Staff Senate Full Senate Meeting April 13, 2011 Senate Chambers

Staff Senate
Full Senate Meeting
April 13, 2011
Senate Chambers
The meeting was called to order at 1:18 p.m. by President Lane. A quorum was present.
Roll Call
Guests: Doug Vinzant, Vice President of Administration
Senators Present: Aimee Appelhans, Rebecca Ashley, Beverly Bell, Dave Bluemel,
Bonnie Botello, Christi Byers, Cyndi Cowardin, Mark Davidson, Lori Dockter, Al Emmons,
Cheri Frank, Tonya Gerharter, Farrell Graf, Winter Hansen, Stacy Lane, Jamie LeJambre,
James Logue, Kelly McMicheal, Christy Nordmann, Katie Ogden, Heather Patterson,
Jauque Schuman, Tod Scott, Linda Waggener, Maureena Walker, Kathi Zubrod
Senators Absent: Ginny Becker, Carolyn Herman, Thyra Page
Proxies: Kelly Wiseman for Carolyn Herman, Marvin Perry for Thyra Page
Approval of Minutes and Agenda
A motion to approve the March minutes was made and seconded by Senators McMicheal and
Dockter. Motion passed.
A motion to approve the April agenda was made and seconded by Senators McMicheal and
Nordmann. Motion passed.
Administrative Reports
Vice President of Administration, Doug Vinzant, stated Administration is busy with planning for
FY12, early stages for 6 year capital planning including both operating and capital projects, lots
of construction, and activities of commencement.
VP Vinzant pointed out UW is in year 2 of the 3 year budget reduction plan, and likely at the
end of this year UW will have completed the 3 year plan. This is good news as UW is 1 year
ahead of the staged reduction. There has been discussion of the annual budget and will ask the
Board of Trustees, in May, to approve the annual FY12 budget. The President will be making
some decisions and VP Vinzant will try to come back to Senate before the May Board of
Trustees meeting. There has not been discussion about layoffs; however, there is discussion of
additional monies for library and capital projects. Physical plant and how to cover the additional
maintenance and facility costs for the new buildings will be considered. This year, $1.3/1.4
million was set aside for utilities and the newly opened facilities.
VP Vinzant mentioned it looks like we will not have an employee benefit increase this coming
year. At the biennium top priority may be a salary program of some sort (market comparison).
Senator McMicheal expressed concern about the meeting with the Physical Plant the previous
Friday, and mentioned constituents want a plan on how to attain overtime. VP Vinzant
explained that a supervisor takes forward the recommendation, to work overtime, to Jim Scott,
Mark Collins and VP Vinzant. The request explaining why overtime is justified goes to Jim Scott,
then Mark Collins, then to VP Vinzant to propose how they plan to pay for it. VP Vinzant will
send a memorandum to Mark Collins and Jim Scott for distribution to appropriate parties
explaining the process.
Senator Schuman brought forward the question concerning that if supervisors will not ask for
overtime then what. VP Vinzant responded that supervisors are the vehicle for creating the
process and plan for payment, this is why has that message needs to be filtered out. Senator
Schuman commented that in the history of physical plant employees had choice of overtime
pay or comp time, then policy was changed which led to the budget issue, he implied that if
employees were given the choice, overtime pay may not be as big a problem. VP Vinzant will
follow up on this concern.
Senator Botello wanted clarification on rumors that certain Administrators may be getting
raises. VP Vinzant responded that people may get promoted, or an increment to address
realignment of responsibilities, but there is not a program for raises for Administrators.
Senator Botello then questioned if someone is reclassified does the budget increase come from
central funds or is it the department responsibility? VP Vinzant will follow up on this question.
VP Vinzant does hope the new governor will consider a salary program; however, the earliest it
could take into affect is July 2012. The issue of reclassification shouldn’t deal with salary,
instead be a consideration of if the employee is being routinely asked to carry out duties
beyond their existing scope.
Senator Ashley had a concern of 2 staff members (Engineering and Physical Plant) getting
$4,000 and $10,000 raises. VP Vinzant is not aware of anything of this sort. He does not know
the specifics of these cases and can’t do anything about it without specifics but cannot agree
with someone getting a raise without specific changes in duties which requires a PDQ audit
through HR, then the VP of the area, then to VP Vinzant.
Senator LeJambre commented that the budget is public knowledge and this body is perfectly
capable of monitoring and collecting data. One other thing to keep in mind is grants funding.
Senator Nordmann asked for clarification of the 3 year budget reduction plan being complete
by FY11. VP Vinzant confirmed that yes, all the dollar reductions may be achieved by end of
FY11. The policy of hiring at minimum plus 15% may continue, as may the vacancy review,
considering institutional initiatives.
A question was raised to VP Vinzant if he will be involved with the market comparisons. He
responded that he absolutely will be and market comparisons are a complex issue that does not
have a simple solution. Work has been started, but there is a need for discussions with the
governor, decisions on who the relevant comparator entities are, and how to look at the gaps
for each group.
VP Vinzant wanted to thank Staff Senate and President Lane for organizing Staff Recognition
Day in recognizing individuals who make an outstanding contribution.
Officer reports
President: President Lane informed Senators that the Brown Bag luncheon is April 25, 2011, at
noon in the President’s board room. Turn in hot topics and RSVP by April 18. Legislation
database is now available to search bills and resolutions using keywords, dates, authors, etc.
LouAnn Chakmakian will be the keeper, but the database can be found at
\\warehouse\StaffSenate\Bills, Resolutions, Rules and Procedures\bills-resolutions.accdb. LouAnn and
Senator Botello will provide training sessions.
Vice President: Vice President Frank reminded senators that the Staff Senate retreat will be
held May 18, 2011, at the Wyoming Technology Business Center. Senators must complete
Strengths Quest, if haven’t already done so. There will be time for committee work and
connection between members.
She received a couple thank you notes from schools concerning the Box Top initiative and the
schools are appreciative.
Old business
2nd reading of Bill #39, Finance Policy, (Attachment 1 w/o Addendum A/B) by Secretary Hansen.
Reading of the referral from the Executive Committee of do pass with no amendments by
Secretary Hansen.
Senator Appelhans moved to pass Bill #39, seconded by Senator Ogden.
No discussion. Motion passed with one abstention from Proxy Marvin Perry.
New business
Senator Ogden moved to confirm Ben Marks, Residence Life and Dining, to seat #12. Second
from Senator Dockter. Motion passed.
1st reading of Resolution #198, Staff Salary Consideration for UW Administration, (Attachment
2) by Secretary Hansen.
1st reading of Resolution #199, Revision #7 to University Regulation 1-34, (Attachment 3) by
Secretary Hansen.
Senator Appelhans moved to suspend the rules to not read addendum A. Senator LeJambre
second. Discussion. Motion passed.
Senator Frank moved to suspend the rules to vote. Seconded by Senator Nordmann. No
discussion. Motion passed.
Senator McMicheal moved to pass Resolution #199, Senator Ogden seconded. Discussion and
summary of changes.
Senator Appelhans moved to amend section 4, subsection B. Ogden seconded. Discussion.
Motion passed.
Senator Appelhans moved to amend to remove section 5, subsection C. Senator Dockter
seconded. Discussion. Motion passed. Senator LeJambre opposed.
No further discussion. Motion passed.
Liaison reports
ASUW Representative: Senator Applehans has emailed the newly elected President and Vice
President to continue lunch meetings in place of a Senator going to the regularly scheduled
ASUW meeting.
Faculty Senate: President Lane stated that on April 25, 2011, the Salary Committee will be
reporting with a 20 page white paper in its first draft.
Committee Reports
Communications Committee: Senator Appelhans recommended seeing the full report.
View full report: Attachment 4
The next meeting will be 4/19/11 from 11:00 am – noon in the Union Skylight Lounge.
Compensation Committee: Senator Byers reported that the meeting will be moved.
The next meeting will be 4/27/11 from 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm in Coe Library, room 504.
Credentials and Elections Committee: Senator Nordmann reported the committee will start rewriting the Rules and Procedures for the committee rather than create a Resolution. She has
not met with the committee, but will send out the changes. She reminded Senators to
encourage constituents to become Senators and to watch for an email for officer elections.
Finances Committee: Senator Dockter recommended seeing the full report.
View full report: Attachment 5
Recognition Committee: Senator Gerharter reminded everyone that the 30th Annual Staff
Recognition Day is 10am-noon April 20, 2011. She passed a sign-up sheet for volunteers, gave
descriptions, announced flyers to recruit Senators are available, WyoCast will have a live stream
for those who cannot attend the event, reminder of raffle tickets sales and Senators can get
more from President Lane, also wear your Staff Senator name tag at the event. She thanked
Senator Patterson for the photo PowerPoint.
The next meeting will be 4/14/11 from 1:00 - 2:00 pm in Knight Hall, room 228.
An additional meeting will be 4/20/11 from 1:00 - 2:00, location TBA.
President Lane recognized the individual in the Peanut Gallery. He did not want to address the Senate,
but works in the Union and wanted to come listen for informational purposes.
Open Forum
A brief open forum followed the regular business of the Staff Senate.
The Daycare Committee has met twice and will be sending a survey for anyone to complete
including those who do not have kids, those who do, and those whose children are in/out of
preschool. They want to know what people’s experience has been particularly with availability
(waitlist, days/times), quality, and price.
The meeting was adjourned at 3:09 pm by President Lane.
Respectfully submitted by Winter Hansen, Secretary, and Lou Ann Chakmakian
Attachment 1.1
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Attachment 1.2
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Attachment 1.3
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Attachment 1.4
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Attachment 1.5
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Attachment 1.6
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Attachment 2.1
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Attachment 2.2
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Attachment 2.3
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Attachment 3.1
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Attachment 3.2
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Attachment 3.3
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Attachment 3.4
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Attachment 3.5
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Attachment 3.6
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Attachment 3.7
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Attachment 4
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Attachment 5.1
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Attachment 5.2
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