More information.

--Scholarship for short-term study in Shanghai, China
The scholarship
Shanghai Normal University (SHNU), located in the metropolis Shanghai, is one of the strategic partner
universities of the University of Wyoming (UW). The UW College of Arts and Sciences received two
generous scholarships from the College of Life and Environmental Sciences at SHNU, to support two
UW students (one in Chemistry and one in Biology) to participate in short-term research projects at
SHNU. The details of the scholarship include:
Students will work in a research laboratory at SHNU for 1, or 2 months during summer,
2016). The laboratory and research project will be arranged by SHNU.
Each student will be paid RMB 5,000.00 Yuan/month (about $800.00). SHNU will also pay
for the hotel room during your stay in Shanghai.
Students are responsible for their own international travel.
Students who receive the SHNU scholarship are also eligible to apply for the Cheney scholarship
from the UW International Program Office, to cover part of the cost for their international travel.
Eligibility and Criteria:
The applicant must be a full time student at time of application.
Both undergraduate (at least sophomore) and graduate students are eligible to apply.
The applicant must have a cumulative GPA 3.0 or above at the time of application.
The applicant must be majoring in Chemistry or Biology at the time of application
(Biology is broadly defined and includes all areas of biology, such as Botany, Zoology, and
Preference will be given to student who had never been to China before.
No Chinese language skill is required.
In addition, recipients of the scholarship are required to submit a (no less than) one page report
after the travel.
Application Requirement:
1. Completion and submission of the application form (Page 3).
2. An essay no longer than 500 words describing 1). Why you are interested in this
scholarship; and 2). How the program will benefit your future education and/or career
3. A copy of your résumé.
4. A copy of your transcript (unofficial is acceptable).
5. Names and contact information of two referees, at least one of them must be a UW
faculty member in your major.
The following are testimonies from previous scholarship recipients.
“Before going to China I was worried because I didn’t speak the language, I didn’t
know anyone, and I really didn’t know what to expect. What I found when I got there far
exceeded my expectations. Everyone went out of their way to help me out, I learned a lot
about the culture, and I made tons of new friends. I wouldn’t change this experience for
the world.”
“Going abroad to China was a big culture shock for me at first, but after I settled in it
was a wonderful experience. The people who hosted me at SHNU made sure that I got a
good feel for the culture, and made sure I was as comfortable as possible.”
“My summer was complete because of the time I spent in Shanghai. I was able to
explore a culture, a language, and a location that opened my eyes to a fascinating
“My experience at SHNU was ideal for undergraduate research experience. I was a
student in a Chinese Graduate program performing techniques I had not performed yet
in my student career. I was asked to take part in research I had not had experience with
at the University of Wyoming. The foreign learning environment forced me to take
personal initiative and strides to overcome a language barrier. The difficulty in this
leads me to become a better student and communicator within a lab.”
“I was given outstanding resources from support at the University of Wyoming and
Shanghai Normal University to enjoy over one month in Shanghai being a student,
traveler, a new friend to many and an independent explorer. I am truly forever grateful
for what this opportunity offered me.”
Please contact Dr. Zhaojie Zhang ( or 766-3038) if you have further questions
about the scholarship.
Oversea Academic Experience at SHNU Scholarship
Application Form
Name: _____________________________________ W #: _________________________
E-Mail: ________________________________________
Local Address: ___________________________________________________________
Local Phone or Cell: ________________________________________
Degree you are currently seeking: BS __
BA __
MS __
PHD __
Major (s): ______________________________ Minor (s): ____________________________
Area of research area (for graduate student) _____________________________________
College hours completed to date: __________ Cumulative GPA: ____________
Expected Graduation Date: _________________________
Area of research you are interested at SHNU (not required to match your current research at
UW, if any) (See next page for available PIs/laboratories)
Would you like to apply for the UW Cheney scholarship for your international travel? If your
answer is “yes”, you will be asked to fill in a Cheney scholarship application after your SHNU
scholarship is granted.
Yes __
No __
Application must be submitted electronically to Dr. Zhaojie Zhang (
Application must be submitted before 5:00 PM on Friday, February 5th, 2016
Questions concerning the scholarship should be addressed to:
Dr. Zhaojie Zhang
Department of Zoology and Physiology
Phone: 307-766-3038