A View from the Bridge Act II Study Guide

A View from the Bridge
Study Guide Questions
Alfieri’s Prologue
1. What does Alfieri’s speech tell us about what has happened since we last saw the family?
2. What information does it give us about what we’re to see next?
Catherine and Rodolpho Talk
1. Why does Catherine question Rodolpho about going back to Italy? What is her ulterior motive
in asking?
2. What are Rodolpho’s true intentions?
3. How does Rodolpho view Catherine’s relationship with Eddie? What advice does he give her?
4. What sort of relationship do Catherine and Rodolpho have?
5. How is their relationship different from that of Eddie and Beatrice?
Eddie’s Violent Arrival
1. Eddie arrives home, drunk, while Catherine and Rodolpho are making love. How does he react
to stumbling upon this?
2. What evidence can you find in the stage directions and speech that highlights
a. Eddie’s emotions
b. Catherine’s emotions
c. Rodolpho’s emotions
Eddie Consults Alfieri Again
1. Why does Eddie return to Alfieri for advice a second time?
2. How does Alfieri regard this second encounter, in hindsight?
3. What does this tell us about what will happen next?
4. How does Miller build the sense of doom in this scene?
5. What advice does Alfieri give to Eddie?
3. Has this changed since the last time they spoke?
4. What is Eddie’s tragic flaw?
Eddie’s Secret Phone Call
1. What does Eddie do to try and remedy his Rodolpho problem?
2. Do you think it will work?
3. What does this tell us about his character?
4. How has Eddie changed, since the arrival of the two Italian men?
His Conversation with Beatrice
1. How does Eddie react to the news that Catherine and Rodolpho have moved upstairs?
2. What state of mind is Beatrice in? How does she feel about how things have turned out?
3. What does Eddie say about the problem that exists in his own marriage?
Catherine’s Cold Reaction to Eddie
1. How would you direct Catherine to speak the lines in which she invites Eddie to the wedding?
2. How has Catherine’s attitude towards Eddie changed?
3. Do you feel any sympathy for Eddie at this point? Why or why not?
Eddie’s Realization
1. Why is Eddie concerned when he hears about Lipari’s nephew boarding upstairs?
2. What is running through Eddie’s mind, as he starts to frantically reason with Beatrice?
3. How do you think he feels when he hears the knock at the door?
Immigration Arrives
1. Look at the ways Beatrice and Catherine react to realizing Immigration is at the door. Do you
think they suspect what has happened?
2. How does Marco implicate Eddie? What does this mean for Eddie’s future?
3. How does the family view Eddie after the officers take the Italians?
4. How does the community view Eddie after the officers take the Italians?
Coming Full Circle
1. Why did Miller include the story about Vinny Bolzano? What was he preparing the audience
2. How does the theme of justice and the community play out?
3. How do you suspect Eddie will be treated by the community now?
Alfieri Speaks with the Boys
1. What does Alfieri want Marco to promise?
2. Why does Marco refuse to make the promise? What does this say about his character?
3. How is the concept of ‘the law’ different to Marco?
4. How does the advice Alfieri gives to Marco echo that given to Eddie?
5. Why does Alfieri repeat that ‘only God’ can make justice?
6. How has Catherine’s view of Eddie changed? Marco’s? Rodolpho’s? Alfieri’s?
The Fatal Ending
1. What do you think of Eddie’s reaction to Catherine’s wedding?
2. Why does Beatrice let him get away with acting childish?
3. Why does Rodolpho try to make peace with Eddie?
4. How does Eddie react to Beatrice’s accusation?
5. How is Eddie’s vehemence towards Marco a sign of dramatic irony?
1. Why is Eddie’s death significant? What does is symbolize?
2. How does Eddie’s character change in the final stages of the play? Look specifically at his
language and the way he talks.
3. Why do you think Miller did this?