Elmont Memorial High School English 8 Read 2014-2015 Ms. Agnello (516) 488-9223 aagnello@sewanhaka.k12.ny.us Welcome to your eighth grade English course! This year we will continue to improve our reading and writing skills to master our state assessments and continue to grow as scholars. Our intellectually stimulating tasks and assignments will not only help you grow as a young adult but will also point you toward success. The following is a guideline sheet of all that is required and expected from you for the entire 20142015 year. 1. Class Procedures YOU ARE TO BE SEATED BY THE TIME THE BELL RINGS in your assigned seat. You will make note of the AIM and DO NOW activity posted for you on the board and begin the Do Now task- RESPECT THE SILENCE OF THE DO NOW. Homework will be collected at random throughout the course of the quarter though it will be assigned 3-5 times a week. The homework assignments will be collected at random. RAISED HANDS ONLY PLEASE- I want to give proper credit to all of the brilliant ideas you will have Note the CLASS RULES on a daily basis- these rules are made for your safety and comfort and they create a productive learning environment for EVERYONE Answer the FINAL SUMMARY QUESTION (S) 2. Preparation Preparation is very important because it relaxes you. When you are relaxed in the classroom you will be able to learn more and worry less. What is considered prepared in this class? Your GREEN English binder (with plenty of paper) A pencil or pen to write with Homework assigned from the night before (late homework will earn deductions) A learning, and therefore winning, attitude 3. Attitude Respect for others, respect for your teachers, respect for the materials/classroom and respect for yourself are absolute requirements for the class and will impact your grade. This classroom is a positive environment; no one is ever going to feel uncomfortable within these walls. The following guidelines are listed to assure that you understand what is expected of you and to for you to be able to take responsibility for yourself. Please check them as we read: ⃝ Follow the school guidelines: NO CELL PHONES, NO VULGAR LANGUAGE, and there should be NOTHING ON YOUR HEAD ⃝ Passes will not be given during the first ten or last ten minutes of the class ⃝ You will have to participate- everyone will be called on ⃝ If you wish to speak, your hand MUST be raises and you will wait to be called upon ⃝ The only thing that we write on is paper 4. Required Reading We will be analyzing the following five texts this year: MARKING PERIOD 1- The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet MARKING PERIOD 2- Anne Frank and Flesh and Blood So Cheap MARKING PERIOD 3- The Hunger Games MARKING PERIOD 4- The Outsiders 5. Grading Your grade will be broken down according to the following: Each marking period you will be expected to hand in the following for the allotted points below: Marking Period 1 Marking Period 2 Marking Period 3 Marking Period 4 Marking Period 5 Ten Homeworks10 pts. Five Journals 10 pts. Class Participation30 pts. Two Quiz Grades30 pts. Two Test Grades20 pts. Ten Homeworks10 pts. Five Journals 10 pts. Class Participation30 pts. Two Quiz Grades30 pts. Two Test Grades20 pts. Ten Homeworks10 pts. Five Journals10 pts. Class Participation30 pts. Two Quiz Grades30 pts. Two Test Grades20 pts. Ten Homeworks10 pts. Five Journals10 pts. Class Participation30 pts. Two Quiz Grades30 pts. Two Test Grades20 pts. Final Exam Please keep up with your assignments! You have the opportunity now to start on the right foot and be the best that you can be. PLEASE use your teachers as much as you need in order to stay on track. I am very excited to continue your education here at Elmont Memorial High School. I cannot stress enough how much we will accomplish in our 43 minutes with your dedication and cooperation. I have read and understand the above course guidelines. Student name _________________________________________ Signature ________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Name______________________________________________ Parent /Guardian Email _________________________________________________ Signature ___________________________________________________________