Comic Worksheet

Name: ___________________ Illustration & Design – Mr. Vedder
Comic Illustration Worksheet
1. List the first 5 comic characters that come to mind. List one attribute for each
character you believe to be important:
2. Analyze and list differences between the two characters on the board.
3. Analyze the human body and create a basic stick figure to form the main parts.
4. Draw the profile of your character.
5. Analyze on the two slides presented on the board. Describe why one scene flows
smoother than the other.
6. Draw four different styles of boxes that could be used in your comic:
7. Review the criteria and write a two-sentence evaluation on your comic book layout.
8. List two reasons why an illustrator would use a text box.
9. Draw the title of your comic book:
10. Write a word using a pencil and smudge it:
11. Name three aspects you must include in your comic book.
12. Draw two boxes, one inside the other, leave the interior box white a fill the rest
13. Describe two common shading techniques used in comic books.
14. Describe why you don’t want to use the pen and ink for the type in your comic book.
15. Self assess your illustration. Cite the challenges of the assignment.