AIM: How has its role grown in American politics? What comes to mind when you hear the word “bureaucracy”? Why is the bureaucracy considered the 4th branch of government? Definition: large complex organization composed of appointed officials with authority divided among several managers. DISTINCTIVENESS OF THE AMERICAN BUREAUCRACY President and Congress exert influence Most agencies share functions with related agencies (local and state) “Adversary Culture” – challenge authority of the bureaucracy More active in regulation of economy (prefer regulation to ownership) GROWTH OF BUREAUCRACY Not mentioned in Constitution Developed out of necessity Grown enormously since 1930s Officials appointed by President; confirmed by the Senate Removed by President alone APPOINTMENT OF OFFICIALS Balance ideology, character, fitness, and partisanship John Adams “every appointment creates one ingrate and 10 enemies” Patronage – not necessarily competency (spoils system, loyalty) Civil service reform movement – after Civil War (Progressive Era) 1883 – Pendleton Act Service Role 1861 – 1901 – new agencies created Deal with particular sectors of society and economy (farmers, labor, business, veterans) Role was to serve not regulate Reflect importance of limited government (laissez-faire) Wars have contributed to build-up of bureaucracy (reindeer story) Aim: How does the federal bureaucracy impact American government and politics? Do Now: 1. Why is bureaucracy considered a 4th branch of government? 2. How is American bureaucracy distinctive (what sets it apart from most other countries)? 3. What two events are responsible for the greatest growth of the federal bureaucracy? CHANGE IN ROLE 2 events key to today’s bureaucracy Great Depression and WWII Change in public attitude and constitutional interpretation Active role in dealing with economic and social problems (more regulation) THE FEDERAL BUREAUCRACY TODAY What is “discretionary authority”? The ability to choose courses of action and to make policies that are not spelled out in advance by laws Power of bureaucracy has grown enormously Congress has delegated substantial authority -paying subsidies -grants-in-aid -devising and enforcing regulations Aim: How does the federal bureaucracy impact American government and politics? Do Now: What is meant by “discretionary authority”? Identify/explain two reasons why Congress gives federal agencies policy-making discretion in executing federal laws. FOUR FACTORS THAT EXPLAIN BEHAVIOR OF OFFICIALS Recruitment and Retention Personal attributes Nature of Job Constraints (external forces) WHY SO MANY CONSTRAINTS ON BUREAUCRATIC BEHAVIOR? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Executive branch superiors President’s staff Congressional committees (chairs) Interest groups Media Courts Rival agencies WHAT IS THE “IRON TRIANGLE”? Relationship between and agency, a Congressional committee, and an interest group Example: Department of Veterans Affairs, House/Senate Committee on Veteran Affairs, and Veterans Organizations Less common than in the past Agencies influenced by several competing interests (issue networks) PATHOLOGIES 5 MAJOR PROBLEMS WITH BUREAUCRACIES 1. Red Tape 2. Conflict 3. Duplication 4. Imperialism 5. Waste *Everybody complains in general but not about specific agencies deemed desirable Aim: How does the federal bureaucracy impact American government and politics? Do Now: 1. What is meant by the “iron triangle”? 2. What leverage exists between the interest group and a congressional committee? 3. What leverage exists between a congressional committee and a bureaucratic agency? 4. Why is the agency considered a “captured agency”? 5. Why do some political scientists suggest the “iron triangle” is an outmoded concept? REFORM *Every administration says they will reform, in one way or another, the federal bureaucracy Grace Commission (1980s) NPR (National Performance Review – 1990s) Homeland Security Department Bottom-line……..GOOD LUCK!! WHAT IS CONGRESSIONAL OVERSIGHT? Agency supervision by Congress Creations of Congress Authorization Appropriations Personnel control Audit Investigations How effective is Congress in conducting oversight? SUMMARY: What is distinctive about American bureaucracy? Why is bureaucracy considered by many to be our 4th branch of government? What is meant by ‘discretionary authority”? 1. 2. 3. 4. How has “discretionary authority” contributed to the rise of bureaucracy in American government? What two 20th century events have contributed most to the growth of the federal bureaucracy? Why so many constraints on bureaucratic action? What is meant by “Congressional Oversight”? Is it used effectively?