A&I-BD-NAFR STATE OF WYOMING (Rev 02/24/09) AMERICAN RECOVERY AND REINVESTMENT ACT (ARRA) NEW/ADJUSTED FUNDS REQUEST No application for new federal or other privately/publicly supported programs and or grants, or for material changes to existing programs or grants, can be submitted without the expressed consent of the Governor or his designee. 067 – UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING Please complete shaded areas and attach a one-page abstract/summary. Dorothy Yates Phone: 307-766-5320 1. AGENCY CONTACT: Phone: 1a. Principal Investigator/ Project Director 2. APPLICATION DEADLINE: 3. GRANTING AGENCY: 4. PROJECT TITLE: 5. CFDA # 6. AMOUNT REQUESTED: 7. Strategic Plan: GOAL: UW-Research 8. What program is supported? UW- Research 9. Personnel impact? (new hires resulting from the funding) 10. Long range general fund Impact? 11. Cost-share or Match? Yes: No: Yes: No: Yes: No: 12. Indirect costs included? Yes: No: 13. Governor Certification (state review) Required? 14. COMMENTS: Yes: No: OBJECTIVE: Scholarly advancement, sustained economic health, and enhanced learning environment. If yes, # of full-time & part-time. FT ____ PT ____ If yes, explain in comments and/or attach documentation. If yes (please also indicate % of total project costs): Amount: Source: Cash: In-kind: If no, attach written documentation for exclusion. If yes, attach documentation. To be completed by Research Office: In my opinion, this request for federal resources meets the criteria established in the Governor’s policy statement for accepting federal program funding and is consistent with the university’s strategic plan. Approved: ______ Not Approved: ______ ________________________________________________________ Designated University Official Date ____________ NAFR #