Is the Gibraltar Strait a barrier to gene flow for the bat Myotis myotis (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae)? V. C A S T E L L A , * M . R U E D I , * † L . E X C O F F I E R , ‡ C . I B Á Ñ E Z , § R . A R L E T T A Z * and J . H A U S S E R * *Laboratoire de Zoologie, Institut d’Ecologie, Bâtiment de Biologie, Université de Lausanne, CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland, ‡Laboratoire de Génétique et Biométrie, Département d’Anthropologie, Université de Genève, 1211 Genève 24, Switzerland, §Estación Biológica de Doñana, CSIC, Apartado 1056, 41080 Sevilla, Spain Abstract Because of their role in limiting gene flow, geographical barriers like mountains or seas often coincide with intraspecific genetic discontinuities. Although the Strait of Gibraltar represents such a potential barrier for both plants and animals, few studies have been conducted on its impact on gene flow. Here we test this effect on a bat species ( Myotis myotis) which is apparently distributed on both sides of the strait. Six colonies of 20 Myotis myotis each were sampled in southern Spain and northern Morocco along a linear transect of 1350 km. Results based on six nuclear microsatellite loci reveal no significant population structure within regions, but a complete isolation between bats sampled on each side of the strait. Variability at 600 bp of a mitochondrial gene (cytochrome b) confirms the existence of two genetically distinct and perfectly segregating clades, which diverged several million years ago. Despite the narrowness of the Gibraltar Strait (14 km), these molecular data suggest that neither males, nor females from either region have ever reproduced on the opposite side of the strait. Comparisons of molecular divergence with bats from a closely related species (M. blythii) suggest that the North African clade is possibly a distinct taxon warranting full species rank. We provisionally refer to it as Myotis cf punicus Felten 1977, but a definitive systematic understanding of the whole Mouse-eared bat species complex awaits further genetic sampling, especially in the Eastern Mediterranean areas. Keywords: Chiroptera, cytochrome b, Gibraltar, microsatellite, Myotis, population structure Received 27 February 2000; revision received 5 June 2000; accepted 5 June 2000 Introduction Recent reviews of intraspecific genetic variation (Taberlet et al. 1998; Avise & Walker 1999; Hewitt 1999) have shown that many animal or plant species present important genetic discontinuities when they are sampled over wide ranges. These discontinuities often result from recent admixture of populations, which diverged in allopatry (e.g. in glacial refugia) or coincide with current or historical barriers to gene flow (e.g. mountain ranges or ancient glaciers). The Gibraltar Strait, which separates the Iberian Peninsula from the Maghreb (Fig. 1) by a minimum gap of 14 km of open sea, could thus represent a barrier to gene flow. Indeed, Correspondence: M. Ruedi: †Present address: Muséum d’histoire naturelle, CP 6434, CH-1211 Genève 6, Switzwerland. Fax: + 41 22 4186301; E-mail: © 2000 Blackwell Science Ltd since the last Messinian crisis (about 5.5 Ma) when most of the present-day Mediterranean Sea dried-up, no land bridge existed between these two land masses (see, e.g. Steininger et al. 1985). Thus, dispersal of both plants and animals across this Strait must have been severely limited since the Pliocene. Restricted over-water dispersal is suggested by Valdés (1991) who estimated that as much as 25% of the 3500 species of plants distributed in southern Spain and northern Morocco only occur in one side of the Strait. For mammals, even highly vagile species like the wolf (Canis lupus) or the jackal (Canis aureus) are currently found in Iberia and the Maghreb, respectively, but neither apparently ever crossed the Gibraltar Strait successfully. Genetic studies in Wild mice (Mus spretus) and Wood mice (Apodemus sylvaticus) have also suggested that the Gibraltar Strait is an effective barrier to gene flow (Boursot et al. 1985; Filippucci 1992). More generally, Dobson (1998) Fig. 1 Distribution of the Greater Mouseeared bat (Myotis myotis) in the western Mediterranean area (in black) according to Arlettaz et al. (1997b). The broken line delineates the limits of the North African form, referred here as M. cf punicus Felten 1977. The inset provides an enlargement of the area around the Gibraltar Strait. Numbers indicate the position of the following colonies (locality, province, country): Boumahden, Agadir, Morocco (1); Azrou, Meknes, Morocco (2); Mina del Agua, Ceuta, Spain (3); Cueva del Agua, Cadiz, Spain (4); Canillas de Aceituno, Malaga, Spain (5); Denia, Alicante, Spain (6); Inca, Mallorca, Spain (7); Oleta, Corsica, France (8); Ulassai, Sardinia, Italy (9). See also the Appendix for locations of other examined specimens and for those of M. blythii. considers that only four of the 17 nonflying mammal species occurring wild in both sides of the Strait were not transported by man. In contrast, H. Dobson stresses that most bat species found in north-west Africa (26 species) and in Iberia (25 species) are naturally occurring in both regions, and are thus much better over-water dispersers. In fact, several other taxa are distributed on both sides of the Strait, but its impact as a geographical barrier to restrict gene flow between populations has rarely been addressed specifically. For instance, a genetic survey of rare plants distributed in southern Spain and Morocco (genus Androcymbium, Colchicaceae) revealed that population differentiation was similar when comparisons were made within countries or across Gibraltar, suggesting that this strait was not a strong barrier for these species (PedrolaMonfort & Caujapé-Castells (1994). More recently, Burban et al. (1999) found that both the maritime pine and its homopteran parasite Matsococcus feytaudi shared common haplotypes in southern Spain and extreme northern Morocco, while populations from central Morocco were completely distinct. The Greater Mouse-eared bat (Myotis myotis) is a widespread species, which is apparently distributed from Morocco to Europe and the Middle east, including several Mediterranean islands (reviewed in Benda & Horacek 1995; Arlettaz et al. 1997b). It also probably occurs in the remote Azore Islands, more than 1400 km west from the Iberian Peninsula (Palmeirim 1979). Ringing studies have shown that this strong flier is able to cover annually several hundreds of kilometers between summer and winter roosts (Horacek 1985; Paz et al. 1986). Moreover, females may commute daily up to 25 km between their nursery colonies and the feeding territories during lactation (Arlettaz 1996, 1999). Owing to such behavioural characteristics, we can anticipate that populations of the Greater Mouse-eared bat found on both sides of the Gibraltar Strait may exchange migrants across the channel. We, therefore, assessed the impact of the strait as a barrier by comparing levels of gene flow within southern Spain and within North Africa, and across Gibraltar, using a combination of nuclear and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) markers. These two classes of genetic markers enabled us to estimate in which proportion males and females contributed to the migrant pool, and provided a phylogenetic perspective of their evolution. Materials and methods Taxonomic and geographical sampling As European populations of Mouse-eared bats are protected in most countries, animals were caught and sampled noninvasively under appropriate license (see Acknowledgements). Upon capture, individuals were identified according to their lengths of forearm, ear and upper toothrow, (Arlettaz et al. 1997b) and sexed. A total of 119 bats from six colonies were sampled with a medical biopsy punch on the membrane of each wing (Worthington Wilmer & Barratt 1996). Animals were released back to their colony within one hour of capture. © 2000 Blackwell Science Ltd, Molecular Ecology, 9, 1761–1772 Table 1 Observed (HO) and expected heterozygosity (HE), number of alleles (A) and inbreeding coefficient (FIS) of Myotis myotis populations calculated for each locus and over all loci. The mean values and standard deviations (SD) were calculated among three nursery colonies within each country. Twenty bats were sampled in each population, except in Ceuta (Moroccan side) where only 19 individuals were captured Spanish populations B11 C113 D9 E24 G25 H29 Overall Moroccan populations HO HE A FIS HO HE A FIS 0.87 ± 0.06 0.12 ± 0.03 0.92 ± 0.06 0.83 ± 0.08 0.55 ± 0.09 0.90 ± 0.05 0.67 ± 0.03 0.83 ± 0.02 0.11 ± 0.03 0.90 ± 0.03 0.85 ± 0.08 0.62 ± 0.01 0.91 ± 0.01 0.71 ± 0.02 8.3 ± 0.6 2.0 ± 0.0 12.7 ± 0.6 13.7 ± 1.2 3.7 ± 1.2 11.7 ± 1.5 8.7 ± 0.3 – 0.038 – 0.039 – 0.017 0.021 0.114 0.013 0.012 0.54 ± 0.14 0.03 ± 0.03 0.80 ± 0.08 0.98 ± 0.03 0.03 ± 0.06 0.83 ± 0.08 0.49 ± 0.04 0.56 ± 0.10 0.03 ± 0.03 0.88 ± 0.06 0.92 ± 0.01 0.07 ± 0.06 0.88 ± 0.04 0.56 ± 0.02 5.0 ± 1.0 1.7 ± 0.6 11.0 ± 2.0 14.3 ± 1.2 1.7 ± 0.6 10.3 ± 0.6 7.3 ± 0.6 0.033 0.000 0.092 – 0.069 0.493 0.054 0.035 Three colonies of Mouse-eared bats were sampled on each side of the Strait (Fig. 1). A distance of 270 – 770 km separated the North African colonies (nos 1– 3; geographical distances were measured on a map and rounded to the nearest 10 km), while those from southern Spain (nos 4 – 6) were sampled at intervals of 130 – 580 km. These six colonies represent animals living along a nearly linear transect of 1350 km. The colony of Ceuta (referred here collectively with the Moroccan colonies, though is politically a province of Spain) is located just in front of the Iberian colony of Cadiz. They are separated by only 60 km of land and 14 km of sea (see inset of Fig. 1). Because there is a long lasting controversy about the taxonomic position of North African Mouse-eared bats (Felten et al. 1977; Arlettaz et al. 1997b), 18 Lesser Mouse-eared bats (Myotis blythii) coming from various places in Europe and Asia were analysed for comparative purposes. We also included several Mouse-eared bats from Mallorca, Corsica, and Sardinia (see Fig. 1 and Appendix). Myotis nattereri, a smaller species closely related to the large Myotis (Ruedi & Mayer submitted), was used as an outgroup to root the phylogenetic trees. DNA amplification DNA was extracted from half wing punches using a salt protocol (Miller et al. 1988). For the purpose of measuring the genetic structure of bat populations at the nuclear level, six microsatellite loci developed specifically for the Greater Mouse-eared bat were analysed (Table 1). The GenBank accession nos and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) conditions used to amplify these loci are detailed in Castella & Ruedi (2000). The female contribution to gene flow was evaluated by sequencing the first 600 bp of a mtDNA marker, the cytochrome b gene. This gene was amplified with primers L14724 (Kocher et al. 1989) and © 2000 Blackwell Science Ltd, Molecular Ecology, 9, 1761–1772 MVZ16 (Smith & Patton 1993), and sequenced with an automated DNA sequencer (Applied Biosystems model 373XL) following standard methods. This mitochondrial gene was sequenced in the following subsample of animals from the transect: 14 M. myotis from Spain (10 from Cadiz, two each from Malaga and Alicante), and 14 from Morocco (10 from Ceuta, and two each from Azrou and Agadir). The same gene was also sequenced in the other Myotis sampled elsewhere in Europe and Asia (see Appendix). Sequences were aligned and edited visually using Sequencher 3.0 (Gene Codes Corp.). All different haplotypes are deposited in GenBank under accession nos AF246241–AF246261. Abbreviation of haplotypes or populations refer to Morocco (MA), Spain (ES), Sardinia (SA), Corsica (CO), Switzerland (CH), Greece (GR), the Czech Republic (TS), and Kirghizstan (KZ). Microsatellite analysis The genetic variability found within the six populations was quantified by the number of alleles and by the observed (HO) and expected (HE, Nei 1987) heterozygosity. Means and standard deviations of these variables were calculated separately for both the three pooled Spanish and the three pooled Moroccan colonies. To determine whether the six surveyed loci represent independent samples of the Mouse-eared bats’ genome, genotypic linkage disequilibrium was investigated for each pair of loci using the program genepop 3.1c (Raymond & Rousset 1995). Genotypic proportions were tested for departure from Hardy–Weinberg (H–W) expectations using randomization tests available in the fstat 2.9 package (Goudet 1999a). For H–W expectations within populations, alleles were permuted 1000 times among individuals, while alleles were permuted among populations for H–W expectations within regions. The same program was used to test whether inbreeding coefficients (FIS) deviated significantly from zero. In order to get mean FIS values for each region, computations were run independently for the two sets of three colonies. In both cases, P-values were obtained following 1800 permutations of alleles within populations with the specific alternative hypothesis of heterozygote deficiency. Sequential Bonferroni corrections were used to compute the critical significance levels for all simultaneous statistical tests (Rice 1989). Nuclear population structure was quantified by estimating the differentiation between colonies with Fstatistics (Wright 1978). Pairwise FST were computed according to Weir & Cockerham (1984) and population differentiation was tested by randomizing (1500 permutations) multilocus genotypes between each pair of samples with fstat 2.9. A hierarchical design (Schneider et al. 1996), including the colony, the regional and the whole transect levels, was also used to test for the effect of the Gibraltar Strait on the apportionment of molecular variance. To fully exploit genetic information at the individual level, the multilocus genotype of each bat was introduced in a principal component analysis using the program pca-gen 1.2 (Goudet 1999b). As with assignment tests (Paetkau et al. 1995, 1997), this method allows the identification of alien genotypes within local population. Haplotype analysis and phylogenetic reconstructions The small number of bats sequenced in most populations precluded any test of a hierarchical design of population differentiation. Contrary to the microsatellites, we only compared haplotypic variability within regions (i.e. Spain or Morocco) and among regions. Thus, the mitochondrial population structure was analysed by estimating the correlation of haplotypes drawn from the same side of the Gibraltar Strait to haplotypes drawn randomly from the total sample in terms of φST (Excoffier et al. 1992). Patterns of DNA evolution among haplotypes and all phylogenetic reconstructions were done with paup 4.0b4 (Swofford 1996). Phylogenetic relationships were recovered with a uniform parsimony analysis (branch-and-bound search), and reliability of nodes ascertained with 500 bootstrap resampling. Other methods of phylogenetic inference (i.e neighbour-joining or maximum likelihood methods) gave similar results. Allozyme data previously used to differentiate M. myotis and M. blythii (Arlettaz et al. 1997b) were reanalysed here in a phylogenetic context based on a complete data set of 35 loci (see Ruedi et al. 1990). Populations analysed here included M. myotis from Spain (n = 12), and Switzerland (n = 5), M. blythii from Spain (n = 9), Switzerland (n = 5) and Kighizstan (n = 7), Moroccan bats (n = 7) and a composite population of three bats from Sardinia and two from Corsica. Allozyme allele frequencies were transformed into Nei’s genetic distance (Nei 1987) and phylogenetic relationships were reconstructed with the neighbour subroutine in the program phylip 3.5c (Felsenstein 1993). The resulting tree was also bootstrapped 500 times with phylip. Results Microsatellite variability Within all colonies, bats showed considerable genetic variability at the six microsatellite loci with total number of alleles ranging from 41 to 54 and gene diversity from 0.54 to 0.72 (Table 1; individual genotypes are available at The loci C113 and G25 were the least variable as they were nearly fixed in one or both regions (Table 1 and Fig. 2). One test of linkage disequilibrium out of the 15 possible was highly significant in the colony of Ceuta (P < 0.001) and involved loci D9 and H29. This association remained significant even after a sequential Bonferroni procedure (Rice 1989). In all other populations, no evidence of association was detected for any locus combination. Because one significant test out of 15 would be expected by chance alone at the population level (P > 0.1; binomial test with α = 0.05), there was no evidence for strong dependence between loci. All colonies, either considered independently or grouped by region, were in Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium for each locus and over all loci. The only population which had an inbreeding coefficient that differed significantly from zero (FIS = 0.105, Azrou) was no more deviating from random mating when sequential Bonferroni correction was applied. The high (but not significant) FIS value for the locus G25 in Moroccan populations (Table 1) was due to the occurrence of one particular individual in the colony of Ceuta. This bat was homozygous for a rare Moroccan allele (13 repeats; Fig. 2), while all remaining bats were either homozygous for the most common allele (56 bats) or heterozygous for both alleles (2 bats). Patterns of genetic variation within regions A total of 69 and 56 alleles were scored in the three Spanish and three Moroccan colonies, respectively. Most of these alleles were widespread among colonies within regions, except 19 and 10 of them which were limited to one Iberian or one Moroccan colony, respectively. The majority of these private alleles only occurred at very low frequencies (mostly one single copy). The rather uniform number of alleles and heterozygosity calculated among colonies (low standard deviations in Table 1) also suggests that the microsatellite variability is high but evenly distributed among populations from the same region. This is © 2000 Blackwell Science Ltd, Molecular Ecology, 9, 1761–1772 Fig. 2 Distribution of allele frequencies at the six microsatellite loci for 60 Spanish (black bars) and 59 Moroccan Mouseeared bats (white bars). Allele sizes are indicated in repeat numbers on the x-axis. Some loci clearly differentiate bats from both regions. Table 2 Microsatellite estimates of population differentiation within and between regions (pairwise FST) are indicated above the diagonal. Asterisks below the diagonal indicate significant genetic structuring among Spanish and Moroccan samples obtained with the exact G-test (uncorrected P-values). Sample size is the same as in Table 1 Spain Cadiz Malaga Alicante Agadir Azrou Ceuta Morocco Cadiz Malaga Alicante Agadir Azrou Ceuta 0 NS NS *** *** *** – 0.002 0 NS *** *** *** 0.009 0.004 0 *** *** *** 0.344 0.340 0.357 0 NS * 0.336 0.333 0.353 – 0.002 0 NS 0.320 0.314 0.337 0.017 0.019 0 NS, non significant; *P < 0.5, ***P < 0.001. © 2000 Blackwell Science Ltd, Molecular Ecology, 9, 1761–1772 confirmed by exact tests of population differentiation, which indicate that colonies from the same side of the strait are not significantly differentiated from each other (Table 2). The only apparent exception concerned the colonies of Agadir and Ceuta, but the differentiation was no more significant after a Bonferroni correction. Assignment tests based on the multilocus genotype of individuals (Paetkau et al. 1995) sampled within a given region classify only 40% of bats in their correct colony of origin (results not shown). Although the colonies were sampled up to 770 km from each other in Spain or in Morocco, the microsatellite data suggest high ongoing nuclear gene flow and weak genetic subdivision among colonies within regions. Because microsatellites are nuclear markers inherited biparentally (Tautz & Renz 1984), they reflect the movements of both males and females. Thus, the dispersal Microsatellites Among regions Among populations within region Within populations mtDNA % Φ % Φ 33.3 0.5 66.2 0.333 0.007 0.338 99.1 —* 0.9 0.991 —* — *hierarchical level not included for mtDNA. of one sex, e.g. the males only, would be sufficient to homogenize populations, even in the absence of female dispersal. We, therefore, measured patterns of gene flow through mtDNA variation which is transmitted by females only (Avise 1994). Twenty-eight individuals were sequenced for 600 bp of the cytochrome b gene (see Appendix). The 14 Greater Mouse-eared bats from Spain differed at only two positions (one transition and one transversion substitution), determining three different haplotypes. The most common haplotype (ES1) was found in nine bats from Cadiz and two from Malaga. Similarly, only three positions were variable (all transitions) in the cytochrome b of the 14 Moroccan bats, determining four closely related haplotypes. The most common Moroccan haplotype (MA1) was found in all individuals from Ceuta, and one bat from Azrou. Some haplotypes were found in one colony alone (e.g. MA3 from Agadir, or ES3 from Alicante) suggesting that females may be more philopatric than males to their natal colonies. The low number of sequenced individuals in most colonies precludes any formal testing of this hypothesis, but a similar bias of sex dispersal was already suggested in a population of M. myotis from Germany (Petri et al. 1997). Patterns of genetic variation across the Gibraltar Strait In sharp contrast to the genetic homogeneity and high levels of nuclear gene flow inferred within regions, comparisons of bats sampled across the Gibraltar Strait yielded strong levels of genetic differentiation. For the microsatellite data set, three loci showed contrasting patterns of variation. In the B11 locus, none of the 17 different alleles was distributed on both sides of the Strait. All alleles comprising 4 –11 repeats were found exclusively in Morocco, while all those comprising 15 – 25 repeats were typical of Spanish bats (Fig. 2). In the G25 locus, a single copy (out of 120 sampled) of the 14-repeat allele was found in the Spanish population of Cadiz, while this allele was nearly fixed (mean frequency 0.97) in all Moroccan colonies (Fig. 2). Finally, the locus C113 was nearly fixed for the 7-repeat allele in Spain (average frequency = 0.94) and for the 6-repeat allele in Morocco Table 3 Analysis of microsatellite and mtDNA variance across the Gibraltar Strait. The percentage of variance (%) and the Φ-statistic are given at each hierarchical level (see Excoffier et al. 1992). Microsatellite results are based on the same sample size as in Table 1, but for mtDNA only 14 bats were analysed for Spanish and for Moroccan populations (see text) (mean frequency 0.98; Fig. 2). For both the G25 and C113 loci, results from a broader population survey involving 420 M. myotis from western Europe (V. Castella & M. Ruedi, unpublished data) showed that rare ‘Moroccan’ alleles can be found sporadically in several European populations sampled as far away as Switzerland or Poland. The three remaining loci showed more overlapping allele distribution across the strait (Fig. 2). Contrary to the situation observed within regions, all pairs of populations were significantly differentiated when comparisons were made across the Gibraltar Strait, even after Bonferroni adjustment (Table 2). Moreover, classical FST values were one or two orders of magnitude larger when pairs of populations were compared between regions rather than within regions (Table 2). As a consequence, assignment tests among regions classified all bats in their correct country of origin (results not shown). A hierarchical analysis of molecular variance showed that most of the microsatellite variability (66%) was distributed within colonies. However, along the whole transect of 1350 km, only a negligible part of the genetic variance (0.5%) was due to differences among colonies, while 33% was explained by the effect of the Gibraltar Strait (Table 3). In order to make comparisons with a closely related species, we analysed the same six microsatellite loci in 18 M. blythii sampled in various locations in Europe and Asia (see Appendix). This heterogeneous sample included, in particular, two individuals from a nursery colony in Tarifa (Spain) located just on the Iberian border of the Gibraltar Strait (Fig. 1). Among the 52 alleles that were scored in this new sample, 20 were exclusively found in M. blythii. In particular, most alleles (15 out of 17) of the dinucleotide locus E24 showed single nucleotide shifts when compared to Iberian and Moroccan alleles. This suggests that an insertion or deletion unique to M. blythii has occurred within this locus. In the diallelic C113 locus, both the 6-repeat (typical of Moroccan bats) and the 7repeat allele (typical of Iberian bats) were present in this species. The 6-repeat allele was the most frequent (frequency of 0.72) while the other allele was found in 10 heterozygotes. All M. blythii tested were fixed for the 17-repeat allele at the G25 locus; this allele is otherwise © 2000 Blackwell Science Ltd, Molecular Ecology, 9, 1761–1772 Fig. 3 Factor map of the two main axis of the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) carried out with individual microsatellite genotypes. The x-axis represents 30% inertia (FST = 0.19), while the y-axis has 7% inertia (FST = 0.04). All Spanish bats (represented by black triangles) display positive values on the first axis, while negative values characterize Moroccan bats (represented by white squares). No individual of these two groups lay in an intermediate position. European Myotis blythii, represented by grey circles, appear more closely related to Iberian rather than to Moroccan bats. typical of M. myotis from the Iberian region. As shown by a principal component analysis, multilocus genotypes of these 18 M. blythii appear to be more closely related to the Iberian M. myotis samples, than to the Moroccan bats (Fig. 3). To come back to our main species, patterns of mtDNA variation across the Gibraltar Strait supports the same conclusion as the nuclear markers. Nearly all the molecular variance was observed for comparisons made across the Strait (99.1%; Table 3). Thus, all haplotypes could be unambiguously assigned to their correct region of origin. The two groups of haplotypes differed by a mean (± SD) genetic distance of 10.6 ± 0.2% (Kimura 2-parameter correction). This represents 54 – 59 observed substitutions over the 600 bp sequenced. To expand the geographical coverage of Mouse-eared bats from the Mediterranean region, we also sequenced animals from other parts of Europe and from the islands of Mallorca (Spain), Corsica (France), and Sardinia (Italy), and also compared sequences from M. blythii (see Appendix). M. myotis from Spain (including bats from Mallorca) and Switzerland were all very similar to each other (within 1% of sequence divergence). Surprisingly, four Spanish M. blythii from Tarifa, Cadiz and Alicante had the same haplotype (ES1b) that is found in most Iberian M. myotis. M. blythii from the Czech © 2000 Blackwell Science Ltd, Molecular Ecology, 9, 1761–1772 Republic and Greece were slightly more divergent (up to 2.8% sequence divergence), while the two central Asian Lesser Mouse-eared bats differed by a mean of 6.2 ± 0.4% from European samples. By contrast, sequences from Corsica and Sardinia were all closely related to the Moroccan haplotypes. Thus, European M. myotis and M. blythii are much more closely related to each other than to the Moroccan sample. Accordingly, a phylogenetic analysis of all different haplotypes places the Moroccan, Corsican, and Sardinian samples in a single, well-supported clade (Fig. 4A). All other haplotypes form a distinct clade, also highly supported by bootstrap resampling. This clade include two Kirghiz M. blythii which emerge first as an early offshoot, while sequences of European M. blythii and M. myotis constitute a closely related crown-group which did not attain reciprocal monophyly. Phylogenetic analysis of Mouse-eared bat populations using 35 allozyme loci and M. nattereri as an outgroup confirms the close relationships of Moroccan bats with those of Corsica and Sardinia (93% bootstrap support; Fig. 4B). However, contrary to results of microsatellites (Fig. 3) and DNA sequencing (Fig. 4A), this allozyme tree suggests a closer phylogenetic relationship of this North African taxon with M. myotis, but this node is not firmly established (63% bootstrap support). Fig. 4 Phylogenetic relationships of various Mouse-eared bats deduced from mtDNA haplotypes (gene tree A), or from allozyme data (population tree B). The haplotype tree is a consensus of all equally parsimonious trees (score 154 steps) obtained from a branchand-bound search using Myotis nattereri as an outgroup. Notice that haplotypes of M. myotis and M. blythii are not reciprocally monophyletic. The allozyme tree is a neighbour-joining tree based on Nei’s (Nei 1987) genetic distances calculated among populations. Nodes with bootstrap proportions above 50% are indicated. Abbreviation of haplotypes or populations refer to samples from Morocco (MA), Spain (ES), Sardinia (SA), Corsica (CO), Switzerland (CH), Greece (GR), the Czech Republic (TS), and Kirghizstan (KZ). Discussion Greater Mouse-eared bats are strong fliers able to cover several hundreds of kilometers annually (Horacek 1985; Paz et al. 1986). Consistent with this high dispersal ability, microsatellite data show that colonies within Spain, or within Morocco are only weakly differentiated (Table 2). This suggests that high levels of gene flow prevail among continental colonies over large geographical distances (at least up to 770 km). Accordingly, all mtDNA haplotypes sequenced within Spain or within Morocco were identical or very similar to each other. These patterns of microsatellite and mtDNA variation within each region are consistent with recent genetic data obtained for another Palaearctic species of bat, Nyctalus noctula. This true migratory species covers several hundreds of kilometers every year between breeding and wintering grounds, and exhibits no significant nuclear genetic differentiation within a core area spawning more than 3000 km (Petit & Mayer 1999). In sharp contrast to the weak differentiation of populations observed within Spain or within Morocco, the same molecular markers revealed a clear dichotomy when comparisons were made across the Gibraltar Strait. For instance, the Moroccan and Iberian populations share no mtDNA haplotypes in common, and at the microsatellite locus B11, all short alleles are exclusively found in North Africa, while longer repeat alleles are all Iberian (Fig. 2). Thus, haplotypes and multilocus genotypes of all sampled individuals can be easily assigned to their correct region of origin (Figs 3 and 4A). The 119 bats analysed from only six populations may represent a small sample to detect direct migrants. This is certainly true for first generation migrants which could occur in the area without reproducing, and which could have remained unsampled. However, unlike direct methods (e.g. ringing studies), which provide punctual information on the movements of individuals, genetic data are representative of the movement of genes accumulated during many generations (Slatkin 1994). In a principal component analysis based on the multilocus genotype of each individual, recent hybrid genotypes are expected to occur in an intermediate position between pure-bred genotypes (but see Lugon-Moulin et al. 1999). As shown in Fig. 3, all Iberian and Moroccan bats appear to be pure-bred, with no apparent sign of recent admixture of both groups. Because mtDNA markers are inherited clonally through the mother, they could introgress into a new population through a single reproducing, alien female. Yet haplotypes segregate in two clades endemic to each region. Thus, the evidence supports that no Spanish migrant contributed to any significant gene flow into the Moroccan populations or vice-versa. Moreover, the amount of genetic divergence among cytochrome b haplotypes measured between European Myotis myotis and African bats (10.6 ± 0.2% for Kimura 2-parameter corrected distance) suggests that they became separated long ago. Comparable amounts of genetic divergence were measured between the two cryptic species of pipistrelle bats (11% Barratt et al. 1997) or among congeneric mammals in general (reviewed in Johns & Avise 1998). To maintain such high levels of genetic difference between conspecific populations, a strong, persistent and ancient barrier preventing any significant gene flow would be needed. Fossils of typical M. myotis are known at least since the Pleistocene in the Iberian Peninsula (Sevilla 1989). Thus, owing to their vagility, these bats should have had ample time to exchange migrants with North Africa. Moreover, Mouse-eared bats have successfully colonized all major islands of the Mediterranean Sea, suggesting that they can be very effective colonizers. For instance, bats on Mallorca, which is about 200 km away from mainland populations (Fig. 1), have haplotypes identical or very similar to Spanish ones (Fig. 4A). Both these temporal and physical arguments suggest that the 14 km of open sea, which separates Spain from Morocco (Fig. 1), is certainly not sufficient per se to prevent gene flow. © 2000 Blackwell Science Ltd, Molecular Ecology, 9, 1761–1772 We excluded the possibility that the North African bats were conspecific with another known species, namely M. blythii, as formerly hypothesized (Bogan et al. 1978). According to the microsatellite data (Fig. 3) and to the molecular tree of Fig. 4(A), M. blythii and M. myotis appear to be closely related to each other (mean haplotypic divergence 2.1 ± 0.3%), but both differ considerably from the North African form (mean 11.8% and 10.9%, respectively). In a previous review of ecological, morphological and allozymic variation among M. myotis and M. blythii, Arlettaz et al. (1997b) analysed basically the same populations as those presented in this paper. These authors showed that the morphologically intermediate bats from North Africa, Corsica and Sardinia represented a homogeneous, monotypic assemblage (Figs 1 and 2 in Arlettaz et al. 1997b) and have the same allozyme alleles as M. myotis at two discriminant loci (Arlettaz 1995; Arlettaz et al. 1997b). Accordingly, a reanalysis of this data set using 35 allozyme loci and M. nattereri as an outgroup, suggests a closer phylogenetic relationship between the African taxon and M. myotis rather than with M. blythii (Fig. 4B). However, these results depend on few variable allozyme loci (11 out of 35 essayed), most of which are di- or triallelic within Mouse-eared bats. For instance, the ADA and GOT-1 loci are fixed for alternative alleles in continental M. myotis and M. blythii (Arlettaz 1995; Arlettaz et al. 1997b), and were used to identify bats from Morocco, Sardinia and Corsica. Yet, the same alleles are found in other species (e.g. in M. nattereri or M. daubentonii), suggesting that retention of plesiomorphic alleles, homoplasy, parallelism or undetected mutations could be common in these allozyme loci. According to the highest bootstrap values obtained for the mtDNA tree (Fig. 4A) and to the larger number of individuals and informative loci used for the microsatellite data set, we are more confident in the phylogenetic relationships obtained in the present molecular data. Thus, our most likely interpretation of the available data is that the Moroccan and Iberian bats collected along the transect represent distinct biological species, which do not interbreed because occasional migrants across the strait, if any, do not seem to transmit their genes to the resident populations. Unlike M. myotis and M. blythii, which are found in strict sympatry over most of their European range, the North African form does not apparently coexist with either species, at least in Morocco, Sardinia and Corsica. Interestingly, the niche of the latter is very similar to that of European continental M. myotis as they both feed essentially on ground-dwelling arthropods (carabid beetles, ground crickets, scorpions, etc.) (Arlettaz et al. 1997a; Arlettaz 1999). Competitive exclusion would, therefore, be more likely between M. myotis and bats of the North African clade. In contrast, M. blythii exploits a quite distinct niche throughout its range, it’s diet consisting © 2000 Blackwell Science Ltd, Molecular Ecology, 9, 1761–1772 mostly of grass-dwelling prey, namely bush crickets. Whether the current distribution of these three sibling species is due entirely to historical processes of colonization, to competitive exclusion, or a combination of both remains open to debate. If one applies the ‘standard’ rate of 2% per million years for cytochrome b divergence in mammals ( Johns & Avise 1998), the difference observed between both European Mouse-eared bats and the North African taxon (about 11%) would support a divergence dating back to the Pliocene epoch. This very ancient date does not mean that these taxa face each other at Gibraltar since several million years. Rather, they probably diverged from a common ancestor somewhere else, while the descendents colonized the present distribution area more recently. As the North African taxon is morphologically intermediate in size between M. myotis and M. blythii (Felten et al. 1977; Benda & Horacek 1995), there has been considerable debate concerning its systematic position: it was either treated as a smaller form of M. myotis (e.g. Ellerman & Morrison-Scott 1966; Benda & Horacek 1995), or as a larger form of M. blythii (Felten et al. 1977; Bogan et al. 1978; Corbet 1978). Based on samples from the Maghreb, Sardinia, Corsica and Malta, Felten (in Felten et al. 1977) described them under the new name M. blythii punicus Felten 1977. Thus, we provisionally refer to the North African, Corsican, and Sardinian ‘intermediate’ Mouseeared bats as Myotis cf punicus Felten 1977. Of course, the definitive systematic position and distribution of this interesting complex of species awaits further morphological and molecular comparisons especially with bats from the eastern Mediterranean area and from elsewhere in the Middle east. In conclusion, even if the narrow Gibraltar Strait doesn’t seem to represent an insuperable obstacle for Mouse-eared bats (they can cross far broader stretches of open sea), it may still prevent gene flow. For these bats, it materializes the borders of distribution of sibling species, with two of them (M. myotis and M. blythii) apparently not coexisting with the third one (M. cf punicus). It remains to be shown whether other species of bats actually exchange migrants across Gibraltar, or whether they colonized southern Spain and northern Morocco via other routes like the majority of other wild mammals (Dobson 1998). Acknowledgements We thank Javier Juste, Juan Quetglas, Elena Migens, Association Sportive de Speleologie de Agadir, Asociación Roncadell, Juan R. Boyero, Pepe Ganfornina and many other bat workers for assistance in the field. Authorizations to take biopsy samples in Spain were provided by the Consejeria de Medio Ambiente de la Junta de Andalucia and Consellería de Agricultura y Medio Ambiente de la Generalitat Valenciana. Nelly diMarco provided help with DNA extraction. We thank also Eric Petit and François Balloux for helpful comments on early versions of the manuscript. 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JH’s prime research interests are population genetics and the evolutionary history of soricine shrews. Appendix List of material and locations used in the genetic analyses. The number of females (F) and males (M) genotyped at all microsatellite loci and the number of the sequenced haplotypes (see Fig. 4A) appear in parentheses Myotis myotis — SPAIN: Cueva del Agua, Cadiz (15 F and 5 m; 9 × ES1, 1 × ES2); Canillas de Aceituno, Malaga (19 F and 1 m; 2 × ES1); Denia, Alicante (12 F and 8 m; 2 × ES4); Inca, Mallorca (2 F and 1 m; 1 × ES1, 2 × ES5). SWITZERLAND: Perreux, Neuchâtel (1 F and 1 m; 2 × CH1). Myotis blythii — SPAIN: Tarifa, Cadiz (2 F; 2 × ES1b); Cueva del Agua, Cadiz (3 F; 1 × ES1b); Canillas, Malaga (1 F and 1 m); Denia, Alicante (1 m; 1 × ES1b); Castellon (1 m and 1 F); Malgrat, Barcelona (1 F). PORTUGAL: Loucal, Querença (1 indet.). FRANCE: Montredon, Narbonne (1 F and 1 m); Nice (2 F and 2 m). CZECH REPUBLIC: Bohemia (1 indet.; 1 × TS1). GREECE: Macedonia (1 indet.; 1 × GR1). KIRGHIZSTAN: Adzidar cave, Os (1 F and 1 m; 1 × KZ1, 1 × KZ2). Note that the latter four bats were not included in the microsatellite analyses. Myotis cf punicus — MOROCCO: Azrou, Meknes (16 F and 4 m; 1 × MA1, 1 × MA2); Boumahden, Agadir (5 F and 15 m; 1 × MA3, 1 × MA4). SPAIN: Mina del Agua, Ceuta (6 F and 13 m; 10 × MA1). FRANCE: Oleta, Corsica (2 F; 1 × CO1, 1 × CO2). ITALY: Mt Maiore, Ulassai, Sardinia (1 F and 2 m; 2 × SA1). Myotis nattereri — GREECE: Macedonia (not sexed). © 2000 Blackwell Science Ltd, Molecular Ecology, 9, 1761–1772