are more concrete. This is a priority for both HR and Staff
Senate. Associate VP Alexander continued that next year the evaluations will be online where
the demographics, employee information, and PDQ is automatically generated, then
supervisors will only have to enter ratings and send electronically.
Associate VP Alexander stated that salary plus benefits leads to total compensation. The State
Legislature has charged the Employee Group Insurance office to study benefit options and
compare them to other institutions. So far there have been two meetings, with a 3rd scheduled
in June, concerning potential changes to the benefit package. She is advocating for a
realignment of benefits, where some benefits are high and others are low (ie. life insurance,
orthodontics), and totality of the benefits package. The committee includes two legislative
office people. Associate VP Alexander will bring back the recommendations.
Vice President Frank inquired about the consistency of why evaluations are still out. Associate
VP Alexander responded that March 15 was the deadline; however, since everyone had to look
at all PDQ’s and some of the job descriptions were very outdated, which may have led to
reclassification, the process may take longer.
Vice President Frank also asked that since money wasn’t tied to the evaluation, could that be
why they are late. Associate VP Alexander commented that it could be a combination of both,
but is happy with 80%.
VP Frank additionally wondered if there is a date where Associate VP Alexander can just choose
to start running reports. Associate VP Alexander stated she can try, because some of the
departments have promised to have them in; however, she doesn’t want to have to run them
A question was raised as to who is on the Employee Group Insurance (EGI) committee.
Associate VP Alexander said the Ralph Hays is the chair, 7 or 8 heads of state agencies, one
from the Natrona County School District, herself, Eric Goldenstein, and 2 people from the
legislative office. EGI had been asked to study UW benefits against other state employers, many
are small business owners and our benefits may look very good. She thinks that other states’
information needs to be pulled for higher education, and it was considered.
Senator McDonald questioned if it is dangerous to compare to other states due to the
economy. Associate VP Alexander responded that other state governments and higher
education are much richer and have a more comprehensive benefit package because they are
larger employers, as compared to very small in-state employers.
President Lane inquired if the recommendations will come back to UW. Associate VP Alexander
is trying to keep President Buchanan and VP Vinzant informed before recommendations are
Officer reports
President: President Lane informed Senators that the Board of Trustees meeting went well;
Vice President Frank will be introduced as President in the fall. She has only heard great
compliments about Staff Recognition Day, great job to Senator Gerharter and the Recognition
Committee. Committees’ chairs need to start cleaning up files/emails/jump drive and give their
written report to LouAnn Chakmakian. Committees’ members should give information to be
included in the report to their chairs. The June 8th is all about cake, please come!
Vice President: Vice President Frank reminded senators that the Staff Senate retreat is May 18,
2011. The Executive Committee is going to bring side dishes and desserts, BBQ will be provided
from 1st Interstate Bank. Strengths Quest needs to be completed as soon as possible, and send
your top 5 results to her. Additionally senators should think about committees because
committee work will be allowed an hour of time.
Old business
2nd reading of Resolution #198, Finance Policy, Staff Salary Consideration for UW
Administration, (Attachment 1) by Senator Applehans.
Reading of the referral from the Executive Committee of do pass with no amendments by
Senator Applehans.
Motion to pass Res #198 by Senator Dockter, second by Senator Emmons.
Discussion. Senator Marks requested to review lines 21 and 22 and question if Senate wants to
recommend HR develop a schedule of regular maintenance? President Lane responded that
part of matrix was reevaluated in 2007, and more possibly in the late 90’s. Staff Senate can
request a schedule of matrix-cost of living-merit at specific years. Senator Marks doesn’t think
that there is a need to specify year by year, but instead ask HR to determine an appropriate
schedule. Senator McDonald recommended a schedule of every 5 years. Senator Emmons
agrees that HR should be required to do something or at least make an effort to meet a
schedule for reevaluation. Vice President Frank reminded Staff Senate that just because we ask
HR to review the matrix, doesn’t mean that there will be a change and that this seems to be an
issue at biennium because of requests made to the legislature.
Senator Logue moved to amend the original motion to insert on line 24 “on a biannual basis”
between “matrix” and “to”. Senator McDonald seconded.
Discussion. Senator Appelhans suggested it be every other biennium because changes may not
be that dramatically in 2 years. Senator Marks pointed out there may a cost associated with
updating; additionally, if we confine a frequency the request may not be considered or
accepted due to the tone of the language. Senator Emmons felt there needs to be set
parameters to comprise from. Senator Walker believes we should establish a minimum. Senator
Nordmann agrees that there needs to be a schedule that meets with the biennium and set a
maximum not to exceed 10 years.
Senator Logue moved to amend his amendment to change “biennium” to “a consistent cycle”.
Senator McDonald seconded.
Discussion. Senator Emmons feels we need to establish a timeline. Senator McDonald agrees
with a consistent cycle with a maximum.
Senator Appelhans called the question. Motion to amend the amendment failed.
Senator Appelhans called the question on the original amendment. Motion of original
amendment failed.
Senator Appelhans moved to amend the original motion to insert in line 27 “therefore, be it
further resolved that the staff request a schedule for the regular update of the matrix be
developed in which the matrix be updated at maximum every 4 years.” Senator Nordmann
Discussion. Vice President Frank suggested to insert “review and” between “regular update”
and questioned if we should add “in whole”. Senator Walker suggested “maximum” to be
changed to “at least”. Proxy Valerie Vasquez thought the statement should be considered
before line 23. Senator Appelhans feels that line 23 is most important, then line 27 is request
for further consideration.
Vice President Frank moved to amend the amendment and change “maximum” to “no less than
every four years” and insert “entire” before matrix. Senator Logue seconded.
Discussion. Senator Dockter wanted to remind Staff Senate that this is only a suggestion being
made to HR.
Senator McDonald moved a friendly amendment to replace “no less than” to “at least”.
Friendly amendment by Senator McDonald accepted by Senators Frank and Logue. Motion
Senator Appelhans moved question to previous amendment. Senator Dockter seconded.
Motion passed.
Original motion to pass Resolution #198. No further discussion. Roll call vote. Motion passed.
New business
1st reading of Bill #40, Staff Senate Communications and Compensation Committees Update,
(Attachment 2) by Senator Appelhans.
Election of Officers by Senator Nordmann.
Vice President: Senator James Logue
Secretary: Senator Lori Dockter
Parliamentarian: Senator Aimee Appelhans
Member-at-Large: President Lane (President Lane declined at a later date and
Senator Katie Ogden was elected at that time)
Liaison reports
ASUW Representative: Senator Appelhans has no report.
Faculty Senate: President Lane attended the last meeting where the Faculty Senate Budget
Committee sent out a 27 page recommendation on salaries.
Committee Reports
Communications Committee: Senator Appelhans reported that the meeting was mainly to
discuss the Bill #40 update.
The next meeting will be at Staff Retreat.
Compensation Committee: Senator Byers reported that the meeting was mainly to discuss the
previous Bill #40 update and go over clarification of exempt vs. non-exempt.
The next meeting will be at Staff Retreat.
Credentials and Elections Committee: Senator Nordmann sent emails out to those who may be
interested in serving in Staff Senate and all were received. New members will be Laura Barton
and Marvin Perry. Two write-ins were received, but have not yet confirmed acceptance. Three
new seats will be available to be confirmed in June.
Finances Committee: Senator Dockter has no report.
Recognition Committee: Senator Gerharter had to leave early. President Lane reported that the
final wrap-up meeting went well. The committee needs a new chair starting July. The ground
work for the committee is done (bill, update of awards, plaques, etc), but there is still a large
responsibility to organize Staff Recognition Day.
Open Forum
A brief open forum followed the regular business of the Staff Senate.
Please complete the survey for the Daycare Committee or decline it, otherwise a paper copy
will be mailed out. The committee will not meet again until Fall. The committee is looking for
the most input possible so everyone can forward it to any students who, for whatever reason,
may not have been classified as non-traditional.
The meeting was adjourned at 2:52 p.m. by President Lane.
Respectfully submitted by Winter Hansen, Secretary
Attachment 1.1
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Attachment 1.2
Return to Minutes
Attachment 1.3
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Attachment 2.1
Return to Minutes
Attachment 2.2
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