488-9751 x5123
Tests/Quizzes = 50% Essays/Projects = 30% Class Participation = 10% Homework = 10%
Students will be required to read at home.
Students must come to class prepared with the appropriate novels, a pen, and a notebook.
All presentations and projects will be graded individually.
Novels Project
This project will also produce a presentation grade, which may function as a quiz .
Course Intro
Literary Criticism
The Little Prince , Antoine St. Exupery + Essay Test
Slaughterhouse Five , Kurt Vonnegut (in Seven Contemporary Novels) + Test or Essay o 1. Each work of literature will incorporate at least 1group activity, which will earn students a presentation grade, which will count toward class participation . o 2. Additionally, reading quizzes may periodically be given during the reading of the various works.
Homework notes will be collected and graded on the day of the test/essay for each work of literature completed. Reading journals may also be collected and graded. The points will be calculated as HW.
Sula or The Bluest Eye , Toni Morrison + Test
The Help or a graphic novel TBD + Test o 1. Each work of literature will incorporate at least 1group activity, which will earn students a presentation grade, which will count toward class participation . o 2. Additionally, reading quizzes may periodically be given during the reading of the various works.
Homework notes will be collected and graded on the day of the test/essay for each work of literature completed, UNLESS IT IS NOT BEING DONE. THEN I WILL CHECK IT EVERY DAY.
Reading journals may also be collected and graded. The points will be calculated as HW points.
Work missed due to absence must be made up. It is the responsibility of each senior to obtain and complete all missed work : class work, homework, assignments, tests, quizzes, projects, and presentations, and to see that they are made up in the time allotted by the district policy. Failure to complete make-up work in the prescribed district policy time will result in a lowered grade, which may result in a failing grade for the marking period or semester.
Attendance and participation are integral and important components of learning. Please remember that the
Modern Novels course is a HALF-YEAR course. As such, the district attendance policy clearly states that students may be withdrawn after 12 absences.
I have read the above and understand what I must do to be successful in English .
Senior Signature Parent/Guardian Signature