Student Performance and Course Criteria Contract Sewanhaka High School Math 8 Enrichment Ms. Cesare (516)488-9626 _________________________________________________________________________________________ TO: PARENT/GUARDIAN AND STUDENT ____________________________ will begin this contract on this date ________________ to help in assuring his/her success for the 2015-2016 school year in their mathematics class. TO BE SUCCESSFUL IN MATHEMATICS THIS YEAR: 1. YOU WILL NEED A section in your binder Pens and pencils A calculator: We will be using TI-30XII scientific calculator in class, but any scientific calculator is acceptable. After the assessment test in May, students will learn how to use the graphing calculator needed for Algebra CC next year. 2. YOU MUST BE RESPONSIBLE FOR Taking notes in class and maintaining an organized notebook. Making up work missed due to absence in a timely manner. It is the student’s responsibility to find out from the teacher what work has been missed and to see that it is completed. Attending Assessment Prep classes before or after school. Attending extra help classes when you need help with a topic. 3. CLASSROOM POLICIES This class is mandated by the NYS Department of Education. Its goal is to improve student’s work in arithmetic fundamentals to prepare them for their Assessment exam. Grades: Tests, assignments, and classwork grades will be averaged and used by your Mathematics 8 teacher as a test grade when computing your grade in Mathematics 8. The Assessment exam will have both calculator and non-calculator sections. Students must know how to do problems with and without the use of a calculator. Your grade in this class and in Mathematics 8 will determine your placement for next year. By signing this, all parties agree to the terms in the document and will follow accordingly. __________________________________ Student Signature __________________________________ Parent/Guardian Phone Number __________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature __________________________________ Parent/Guardian Email Address I look forward to working with all of you! Together we can make this a fun and successful school year! “You learn math by doing math.”