Staff Senate Full Senate Meeting March 9, 2011 Senate Chambers

Staff Senate
Full Senate Meeting
March 9, 2011
Senate Chambers
The meeting was called to order at 1:18 p.m. by President Lane. A quorum was present.
Roll Call
Guests: Laura Alexander, Associate Vice President of Human Resources, and Ryan Lance,
Special Assistant to the President
Senators Present: Aimee Appelhans, Rebecca Ashley, Ginny Becker, Beverly Bell,
Bonnie Botello, Cyndi Cowardin, Mark Davidson, Lori Dockter, Cheri Frank, Tonya
Gerharter, Winter Hansen, Carolyn Herman, Stacy Lane, Jamie LeJambre, James Logue,
Kelly McMicheal, Katie Ogden, Thyra Page, Heather Patterson, Jauque Schuman, Tod
Scott, Linda Waggener, Maureena Walker, Kathi Zubrod
Senators Absent: Christi Byers, Al Emmons, Farrell Graf, David McCoy, Christy
Proxies: Burmma Hardy for Christy Byers, Benjamin Marks for David McCoy
Approval of Minutes and Agenda
A motion to approve the February minutes was made and seconded by Burmma Hardy and
Senator McMichael. Motion passed. One abstention, Senator LeJambre.
A motion was made by Senator McMicheal to approve the March agenda, second by Senator
Applehans. Motion passed.
Administrative Reports
Associate Vice President of Human Resources, Laura Alexander, informed Senate about
HR vacancies and other promotions. Independent contractor determinations previously made
in Procurement are going to be with Taimi Kuiva in HR. Decisions may not be the same going
forward as in past, but they will not going to go back and change past decisions. The IRS audits
these situations because the independent contractors don’t pay federal taxes; therefore,
determinations are made about the contractors so there aren’t misclassified employees. An
example would be that a UW employee can teach a class, such as Zumba, as long as it is not in
the duties of their core job. Some things considered during the determination of if they are an
independent contractor may include: do they have client list, own tools, etc.
Burmma Hardy inquired about the salary range matrix. VP Alexander stated it is under
Salary and Compensation and with the redesign of the website, which has led to redesign of
tables, posting of the matrix is taking time.
Burmma Hardy also asked who the staff compared to on the salary matrix. VP Alexander
responded that the measure is against market. Ranges have not been reviewed for a number of
years, following the overhaul of Classification and Compenation and manager staff, a primary
goal of the new manager is to start reviewing ranges in comparison of the external market and
how competitive it will be to maintain. Currently, midpoint of salary ranges are compared to
the market average (ie. Accountant) and differences to close that gap. This is likely a multiyear
process, if salary ranges move up and people are close to minimum they may drop out and
need an increase.
Senator Walker asked if faculty salaries are part of this also or if a whole different piece.
VP Alexander responded that HR is not currently reviewing Faculty, but that the process is
completed through Academic Affairs. HR uses staff local, regional and national surveys. There
are different surveys for different groups and jobs, and these surveys are more complex than
faculty surveys.
Senator LeJambre inquired about progress on the evaluation resolution. VP Alexander
was under the assumption that it was done but her or Mary Petroski will report back next
Senator Appelhans wondered if there are plans for feedback from supervisors and staff
on the new Performance Management system. VP Alexander explained that she has received
anecdotal feedback that people love it, it’s easy and meatier, but a formal survey has not been
completed. With excitement she remarked that next year will be landmark because of the
population into the form and electronic signature workflow. She last mentioned that if HR
receives common feedback from around divisions they can change the form.
Ryan Lance, Special Assistant to the President, passed out a handout of issues tracked
during session. (Attachment 1)
Salaries in relation to UW block grant: The previous governor had put in a $5.5 million
recommendation for continued appropriations and a onetime $2.45 million recommendation.
Governor Mead rejected the recommendation. State employees received a 2-3% increase,
when K-12, community college and UW did not receive. However, UW a $6 million increase for
employer paid health insurance. Ryan stated it is important for UW to pursue studies for a
comparable market and determine the applicability of state employees compared to UW.
Interim discussions’ focus will be about accountability, with a budget footnote tied to student
retention and graduation rates. Ryan continued to highlight topics in the handout
Senator LeJambre questioned what the strategy may be since there seems to be a sense
with the legislation that passed and that the governor has spoke against the UW block grant
concerning changing to an itemized agency. Ryan expreseed that the block grant is a concern of
theirs, during the joint appropriation discussion of externalizing some things from the block
grant would create some problems with administration. Higher education institutions don’t
want to change academic rigor and independence, conservative leadership has been helpful for
needs of the university. Governor Fruedenthal had very clear suggestions in terms of bringing
salaries up to 93% of market. UW should push for comparable market benchmarks, and not out
price K-12 and/or community colleges.
President Lane had a concern of the evaluation form being different between agencies to get
merit increases in pay. Ryan suggested that there is a notion that the Governor would like to
see a unified approach, even with different structures and evaluating tools. UW should set a
clear directive to develop a good system.
Ryan also suggested that UW create a fair set of comparators and get up to market, then build a
system to rely on cost of living increase and move to merit. When writing a resolution he
recommended engaging on the question of employee evaluations because it may play a big role
with the joint appropriations committee.
President Lane inquired how much longer Ryan will be on campus. He responded until the 22nd
of March. Ryan concluded that although UW did not get salary increases, other items that
received government appropriations will better the institution.
Officer reports
President: President Lane informed Senators that on Friday, May 11th, 11am-12:30pm, in A&S
139, Simpson Lounge, there will be a meeting for a resolution on recommendations of salaries
for April to report to the Board of Trustees. She is working with Faculty Senate and both
senates want to be similar. Instructions on Office Communicator where attached to the agenda.
Staff Recognition day is coming up, mark your calendar to volunteer. Brown Bag Luncheon is
scheduled for March 22 @ noon in the President’s board room. Employee of the Quarter
deadline is this Friday, staff recognition awards are due on March 18th. Cindy Price, Faculty
Senate President, has created an adhoc committee for daycare concerns and the needs of
staff/faculty. Lou Anne will be out Tuesday through Friday next week. President Lane will be out
Monday through Friday, March 14-18, 2011.
Vice President: Vice President Frank will also be out of the office Monday through Friday,
March 14-18, 2011. The Staff Senate Retreat will be May 18th. She is checking on facilities and
plans to have a similar agenda as last year (review of Rules & Procedures, lunch, activity likely
to be Strengths Quest, hour for committees). All senators who have not taken Strengths Quest
will get a code to complete it before the retreat. Senator Applehans added that 380 labels for
education, 1814 Box Tops on main campus, and 160 Box Tops from outreach (minus Gillette),
were collected; raising almost $200 for 9 schools in the Albany County area.
Budget Officer: No report.
Old business
2nd reading of Resolution #197 (Attachment 2 w/o Addendum B) by Secretary Hansen.
Reading of the referral from the Executive Committee (Attachment 3) by Secretary Hansen.
Discussion ensued.
Motion to table the current discussion was made by Senator Walker, seconded by Senator
Botello. Motion passed with opposition by Senators Appelhans and Ogden.
Motion to change the agenda to confirm prospects of 2 new senators was made by Senator
Patterson, seconded by Senator Logue. Motion passed with opposition by Senators Appelhans,
Ogden, and McMicheal and an abstention by Senator LeJambre.
Confirm David Bluemel, Office of the Registrar, to seat #18. Passed.
Confirm Aneesa McDonald, VP for Academic Affairs, to seat #37. Passed.
Motion to untable Resolution #197 was made and seconded by senators McDonald and Walker.
There was no further discussion.
Senator Ogden called to question.
Motion to pass Resoluction #197 with amendments from the executive committee was made
and seconded by senators Logue and Appelhans. Motion passed.
New business
1st reading of Bill #39, Finance Policy, (Attachment 4 w/o Addendum B) by Secretary Hansen.
Motion to suspend the rules to not read Addendum B was made and seconded by Senators
Appelhans and Ogden. Motion passed.
Liaison reports
ASUW Representative: Senator Applehans does not have a report at this time but mentioned
that, they completed a resolution to close campus when the wind-chill is -30F.
Faculty Senate: President Lane reported that Senator Gerharter attended the meeting and did a
Staff Recognition Day update.
Committee Reports
Communications Committee: Senator Appelhans has no report. The flyer for recruitment and
the staff senate email template will be discussed at the next meeting. Please email suggestions
for the design template.
The next meeting will be 3/15/11 from 11:00 am – noon in the Union Skylight Lounge.
Compensation Committee: Senator Byers is absent.
The next meeting will be 3/16/11 from 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm in Coe Library, room 504.
Credentials and Elections Committee: Senator Nordmann is absent.
Finances Committee: Senator Dockter will be scheduling a meeting.
Recognition Committee: Senator Gerharter. Ramping up and getting close. Need help with
getting the word out about the opportunity to vote, campus wide. 86 votes at the last count. All
awards are open for nomination until the 18th. Pete Simpson award is for Senators and deadline
the 18th. Discussion of entertainment, would any talented staff want to perform, email ideas to
Senator Gerharter. Plans to stream a video to Outreach or those not able to make it to the
event. President Lane EG Meyers awards were increased from 1000 to 1500, the bike has been
purchased and tickets will be given to senators to sell beforehand. LouAnne, do you have
nominations for each award yet? Tonya, a couple with no nominations. Senator Martin was
keeping track of those, will need to get those numbers from her. Plaques were made for award
winners instead of framed certificates.
The next meeting will be 3/16/11 from 1:00 - 2:00 pm in Knight Hall, room 228.
View full report: Attachment 5
Senator Ogden moved to confirm Senator McDonald to the adhoc committee with Faculty
Senate regarding childcare issues. Senator Dockter seconded. Motion passed.
Open Forum
A brief open forum followed the regular business of the Staff Senate.
The meeting was adjourned at 3:06 pm by President Lane.
Respectfully submitted by Winter Hansen, Secretary, and Lou Ann Chakmakian
Attachment 1.1
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Attachment 1.2
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Attachment 1.3
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Attachment 1.4
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Attachment 2
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Attachment 3
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Attachment 4.1
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Attachment 4.2
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Attachment 4.3
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Attachment 4.4
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Attachment 4.5
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Attachment 4.6
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Attachment 5.1
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Attachment 5.2
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