STUDENT'S NAME (print)_____________________________________________ TEACHER'S NAME: Mrs. Francis FLORAL PARK MEMORIAL HIGH SCHOOL SOCIAL STUDIES DEPARTMENT GRADE EXPECTATIONS Please read the grade expectation sheet and sign your name on the lines provided below. If you wish to ask any question about this information, please feel free to call the social studies office at 488-9331. Course title: Contemporary World Issues/Model United Nations Office phone: 516-488-9331 Best time to call: 6:30-7:00 am. Extra Help period: 2 and 3 Voice Mail: 6531 Notebook: A blue, three-ring looseleaf notebook is required in class everyday. Homework: Homework will be assigned four times per week and will include: Makeup work: Work missed due to absence must be made up. It is the responsibility of each student to obtain and complete all missed classwork, homework, assignments, quizzes and tests and to see that they are completely made up in a timely manner. Failure to complete makeup work within a prescribed time may result in a lowered or failing grade. Attendance and participation are integral and important parts of learning. Projects: Type: Country papers, position papers Report card grade formula guidelines: This class is predominantly performance-based and research driven. Research and presentation projects are equivalent to a test grade. Independent Research: Tests/committee topics/ country papers/ position papers/ daily current events Presentations: planned and spontaneous speeches Participation: use of parliamentary procedure/caucusing/resolution writing Notebook: neatly organized/all handouts kept and sections 40% 30% 20% 10% OTHER: 1. If the student is legally absent for a test, the student is responsible for making up the test during his/her free periods in a timely manner. If the student does not make up the test within the prescribed time, the student will receive a zero for the test. 2. Students are expected to come to class each day fully prepared. This includes a notebook binder, agenda book, working pen or pencil, textbook, and their previous night's homework (when applicable). I have read this entire sheet: ________________________________ Student signature _________________________________ Parent signature Home phone______________________ Work/emergency/phone_______________