STUDENT'S NAME (print)_____________________________________________ TEACHER'S NAME: Mrs. Belesis________________________________________ FLORAL PARK MEMORIAL HIGH SCHOOL SOCIAL STUDIES DEPARTMENT GRADE EXPECTATIONS Economics Participation in Government Please read the grade expectation sheet and sign your name on the lines provided below. If you wish to ask any question about this information, please feel free to call the social studies office at 488-9331. Course titles: Economics Participation in Government Textbook names: _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ Office phone: 516-488-9331 Best time to call: _____________________________ Email is preferred: Extra Help period: ____________________________ Voice Mail Number: 516-488-9751, listen to directions, then dial_6584_ ****************************************************************************************** Notebook: A blue, three ring looseleaf notebook is required in class everyday. Make-up work: Work missed due to absence must be made up. It is the responsibility of each student to obtain and complete all missed class work, homework, assignments, quizzes and tests and to see that they are completely made up in a timely manner. Failure to complete makeup work within a prescribed time may result in a lowered or failing grade. Attendance and participation are integral and important parts of learning. Projects: 1. 2. 3. 4. All projects will be graded individually. They will be worth no more than one test grade. A grading rubric will accompany every project. Each project will have: a. Specific due dates b. Late due dates (ten points will be deducted for each day the project is late. There will be no deductions for legal absences.) Homework: Homework can be made up within FIVE school days. Points will be deducted for each day the homework is late. It may not be accepted after five school days unless the student has been legally absent. Class Work and Participation: Students are expected to be prepared, act appropriately, and actively participate in class each day (Turn Over) Report card grade formula guidelines: TESTS/ QUIZZES/ PROJECTS : 70% HOMEWORK: 10 % CLASS WORK AND PARTICIPATION: 20 % OTHER: 1. Late homework (after five days) will not be accepted for credit unless the student is legally absent or it has been determined by the teacher that unusual circumstances exist. If the student is legally absent for a test, the student is responsible for making up the test during his/her free periods in a timely manner. If the student does not make up the test within the prescribed time, the student may receive a zero for the test. 2. Students are expected to come to class each day fully prepared. This includes a notebook binder, agenda book, working pen or pencil, textbook, and their previous night's homework (when applicable). They are also expected to participate in class discussions. All of this will count towards the students' class participation grade. 3. A students is considered "on time" if they are in their seats with their notebook open when the bell rings. 4. Students are expected to obtain the teacher's approval prior to attending any scheduled or unscheduled appointments with other school staff members. Failure to do this may result in following of the cut or lateness procedures. 5. When students are absent: They are expected to make up all work due to their absences. It is the responsibility of the students to ask the teacher or other students for the missed assignments/work. Missed work must be made up in a timely manner. I have read this entire sheet: __________________________________ Student signature _______________________________________ Parent signature Home phone_______________________ Work/emergency phone______________________