Emancipated Student Form PARENT OR GUARDIAN STATEMENT FOR A STUDENT CLAIMING EMANCIPATION I (We) , the parent(s) or guardian(s) of , do entirely surrender the right to the care, custody, and earnings of and I (we) have not supported or maintained said person since Month ☐ Yes Have you contributed to his or her support in any way? Day Year ☐ No Nature and amount of support I (We) have not claimed the above person as an income tax exemption for the last tax year, nor will I (we) for subsequent years. If this form is to be used as documentation, official IRS tax transcripts for the past two years for the student’s parent(s) or guardian(s) should be included. I (We) certify the information provided is accurate to the best of my (our) knowledge. Signature(s) of parent(s) or guardian(s) Subscribed and sworn to (or affirmed) before me this Date day of , Year My commission expires: Notary Public If you are claiming emancipated student status, you may be required to provide additional supportive evidence. The Office of the Registrar will contact you if this is necessary. NOTE: Residing in Wyoming primarily as a student will not support a claim for resident status for tuition purposes, even if this form is properly completed and submitted. Office of the Registrar January 2016 - 1