Birth to Five Undergraduate Program Requirements

Name: ____________________________________
W #: ____________________________________
Prep. By
Date ____________
Enrollment Date __________
Rev. 2-21-08
Undergraduate Route to Teacher Endorsement for Early Childhood Birth To Five Program
Undergraduate students can be accepted into the endorsement program if:
Enrolled in a BS degree program in Family and Consumer Sciences/Child Development Option or approved related program
Submitted the application for enrollment in the endorsement program and sent an official copy of most recent transcripts with the
Early Childhood Education Courses Required for Teacher Endorsement
A course in Child Development is a pre-requisite to all other courses
FCSC 2121 (4 credit hours—undergraduate) Child Development
PSYC 2300 or EDFD 2460 (3 credit hours-undergraduate) Child/Adolescent Psychology
and FCSC 2122 (1 credit) Child Development Lab
EDEC 1020 (3 credit hours—undergraduate) Introduction to Early Childhood Education
The following to be taken AFTER Child Dev. AND Intro. To Early Childhood Ed.
 FCSC 2131 (3 credit hours—undergraduate) Family Relationships
FCSC 4124 (3 credit hours-undergraduate) Families of Young Children with Special
 EDEC 3000 (3 credit hours-undergraduate) Observing Young Children
EDCI 1100/ EDCI 1105 (3 credit hours-undergraduate) Observation and Guidance with
 EDEC 3220 (3 credit hours-undergraduate) School Programs for Young Children
 EDEC 4320 (3 credit hours-undergraduate) Oral and Written Language Acquisition
Taken after all other courses
 FCSC 4130 (6 credits undergraduate) Internship OR EDCI 5580 Supervised Internship
in Early Childhood Education (6 credits) OR EDEC 2200 Early Childhood Practicum (5
credits) from Casper College
Total hours for endorsement
Common Assessment Record
In order to obtain B-5 teacher endorsement, the candidate must
demonstrate proficiency level for the six required common assessments
that meet the standards. The candidate must provide a portfolio
containing the six common assessments when applying for the
Institutional Recommendation for the B-5 endorsement.
Common Assessment
Course Taken
Developmental Assessment Paper
Family Systems Analysis
Child Study
Documented math/science Activity
Literacy Portfolio
Internship Evaluation
Date Completed