The November 3, 2015 meeting was called to order by Vice President Kath at 7:04 p.m. The Pledge of
Allegiance was recited, the mission statement was read and roll was taken with Senators Long and
Rotellini absent. The Director of Governmental Affairs Rogers was absent. The Ex-Officio’s from
Interfraternity Council, International Student Association, Non-Traditional Student Council and
Student Athlete Advisory Committee were absent.
The minutes of the October 27th meeting were approved as circulated.
Senator Hernandez moved to amend the Agenda by adding “The Swearing In of New Senators” after
Special Event.
Senator Maze moved to add under New Business, The Leadership Summit.
The agenda of November 3, 2015 was approved as amended.
There was no one in the gallery who wished to address the Senate.
Megan Degenfelder a former ASUW President spoke to the Senate about Cloud Peak Energy.
President Schueler reminded the Senators that the Leadership Summit is this Friday, it is a big deal,
and he encouraged everyone to come and come prepared. He also reminded the Senate that the Board
of Trustees will be discussing tuition increases November 17th and 18th.
Chief of Staff Cooley reminded the Senate that the ASUW Leadership Scholarships will be open on
November 6th and that the Chinese Ambassador Scholarship is coming up as well.
Director of Marketing Blazovich announced that ASUW will now have a Snapchat and Instagram,
please add them asuwgov
Director of Institutional Development Julian is working on the WyoVocal relaunch.
Freshman Senate announced that they will be canceling the November 25th meeting.
Staff Senate announced that Staff Recognition Day will be March 1st.
United Multicultural Council announced that Diversity Week is next week, be sure to check out all of
the events.
Program and Institutional Development reminded the Senate that the next meeting on November 9th at
4:30 in room 203 is for all program representatives.
ASTEC Ad-Hoc reminded the Senate that they need one more person to join the committee. Let
Executive Julian know if you are interested.
Senator Thomson-Lichty moved allocate $3,850 to Real Women, Real Bodies for Speak Like a Girl.
The motion passed with a 24-1.
Senate Resolution #2478: ASUW Acceptance of a Limited Tuition Increase for Fiscal Year 2017
Senator Hernandez moved to dispense the recommendation of Budget and Planning.
Senator Drake moved to adopt the Resolution.
Senator Wolfgang moved amend Addendum A to add tables from student survey to reflect the full
academic year tuition raise.
The motion passed.
Senator Maze moved amend line 22 to read “Although seemingly undesirable if taken at face value”
The motion passed.
Senator Maze moved to amend the Resolution by adding a therefore clause under line 32 “therefore
further resolved by the ASUW that the ASUW seek out and also encourage appropriate UW entities to
advertise tuition increase info and reasoning to UW student and continue to seek student input”
The amendment passed.
Senator Hanson moved to amend the Resolution by in line 27 striking 4% and line 28 adding a period
after acceptable.
The motion failed.
Senator Krell moved to make a friendly amendment to have line 24 read as: Therefore, be it resolved by
the Associated Students of the University of Wyoming (ASUW) student government.
Senator Maze moved to amend the Resolution by striking the last Therefore Clause from the Resolution.
The motion passed.
Senator Maze moved to amend the Resolution by in 27 to an increase of a onetime fee and line 30 to
read: “be it further resolved that the ASUW encourage the board of Trustees to continue to pursue
alternative options for funding increase.
Senator Maze moved to amend the amendment to read: The ASUW Student Government finds a
4% tuition increase as proposed by the University of Wyoming Board of Trustees acceptable on
a one time basis.
The amendment to the amendment passed.
Senator LaFaso moved to divide the question to include the Therefor Clause separately.
Both motions passed.
The Resolution failed 11-1-13.
Senate Resolution #2480: ASUW Support of the Preservation of Green Space and Historic Buildings on
the University of Wyoming Campus- First Reading
Senator Dominguez moved to adopt the Resolution with amendments.
Senator Dominguez moved the following friendly amendments:
In line 7: Removing al from historical
In line 13: Removing the – and Capitalizing T
In line 20: Replacing University of Wyoming with UW
In line 24: Removing “and” and “al” in historical
In line 26: adding (UW) after Wyoming.
In line 29: Replacing University of Wyoming with UW
In line 31: By replacing Wyoming with UW
The amendments passed.
Senator Dominguez moved to amend the Resolution by striking in line 23 from prioritize and changing
to consider, and in line 30 to strike prioritize and add an important consideration.
The motion passed.
The Resolution passed 25-0.
Senator of the Month Nominations:
Senator Hanson nominated Senator Drake
Senator Wolfgang nominated Senator Krell
Senator Thompson-Lichty nominated Senator Wolfgang
Senator Drake won Senator of the Month.
Student at Large of the Month Nominations:
Senator Hanson nominated Brooke Nisley
Senator Thompson-Lichty nominated Ben Wetzel
Senator Layden nominated Emily Davis
Executive Julian nominated Travis Wagman
Ben Wetzel won SAL of the Month.
Vice President Kath spoke to the Senate about expectations for the Leadership Summit.
After processing the meeting adjourned at 10:29p.m. The next regular meeting will be November 10th,
2015 at 7 p.m. in the Senate Chambers Union Room 221.
Danae Davis
ASUW Office Associate