Analysis of asymmetries in the African fruit bats Eldolon helvum and Rousettus egyptlacus (Mammalia: Megachiroptera) from the islands of the Gulf of Guinea. I. Variance and size components of bilateral variation J. JUS TE, C. L O’ PEZ-GON Z A’ LEZ & R. E. STRAUSS *Estacio n Biolo gica De Donaana (CSIC), Sevilla, 41080, Spain Departamento de Bioquimica y Biologia Molecular IV, Facultad de Veterinaria, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Madrid 28040, Spain Department o Biological Sciences, eeaas eech University, uubboc , e 9440431111, US Keywords: Abstract asymmetry; Eidolon helvum; fruit bats; Gulf of Guinea; Rousettus egyptiacus; three-dimensional coordinates; variance components. A set of cranial characters was examined in the fruit bats Rousettus egyptiacus and Eidolon helvum to compare trends and relative importance of major components of bilateral morphometric variation, and their relationship with character size. Using two-way, sides-by-individuals A N O V A , four components of variation were estimated for each bilateral variable: individual variation (I), directional asymmetry (DA), non-directional asymmetry (NDA) and measurement error (E). Both species exhibit similar major trends of variation in asymmetry across characters, as shown by principal component analysis, using variance components as variables. Degree of interspecific congruence among characters was confirmed by a two-way A N O V A with species and variance components as fixed factors. Congruence of asymmetry patterns between species suggests that the concept of population asymmetry parameter (PAP) could be extended to higher hierarchies. PAPs above the species level may result from common mechanisms or similar developmental constraints acting on species’ buffering capacities and morphological integration processes. Introduction The study of asymmetry is a subject of both theoretical and empirical interest for the implications it may have in subjects as varied as ecotoxicology, population genetics or sexual selection (Zakharov, 1990; Clarke, 1994; Møller & Thornhill, 1998; although see Simmons et al., 1999). Asymmetry patterns traditionally have been categorized into three main groups (Van Valen, 1962; Palmer, 1994). Fluctuating asymmetry (FA) refers to a pattern of bilateral variation in a population in which the sample is normally distributed with a mean of R—L values equal to zero (Palmer, 1994). Directional asymmetry (DA) occurs when the mean of asymmetry values differs significantly from zero, whereas antisymmetry (AA) is a pattern of bilateral variation in which statistically signifiCorrespondence: Dr Javier Juste, Estacio’ n Biolo’ gica de Don ana (CSIC), Avda M Luisa s/n, Sevilla 41013, Spain. Tel.: +34 954 23 23 40; fax: +34 954 62 11 25; e-mail: cant differences exist between sides, but the side that is larger varies randomly among individuals. Although DA and AA have been considered to be developmentally controlled and possibly adaptive, the specific processes producing these patterns remain a matter of discussion (Van Valen, 1962; Graham et al., 1993; Palmer et al., 1994; Rowe et al., 1997). In contrast, FA usually is considered to represent ‘developmental noise’, the result of random deviations from ideal symmetry (but see Emlen et al., 1993; Klingenberg & Nijhout, 1999). Although seemingly simple, in practice the study of bilateral variation as a measure of developmental noise has been laden with methodological concerns. This is due in part to the diversity of procedures that have been used to analyse asymmetry data, which sometimes obscured the meaning of results and made comparisons among studies nearly impossible. A potentially confounding factor when comparing asymmetry in terms of variances is size variation. A number of data transformations has been used to adjust for size (Palmer & Strobeck, 1986; Palmer, 1994), under the assumption that scaling does not reduce or eliminate desired information about variance patterns. However, arbitrary correction for presumed size effects may lead to spurious differences among samples (Palmer, 1994; Rowe et al., 1997). Another major methodological problem in interpreting patterns of bilateral variation is that more than one type of asymmetry may occur simultaneously in a population. When the focus of a study is to compare levels of developmental noise, DA and AA are considered to be nuisance factors that are better eliminated, since they may obscure the effect of FA (Palmer & Strobeck, 1986, 1992; Palmer et al., 1994). Nonetheless, ‘correction’ or elimination of characters with significant DA or AA may be unnecessary and even harmful, for these components might also reflect developmental instability (McKenzie & Clarke, 1988; Graham et al., 1993, 1998; Kraak, 1997). Measurement error is a third concern in asymmetry studies. Because differences in values of bilateral traits are usually small, and also because asymmetry analyses are comparisons of variances, error becomes a key issue (Palmer & Strobeck, 1986; Palmer, 1994; Merila” & Bjo” rklund, 1995). Differences in measurement technique or random measurement errors may lead to spurious, non-significant results when comparing FA levels (Jolicoeur, 1963; Palmer & Strobeck, 1986; Palmer, 1994). To account for these three, typically undesirable, sources of variation, Palmer & Strobeck (1986, 1992) proposed to test for significance of DA and error (E), prior to any FA analysis, by performing a two-way, mixed model A N O V A with repeated measurements on each side. This design allows for estimation of significance of these two factors, with the additional advantage of yielding an estimate of variance due to FA when AA is not present in the population. The importance of measurement error and size adjustment in asymmetry studies has been thoroughly addressed (Palmer & Strobeck, 1986; Merila” & Bjo” rklund, 1995; Bjo” rklund & Merila” , 1997) but, to our knowledge, the relative importance of DA and other non-directional asymmetries to the total variation among sides in a character has not been formally evaluated. Sorting out as many confounding sources of variation as possible from a sample of bilateral measurements should provide a better resolution for the FA signal. Furthermore, considering a multivariate set of bilateral measurements in which most extraneous sources of variation have been partitioned out should allow for a more accurate description of FA patterns, which in turn will allow for examination of trends of variation across populations. We report the analysis of a multivariate set of bilateral morphometric characters from two morphologically similar species of African fruit bats (Rousettus egyptiacus and Eidolon helvum). Using a highly precise system, measurements were taken across the three dimensions and all areas of the skull, measurements were submitted to sides- by-individuals two-way A N O V A (Palmer & Strobeck, 1986). Relative magnitudes of components of bilateral variation of a set of measurements (individual variation, directional asymmetry, non-directional asymmetry and measurement error) were assessed and compared, and their interrelationships evaluated, by analysing them in a multivariate fashion. We assessed statistical significance of these components once the size effect is eliminated, and evaluated the degree of interspecific congruence of asymmetries after other sources of variation are accounted for. Materials and methods Morphological measurements A set 82 homologous cranial landmarks was defined on bone sutures, foramina and inflection points along the edges of cranial structures (Fig. 1) on skulls of the two species of fruit bats (31 E. helvum and 30 R. egyptiacus). Dental landmarks were set on the bone (at the edge of the alveoli) to avoid variation due to differential toothwear. To facilitate repeatability, each landmark was gently marked in pencil on the surface of the bone, under 20x magnification, before being recorded. Threedimensional coordinates of landmarks were digitized using a 3-D Reflex Microscope (Reflex Measurement Ltd, Butleigh, UK). This is a highly precise, non-contact instrument that uses a small light spot to digitize coordinates in any position within a magnified field. The microscope was periodically recalibrated to ensure a linear scale error of less than 30 4m over 100 mm in the a-axis (MacLarnon, 1989). Landmarks were collected under a 20x magnification lens from four different aspects, and thus the skull was rotated three times to attain the complete data collection. Four ‘reference points’ (Fig. 2), visible in two sequential views and located separated over the skull’s surface, allowed the shift of the complete set of coordinates from one view to the next without distorting the shape or scale of the observations. Amount of error due to the new digitizing of the four reference landmarks was evaluated after each shift, and the whole transformation was discarded, and the digitizing process restarted, if the greatest error of any of the four reference points was larger than 0.1 mm in any direction. All landmarks were recorded by a single individual (J.J.), and were taken without reference to prior values. Coordinates were converted to 57 pairs of Euclidian distances between selected pairs of homologous landmarks on the left and right sides of the skull (Fig. 2). In addition, five landmarks were taken along the mid-plane of the skull, and 18 other points (‘pseudo-landmarks’) were calculated as the mid-points for each of 18 pairs of left and right homologous landmarks. These 23 landmarks and pseudo-landmarks were used to define the best-fit (least-squares) midsagittal plane on each skull. Offset distances from 17 pairs of bilateral landmarks to Fig. 1 Landmark points selected for the analysis of asymmetry on skull and mandible of the African fruitbats Rousettus egyptiacus and Eidolon helvum. the midplane were then calculated and included as characters in the asymmetry analysis. Including the latter, a total of 74 pairs of characters (or 74 bilateral characters) were measured or estimated on each skull (Fig. 2). All distances were calculated using the microscope’s C3D v1.26 software for a complete data set of 30 individuals of E. helvum and 31 of R. egyptiacus. All skulls were measured twice, in random sequence, with an interval of 6 months between the first and second set of measurements. All specimens were collected in westcentral Africa, and are deposited at the Estacio’ n Biolo’ gica de Donana (CSIC), Seville, Spain. Statistical analyses All measurements were transformed to natural logarithms to linearize any possible allometric relationships (Bookstein et al., 1985). To investigate the effect of size, analyses were performed separately on log-transformed and size-adjusted values. To adjust for the effect of size, each log-transformed variable was regressed against the first principal component (PC1) of all the log-transformed variables taken together, and residuals were calculated. The same set of measurements from additional specimens of E. helvum (224) and R. egyptiacus (241) from the same geographical area was used solely to estimate a more robust covariance matrix on which to base the principal component analysis. Varying degrees of damage in some specimens resulted in incomplete sets of measurements; to avoid losing information from these individuals, missing values were estimated using the expectation-maximization (EM) method of Little & Rubin (1987). Using only the sample measured twice, a two-way, mixed-model analysis of variance (A N O V A ) was performed separately on each of the 74 bilateral characters, by species. In this analysis, ‘sides’ is a fixed effect, whereas ‘individuals’ is a random effect (Leamy, 1984; Palmer & Strobeck, 1986; Palmer, 1994). Individual variation of each character is partitioned into directional asymmetry (DA, the main effect due to ‘sides’), individual variation in size and shape (I, the main effect due to ‘individuals’), non-directional asymmetry (NDA, the sides-by-individuals interaction, which may include both fluctuating asymmetry and antisymmetry) and measurement error (E). Presence of antisymmetry was tested by species and character using the Shapiro—Wilk’s test for normality from the P R O C U N I V A R I A T E of SAS (SAS Institute, 1995). Additionally, for each character, plots of asymmetry 49 48 47 46 45 44 30 15 4 14 3 27 39 21 36 34 20 26 25 24 23 22 35 18 19 28 33 5 38 31 43 42 69 32 37 33 2 30 44 45 46 47 48 70 727476 78 80 81 67 6664 717375 77 79 82 4 5 7 6 17 10 8 9 34 37 31 12 2 3 29 32 13 1 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 36 20 16 35 38 39 42 19 18 43 41 15 12 14 13 M 40 50 49 11 55 626058 56 68 65 63 61 59 57 54 51 53 52 Fig. 2 Selection of 74 bilateral distances between landmark points across the skulls of Eidolon helvum and Rousettus egyptiacus. Parallel arrows indicate reference points used in transformation of coordinates (see Material and methods), M = midplane. values were examined to evaluate visually the presence of skewness and kurtosis. Sequential Bonferroni adjustment (Rice, 1989) was used to decide on the statistical significance of multiple univariate comparisons (tablewide = 0.05), by species. Visual inspection of residuals from these analyses suggests the presence of an additive error model in the data (Graham et al., 1998; Cowart & Graham, 1999) for some variables. However, preliminary simulations (unpublished) suggest that the A N O V A model used is robust to skewness in the error distributions. Variance components were estimated using the procedure described by Sokal & Rohlf (1995). The proportions of the total variance accounted for by each of these components (DA, I, NDA, E) were then estimated as a percentage of the total variance. Variance proportions were used in further analyses because they are scaled to sum one, thereby allowing for comparisons of components across characters and species. However, because they are not independent from each other, values were square-rooted and then arcsine-transformed for further analyses. To summarize trends of variation in variance components across characters, a PCA was carried out by species and type of data (log-transformed and size-adjusted) using characters as observations and variance proportions as variables. Vector correlations between variance proportions and principal components were used to interpret the PCA axes. To test for differences in behaviour of variance proportions across species and between compo- nents, a two-way, randomized-blocks A N O V A was performed on the same data set. In this test, species and variance components (I, DA, NDA, E) are fixed factors, and variables are blocks, and therefore random (Sokal & Rohlf, 1995). Analyses were carried out using the SAS system (SAS Institute, 1995) and MATLAB v4.2c.1 (The MathWorks Inc., 1994) at a significance level of 0.05. Results In univariate tests for log-transformed data most of the variation is accounted for by individual differences (I) in both species. The I component represents between 2.81 and 99.6% of the total variation in the two samples, averaging 80.99 and 81.48% for E. helvum and R. egyptiacus, respectively (Table 1). The directional asymmetry variance component (DA) accounts for the smallest proportion of the total variance in both species (between 0.01 and 35.65%, averaging 1.96% and 2.01% for E. helvum and R. egyptiacus, respectively). The interaction term (NDA) accounts for 0.16—57.01% of total variance, with averages of 11.02% and 9.73%; whereas the error term (E) varies between 0.07 and 40.90% of the total variation, averaging 6.01% for E. helvum and 6.77% for R. egyptiacus. For size-adjusted data the range for the I component also varies between 1.4 and 97.66% but the average is 68.77% for E. helvum and 72.28% for R. egyptiacus. DA ranges from 0.0 to 3.15% (averages J Table 1 Relative variance components (as proportions of the total variance) from two-way A N O V A s sides-by-individuals (Palmer & Strobeck, 1986) on 74 bilateral characters (right—left distances) of Rousettus egyptiacus and Eidolon helvum. I = individuals, DA = directional asymmetry, NDA = non-directional asymmetry, E = measurement error. Numbers within parentheses show one of the distances (right side) for each pair in Fig. 2 that are used to calculate each bilateral character (M = midplane). Asterisks indicate variables significant at a table-wide = 0.05 after a sequential Bonferroni adjustment of the significance level. Log-transformed data Size-adjusted data Eidolon helvum Rousettus egyptiacus Eidolon helvum Rousettus egyptiacus Variable DA NDA I E DA NDA I E DA NDA I E DA NDA I E 1 (2-M) 2 (5-M) 3 (6-M) 4 (10-M) 5 (49-M) 6 (48-M) 7 (47-M) 8 (46-M) 9 (45-M) 10 (44-M) 11 (1—2) 12 (1—5) 13 (2—5) 14 (5—10) 15 (5—9) 16 (9—10) 17 (2—49) 18 (2—48) 19 (2—47) 20 (2—46) 21 (2—45) 22 (2—44) 23 (5—44) 24 (5—45) 25 (5—46) 26 (5—47) 27 (5—48) 28 (5—49) 29 (48—49) 30 (47—48) 31 (46—47) 32 (45—46) 33 (9-M) 34 (11-M) 35 (13-M) 36 (31-M) 37 (33-M) 38 (37-M) 39 (38-M) 40 (10—11) 41 (9—11) 42 (11—13) 43 (9—13) 44 (31—33) 45 (31—37) 46 (31—38) 47 (37—38) 48 (33—37) 49 (13—38) 50 (13—37) 51 (13—33) 5.82 0.71 8.41 1.76 5.20 12.74 2.73 0.16 0.25 0.38 0.24 0.01 0.24 0.03 0.16 0.91 0.11 0.02 0.35 0.06 0.05 0.06 3.96 5.67 11.41 3.12 4.22 3.69 2.95 5.97 1.98 0.46 18.58 0.30 2.05 1.99 0.04 1.86 0.13 0.13 0.07 0.09 1.68 0.24 0.22 0.76 2.24 0.25 1.42 0.77 0.16 16.69 15.60 25.65 6.66 10.84 14.71 12.97 8.78 8.72 10.53 7.07 0.49 1.93 3.19 7.92 1.38 1.92 4.82 2.76 1.54 1.79 1.23 3.40 8.33 10.70 6.17 2.34 1.50 13.15 6.19 4.91 11.95 44.53 7.25 14.79 9.55 29.47 9.34 29.88 3.09 5.81 13.78 12.23 6.79 3.37 20.28 18.49 6.41 39.86 23.81 20.87 71.95 69.34 25.03 79.26 69.38 58.11 76.45 87.25 88.16 86.95 91.84 99.42 97.68 96.03 91.69 96.61 93.71 91.12 96.08 97.85 97.58 98.14 89.87 82.22 74.18 88.91 92.50 93.67 63.10 86.08 89.91 77.31 2.81 88.69 57.43 78.87 64.61 72.61 60.27 96.44 93.86 81.42 85.86 92.29 88.26 73.80 71.58 90.13 50.31 70.17 78.02 5.54 14.35 40.90 12.32 14.59 14.44 7.85 3.81 2.87 2.14 0.85 0.08 0.16 0.75 0.23 1.10 4.26 4.03 0.82 0.56 0.57 0.56 2.76 3.78 3.71 1.80 0.94 1.15 20.80 1.75 3.20 10.28 34.09 3.77 25.73 9.58 5.87 16.19 9.72 0.34 0.26 4.71 0.23 0.68 8.16 5.16 7.70 3.21 8.41 5.25 0.96 0.51 1.59 1.54 2.51 2.19 8.60 4.31 2.31 1.70 1.55 0.45 0.18 0.24 0.21 0.31 1.94 0.38 1.36 2.06 0.58 0.32 0.03 1.55 6.15 10.21 1.07 0.39 5.92 35.65 5.56 0.28 0.18 5.51 0.57 0.69 0.47 2.45 0.39 3.47 0.52 2.69 0.17 4.99 1.42 4.41 0.34 0.05 0.27 0.74 1.11 0.40 16.26 47.34 57.01 13.09 6.66 3.46 2.12 9.16 15.10 20.66 12.00 1.00 1.28 4.13 3.11 1.69 10.23 7.76 5.89 4.89 5.67 4.11 9.28 9.48 8.32 4.42 2.82 2.59 14.90 7.77 11.96 3.07 52.29 18.88 26.13 3.50 20.22 8.09 24.69 16.83 7.63 5.28 8.77 7.23 2.20 10.56 4.22 8.11 7.76 5.52 5.39 63.41 30.45 20.11 62.06 76.82 74.44 77.73 82.34 78.84 72.37 83.36 98.49 97.81 94.97 96.44 95.69 81.58 80.93 86.72 91.23 91.92 94.43 83.50 76.99 73.44 92.24 95.01 86.84 27.82 74.38 82.42 89.98 17.68 71.79 35.54 83.91 69.08 83.33 43.83 81.92 86.63 94.35 86.09 90.60 87.22 83.41 93.93 90.48 84.08 90.08 93.09 19.82 20.62 21.35 22.35 14.32 13.50 15.84 6.19 4.36 5.43 4.19 0.33 0.67 0.69 0.14 0.68 7.80 9.95 5.34 3.31 2.09 1.43 5.67 7.38 8.03 2.27 1.78 4.64 21.64 12.29 5.34 6.77 24.51 8.76 37.64 12.13 8.26 8.19 28.01 0.72 3.04 0.20 0.15 0.75 6.18 5.69 1.80 1.14 7.42 3.29 1.12 0.99 1.51 2.06 0.91 0.60 1.33 0.81 1.10 1.03 1.15 0.35 0.08 0.16 0.00 0.49 0.39 0.34 0.18 0.33 0.18 0.25 0.37 0.69 0.13 0.25 0.62 0.17 0.25 1.99 0.28 0.59 0.13 2.19 0.48 0.07 0.88 1.58 0.88 1.44 0.10 0.63 0.82 0.39 0.35 0.31 0.19 1.22 0.40 0.92 0.25 1.28 34.16 31.15 37.38 18.16 31.52 35.47 32.94 27.71 35.44 31.80 14.09 2.68 6.61 5.47 17.66 4.17 5.61 18.19 9.05 4.42 7.26 5.48 9.23 22.04 24.70 17.16 10.43 7.17 28.33 13.63 9.69 17.32 47.81 11.98 15.15 17.54 43.41 14.74 37.83 7.89 18.60 29.55 32.14 11.25 4.32 34.70 28.91 10.48 45.56 30.08 39.40 53.52 39.08 1.44 47.83 24.55 28.62 46.17 58.97 50.59 60.46 83.96 96.18 91.96 93.09 81.02 89.99 84.68 68.54 87.77 93.35 89.12 90.55 84.72 70.26 68.77 78.43 86.24 86.87 22.59 82.14 83.19 67.33 13.43 80.96 58.76 63.49 46.29 60.15 48.55 90.68 79.09 58.86 66.36 87.13 84.39 56.03 57.53 83.65 43.78 62.56 57.73 11.34 28.27 59.12 33.10 43.33 34.58 20.07 12.21 12.94 6.59 1.60 1.05 1.27 1.44 0.83 5.45 9.37 13.09 2.85 2.05 3.38 3.60 5.37 7.57 6.29 3.79 3.17 5.71 47.09 3.95 6.53 15.22 36.57 6.58 26.02 18.08 8.72 24.23 12.18 1.32 1.68 10.77 1.11 1.27 10.98 9.07 12.34 5.46 9.74 7.12 1.60 0.70 2.25 2.19 0.75 3.08 1.56 2.94 3.15 1.94 0.97 0.41 0.08 0.14 0.25 0.06 0.04 0.63 0.25 0.36 0.22 0.13 0.24 0.62 1.17 0.38 0.12 0.28 0.20 1.58 0.19 0.51 0.20 2.05 1.70 0.68 0.13 0.78 0.09 0.17 0.55 0.09 0.36 1.61 0.54 0.31 0.77 0.20 0.29 0.34 0.35 0.29 23.20 60.12 57.63 18.30 17.80 9.95 4.30 18.65 30.53 41.94 16.89 1.31 1.41 8.81 4.43 3.80 15.09 16.99 17.05 16.40 13.82 7.84 20.46 27.94 10.46 3.59 2.92 3.28 35.48 16.03 22.49 3.04 52.04 44.83 22.26 10.12 23.71 11.01 39.08 22.15 21.26 14.00 17.66 12.40 3.49 20.58 5.32 11.48 12.66 11.06 12.88 48.84 12.96 19.79 51.93 37.74 42.15 48.27 63.77 57.96 46.75 76.13 97.58 97.66 89.38 95.24 94.06 74.23 63.29 69.31 73.93 81.75 89.32 67.79 54.07 81.24 94.76 95.34 92.15 20.77 63.00 68.62 90.56 22.45 31.92 43.45 61.60 66.04 77.37 18.75 75.75 69.93 84.37 79.77 85.62 87.18 68.00 92.35 86.24 75.49 82.61 84.16 27.25 24.67 20.39 29.03 41.38 46.34 44.49 14.43 9.57 10.33 6.57 1.03 0.79 1.56 0.26 2.10 10.05 19.47 13.28 9.46 4.31 2.60 11.13 16.83 7.92 1.53 1.47 4.37 42.16 20.79 8.38 6.20 23.47 21.55 33.61 28.16 9.47 11.53 42.00 1.55 8.72 1.27 0.96 1.43 9.02 10.64 2.13 1.99 11.51 5.97 2.67 Table 1 (Continued) Log-transformed data Size-adjusted data Eidolon helvum Variable 52 (31—43) 53(38—43) 54 (37—43) 55 (13—43) 56 (13—31) 57 (50—51) 58 (50—52) 59 (51—52) 60 (69—70) 61 (70—71) 62 (72—73) 63 (74—75) 64 (76—77) 65 (78—79) 66 (80—82) 67 (81—82) 68 (69—82) 69 (80—81) 70 (78—80) 71 (76—78) 72 (74—76) 73 (72—74) 74 (70—72) DA 0.89 1.39 0.17 1.59 3.13 0.01 0.01 0.08 0.08 0.11 0.08 0.14 0.18 0.11 0.94 6.89 0.10 3.65 1.59 0.40 3.44 2.81 0.65 Rousettus egyptiacus NDA I E 31.94 19.58 4.43 45.22 34.89 0.16 0.18 1.53 2.32 2.24 2.87 3.19 4.41 2.08 12.15 15.49 1.56 13.36 2.72 8.50 35.02 2.48 14.36 64.17 72.53 93.33 48.03 58.27 99.53 99.61 94.79 95.91 95.57 96.43 94.16 92.10 95.18 84.38 73.11 98.24 59.69 94.78 84.54 50.10 84.66 69.75 3.01 6.50 2.06 5.16 3.71 0.29 0.20 3.60 1.69 2.08 0.62 2.52 3.31 2.63 2.54 4.51 0.10 23.31 0.91 6.56 11.45 10.04 15.23 DA 0.35 0.25 0.16 0.81 1.87 0.35 0.05 0.24 0.28 0.07 0.13 0.12 0.47 0.43 1.85 2.53 0.14 0.55 5.15 0.06 0.63 0.27 0.18 Eidolon helvum NDA I E 10.59 12.44 6.09 16.44 11.69 1.30 0.52 7.12 4.60 3.64 5.05 9.41 5.34 3.51 6.32 13.19 1.84 0.79 9.66 8.61 6.48 1.68 3.22 85.97 67.97 88.54 78.47 80.87 98.27 99.02 91.74 94.83 95.76 93.86 88.32 93.07 94.71 89.34 81.46 97.92 86.81 81.35 89.07 89.36 91.71 89.29 3.09 19.34 5.22 4.28 5.57 0.07 0.41 0.89 0.30 0.54 0.95 2.16 1.12 1.34 2.49 2.82 0.09 11.86 3.84 2.26 3.54 6.34 7.30 0.62% and 0.61%); NDA from 1.20 to 60.12% (averages 19.65% and 15.82%); and E ranges from 0.26 to 59.12% (averages 10.96% and 11.28%). After Bonferroni adjustment, no character was significantly non-normal in either species (see supplementary material; For the log-transform data DA was significant only in 10 characters in E. helvum and 10 in R. egyptiacus (Table 1). Those that are common to both species (5) are characters related to the upper dentition of the organisms (Fig. 2). Adjustment for size eliminates all significance of the DA component for both species because significance in the two-way A N O V A model is tested as the ratio of the variance due to sides over variance due to NDA. The adjustment eliminates all significance of the DA component by significantly reducing the DA variance. The I term was significant for 73 variables in E. helvum and 72 in R. egyptiacus. The number of significant variables for the I term decreases to 70 in E. helvum and 69 in R. egyptiacus after size-adjustment (Table 1). NDA was significant for 65 characters in E. helvum and 63 in R. egyptiacus. Significance remains approximately the same (64 significant characters in R. egyptiacus) or even increases (72 significant characters for E. helvum) after adjustment for size. Variance proportions due to error (E) remain essentially unchanged after size-adjustment. Because significance of NDA in the A N O V A is based on DA 0.91 0.84 0.19 0.39 1.23 0.03 0.07 0.19 0.42 0.21 0.23 0.53 0.73 0.59 0.41 0.35 0.02 1.23 0.32 0.49 1.76 0.23 0.76 Rousettus egyptiacus NDA I E 31.08 25.92 5.87 44.34 43.28 1.48 1.41 3.24 7.43 12.46 14.26 12.38 17.72 12.38 17.41 27.49 8.34 20.03 8.29 16.08 46.79 2.97 16.10 64.67 64.70 91.05 49.93 50.89 96.59 96.72 90.85 85.36 76.55 82.69 79.74 69.50 76.20 78.96 64.91 89.82 44.90 88.53 70.65 35.53 82.84 65.80 3.34 8.55 2.89 5.34 4.61 1.90 1.80 5.73 6.79 10.78 2.83 7.35 12.06 10.83 3.22 7.25 1.82 33.84 2.86 12.77 15.92 13.96 17.35 DA 0.09 1.01 0.34 0.05 1.11 0.07 0.05 0.21 0.44 0.14 0.31 0.41 0.03 0.08 0.30 0.65 0.13 0.14 0.16 0.65 0.27 0.16 0.00 NDA I E 13.91 17.96 7.43 26.93 27.38 3.73 1.20 6.02 6.79 3.56 8.78 15.70 7.81 4.40 8.08 25.12 4.27 2.26 28.91 19.07 6.67 1.70 3.56 82.38 54.26 86.16 66.93 61.18 94.25 95.93 92.81 91.22 94.87 88.20 79.18 89.39 93.50 88.21 69.36 94.40 70.64 58.72 75.24 89.38 91.21 87.65 3.63 26.76 6.07 6.10 10.32 1.95 2.82 0.97 1.56 1.43 2.70 4.70 2.77 2.03 3.40 4.88 1.20 26.96 12.21 5.03 3.69 6.93 8.79 the ratio NDA to E, none of which changes after the adjustment, significance of this term is conserved. The first principal component of variance proportions accounts for between 83.5 and 86.6% of the total variation for both species, for log-transformed and sizeadjusted data. PC1 is highly correlated with the I term (Fig. 3). After size adjustment, the proportion of variance explained by PC1 remains about the same, and it is still highly correlated with I. Thus PC1 is an ‘individuals’ axis, which nonetheless seems not to be associated with character size. PC1 has a fairly high and positive correlation with the DA term in the log-transformed data of both species. Correlation PC1-DA component is higher for E. helvum, and slightly smaller for R. egyptiacus. Both NDA and E are strongly correlated with PC1. In both species the I term is uncorrelated with PC2. This component, which accounts for 9.3—13.5% of the total variation, correlates with the DA component in the log-transformed data, but correlation approaches zero for both species after size adjustment. NDA is negatively, and E positively, correlated with PC2 also in both species. These relationships change only slightly after size adjustment. PC3 accounts for 6.2% of the total variation or less. The I variance component is uncorrelated with PC3, DA has a high correlation with it that is preserved after the size adjustment, and NDA and E have a small to considerable correlation, which completely disappears after the size adjustment. DA 0 I -0.5 -1 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 9.3 % PC2 0.5 NDA 0 I -0.5 NDA E -1 1 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 10.1 % 0.5 83.5 % E I 0 -0.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 6.2 % DA 10.1 % PC2 0.5 NDA 0 I -0.5 NDA -1 1 Correlations with PC2 Correlations with PC1 PC1 DA PC3 DA PC2 85.8 % PC1 4.5 % 1 Correlations with PC3 0.5 E Correlations with PC2 9.3 % PC3 Correlations with PC3 1 PC2 Correlations with PC2 Log-transformed data E -1 -1 1 Correlations with PC1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 Correlations with PC2 DA I -0.5 NDA -1 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 Correlations with PC1 0 PC2 I NDA -0.5 E DA -1 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 Correlations with PC2 Eidolon helvum 0.5 PC1 E 86.6% DA 0 I -0.5 NDA -1 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 Correlations with PC1 1 0.7 % 0.5 PC3 13.5 % PC2 0.5 1 12.5 % Correlations with PC3 0 85.7 % PC1 Correlations with PC2 0.5 E 0.4 % PC3 13.5 % Correlations with PC3 1 PC2 Correlations with PC2 size-adjusted data 1 0 DA 12.5 % PC2 E I NDA -0.5 -1 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 Correlations with PC2 Rousettus egyptiacus Fig. 3 Principal component analysis on variance components (as proportions) from a two-way A N O V A size-by-individuals, on the African fruit bats Eidolon helvum and Rousettus egyptiacus. I = interindividual variation; DA = directional asymmetry component; NDA = nondirectional asymmetry; E = error term. Arrows represent vector correlations of variance proportions with the principal components. Inset values indicate percentage of variance explained by each principal component. In general, elimination of variance due to size is reflected in a reduction of the value of variance proportions due to DA, a reduction in I for some characters but an increase for others, and a proportional increase in the error (E) and interaction (NDA) proportions. However, in absolute terms (variance components, not reported here) the variance due to DA effectively decreases, as does that due to individuals. The amount of variance due to error does not change, and neither does the non-directional component, which suggests that NDA represents mainly random variation, and therefore ‘pure’ FA sensu Palmer (1994), independent of size. Non-significance in normality tests further supports the notion of the NDA component representing random variation between sides, independent also of measurement error. The randomized-block A N O V A on variance proportions was highly significant for variance component (F3,511 = 1160, P < 0.001), but non-significant for all other factors examined (variables, F73,511 = 0.147, P = 1.00; species, F1,511 = 0.014, P = 0.907; species-by-variance component, F3,511 = 0.199, P = 0.897). Discussion Size adjustment and measurement error Results of principal components analyses are similar in both species with respect to the proportion of variance due to each of the A N O V A components examined (I, DA, NDA, E). PC1 is an ‘individuals’ axis, PC2 summarizes variation due to ‘sides’ and NDA (interaction term of the two-way A N O V A ) relates to both PC1 and PC2, as does the E term. PC1 seems not to be associated with character size, but the adjustment reduces the correlation between PC2 and DA to nearly zero, as expected if DA represents mostly differences in size between sides. On average, E accounts for a proportion of the total variance of the samples similar to that of the NDA component. The E and NDA terms, however, do not change their relationship to PC2, after size adjustment, reflecting the lack of relationship between NDA and size. Because E and NDA are negatively correlated, an increase in E would produce a proportional decrease in NDA, which may lead to spurious non-significant FA. Obscuring of the normally weak signal of FA by a high E is one of the main concerns in asymmetry studies (Palmer & Strobeck, 1986; Palmer, 1994). On the other hand, because size-adjustment reduces the amount of error variance from some characters without modifying the NDA component, some characters become significant for NDA after size correction. The high degree of significance of the NDA component for these samples may be due to the effect of measuring with a relatively low error and keeping variation due to size under control, rather than to the presence of unusually high levels of asymmetry. This stresses the importance of estimating precision and relationship with size in the data before asymmetry comparisons are attempted. The two-way A N O V A approach, coupled with a relatively high degree of precision in measurement, represents a powerful tool for detection of subtle patterns of variation in bilateral asymmetries, which otherwise may be easily confounded by measurement error or size variation (Palmer & Strobeck, 1986; Palmer, 1994; Merila” & Bjo” rklund, 1995). Directional asymmetry Both univariate and multivariate results show that DA contributes a small proportion of the variance of a character. This is consistent with previous results obtained from house mice (Leamy, 1984) and can be explained as the result of functional anatomical constraints acting strongly to keep the skull symmetric. Results of PCA indicate that the DA component (PC3) is similar for both species. Correlation between E and PC3 becomes virtually zero for both species after adjustment. This indicates a reduction in non-random variation in the E component, which is very likely due to systematic error of the measurer. Significant correlation of DA between characters and across species suggests the existence of a general component for DA, even if it is weak (Leamy, 1984). We did not test for between-character correlation of DAs directly, but PC3 from the size-adjusted PCA suggests the existence of a DA factor, possibly of genetic origin, and which nonetheless represents a minimal fraction (0.5% or less) of the total variation. Non-directional asymmetry For the data examined, the variance components due to NDA behave as if they contained only random variation (FA sensu Palmer, 1994), given that the NDA component is not affected by size adjustment in either univariate or multivariate analyses. As with DA, the multivariate analyses of NDA indicates that this component has similar magnitude across characters between species. Significant correspondence of asymmetries between populations for a set of characters indicates the presence of a ‘population asymmetry parameter’ or PAP (Soule’ , 1967). PAPs usually have been postulated to exist for intraspecific populations of different genetic composition. The general idea is that ‘whatever is responsible for controlling the level of fluctuating symmetry it is, on average, acting indiscriminantly on all parts o the phenome (phenotype as a whole) and indirectly on all components o the gene pool’ (italics as in Soule’ , 1967). Results of PCA indicate that variance proportions due to NDA behave similarly in R. egyptiacus and E. helvum. The randomizedblocks A N O V A is consistent with these results, the test was highly significant for the variance component term, an expected result given the large differences between the proportions of variance explained by I, NDA, E and DA in each of the species. However, no differences were detected among variables, which indicates that variance components behave similarly across the skull within populations. Moreover, no differences were detected between species, and the interaction between species and variance components also was non-significant, which suggests that variance components in both species are behaving similarly for all characters examined. These results indicate that a pattern analogous to a PAP, but at the generic level, exists for these bats. Because similar patterns have been detected for both DA and NDA, it is possible that the expression of asymmetry, whatever its origin, is a characteristic of the structural pattern common to these species. The general morphology of the skull of these bats is recurrent across the different fruit’ lvarez bat lineages, and represents a primitive pattern (A et al., 1999). The evidence available suggests existence of asymmetry parameters above the species level. This consistent pattern can result from common mechanisms or similar developmental constraints acting on the buffering capacities and morphological integration in both genera. Equally, it may also be an expression of the evolutionary stable configuration (sensu Wagner & Schwenk, 2000) of this particular skull morphology. In such a framework, Eidolon and Rousettus would show different character states of the same fundamental design. Whatever in fact the case may be, generalized patterns of asymmetry can be detected when a large number of characters is examined, and when potentially confounding sources of variation are partitioned out. When a cleaner signal is obtained, the occurrence of generalized, skull-wide asymmetry patterns preserved beyond the species level becomes apparent. The search for similar patterns on various levels of the taxonomic hierarchy, as well as in organisms with different structural programmes, would clarify their relevance within the paradigm of FA as a variation of random origin and hence a measure of developmental stability. Acknowledgments Funding for this research was provided to J.J. by a postdoctoral grant from the Spanish Ministerio de Educacio’ n y Ciencia, and the Department of Biology at Texas Tech University (USA). We thank R. 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