Mr. Keeshan (516) 488-9223 Grading Criteria English 12RX 2014-2015 Welcome to English 12RX. I hope everyone is recharged and reenergized after a beautiful summer. I am looking forward to a magnificent school year. English 12RX will encompass a great deal of literature, grammar, writing and other aspects of English. You will write a personal essay and a research paper, which are mandatory for the completion of English 12RX. The classroom setting will be upbeat and energetic. The ultimate goal is to prepare you in the language arts for life after high school Respect: One word can sum up what I expect from each and every participant in the class: RESPECT-respect yourself by being the best person you can be! Respect others, by treating each and every person the way you would like to be treated. Remember, Respect is Reciprocal. Behavior: Students are expected to act in a mature, studious manner. This does not mean that students cannot have fun, nor does it mean students must always be perfect. What it means is: ALL STUDENTS MUST ALWAYS BE RESPECTFUL to other students, teachers and staff members of the school!!!! Passes: Only one pass will be given out at a time. Students are to ask permission to leave the room. (i.e. bathroom, water fountain, nurse etc.) Seating: Students are to sit in their assigned seats unless directed otherwise. Hands Up: Students must raise their hands to answer questions (no cat-calling), to ask to use the bathroom etc. When a student has raised his/her hand everyone should be listening to the student. When someone is speaking everyone else in the room is listening. Homework/classwork counts a large part of one’s grade. Lateness: Students that are late will receive a detention slip from me. If you have an excuse, please wait until the end of the period to discuss why you were late; otherwise you will automatically serve detention. School rules: All school rules will be enforced in this classroom (i.e. hats, cell phones, etc.). Homework: Homework will be graded just like a quiz. If a student misses a homework assignment, he/she will receive a zero. If a student misses a second homework, the teacher and student will have a discussion and the student must make up the work after school. If a student misses three homework assignments a parent contact will be made, each and every time to follow as well. Class participation will greatly reduce the amount of homework you must complete. Class work: The work you do in class will be graded based on your; note-taking skills, in-class worksheets, group work and overall participation. As a student in this class, you must bring in an English binder and the required textbook every day. In addition, you are expected to be prepared with pens and pencils every time you enter the classroom. Grading: Tests/Projects= 50% Quizzes = 30% Homework/Class Participation = 20% Tests/Projects/Research Paper = 50% Tests consist of full period exams. This grade will also incorporate student’s writing folder. The writing folder will contain essays, articles and other various works that the student will write during the semester. In addition student s will be graded quarterly term projects. Quizzes = 30% The quiz grade will be comprised of announced quiz grades and unannounced quiz grades. It will also be comprised of some in-class assignments and homework assignments. Homework/Class Participation = 20% Homework and class participation will be counted together. Homework will be graded on a 1-10 basis. 11 homework grades will be added to equal one grade. This method provides students an opportunity to achieve a maximum grade of 110%. Participation grades will consist of in-class assignments, group work, preparedness, attendance and overall attitude. Attitude: Bring a positive attitude to the class and we will have a good experience. I, ___________________________________, have read and understand rules for English 12RX. (print name) Student Signature: __________________________________________ Date: __________ Parent/Guardian Signature: _________________________________________________