Executive Board Meeting Minutes, OSU Extension
Polk County Master Gardeners
Polk County Extension Office
June 3, 2015
Board Members Present: President Jane Gragg, Treasurer Patty Korn, Secretary Gayle Birch, and
Inspiration Garden Chair Bill Leedy, and Immediate Past President Lee Schlenker. Ex-Officio
Members Present: OMGA Alternate Representative Judy Nathe, Fall Fling Chairperson Vicki Brink and Neil Bell, OSU Extension Agent. Guests: Chapter Member Dolores May, Historian Sandy
Davis, and Marion County Master Gardener/OMGA Past President Bill Liskey.
Call to Order: The Board meeting was called to order at 1:20 p.m.
Minutes: Minutes of the May 6, 2015 Executive Board Meeting were reviewed, approved and filed.
Treasurer’s Report:
Patty Korn distributed the Treasurer’s Report which was discussed and approved as filed. A brief discussion clarified specific expenses and budgeting questions. The report was filed as presented.
By-Laws Review: Jim Liskey, Marion County Master Gardener, and OMGA Past President, provided recommendations and insights on structuring by-laws, articles of incorporation, policies and procedures, and position descriptions. He encouraged “permanent” information be contained in the by-laws, with information that is revised be included in policies and procedures or position descriptions. He also addressed the question of revising a Chapter’s operating report from a calendar year to fiscal year. The Board will consider its options at a future meeting. Benton County Master
Gardener’s website was suggested for review as it thoroughly addresses the Chapter’s administration.
The Board will begin revisions at its July meeting.
Historian Report: Sandy Davis reported that work has begun with the filing of hard copy newsletters, flyers, bulletins, and photos of the Gathering Place. Members are encouraged to send
Sandy any photographs taken at the Plant Sale.
Inventory: Judy Nathe reported that the MG Inventory is out of date. Inventory items include office equipment, signs, banners, Inspiration Garden equipment, Fall Fling items. Jane Gragg will send inventory forms to Committee Chairs and Project Leaders for completion by September 1, 2015.
PCMG Scholarship: The $2,500 scholarship was awarded to Lydia Graber, a Dallas High School
2012 graduate, and OSU junior, majoring in Horticulture. She expects to graduate in 2016. The membership will meet her at the July 8, 2015 Chapter meeting.
Plant Sale Report: Following the final Plant Sale meeting on June 11, a full report will be made.
Inspiration Garden & Gathering Place: Bill Leedy reported:
The City of Independence is working on the installation of the electricity conduit. An estimate for project completion is expected by July. Use of over-estimate Plant Sale revenue was discussed.
Plumbing has been roughed in; leaky valve has been fixed.
The Gathering Place has been painted sage green with cream trim.
The June 19, dedication has been postponed. A future date will be set.
Bill Leedy will research the question of liability coverage at the Inspiration Garden.
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Community outreach event is scheduled for June 7, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. A local church group will begin planting the 100 plants for the riparian area, as well as mulch and weed.
Gail Oberst will prepare a story on the Inspiration Garden for the Capital Press [Thank you
Judy Maule!]
Newsletter: An issue that arose in May was discussed. It will be addressed by Neil Bell and
Jane Gragg.
Trainee Payback: Information may not be available until August.
OMGA Quarterly Meeting: OMGA Representative Rose McGuire and Alternate Judy Nathe will attend the June 5-6, meeting at Benton County Extension. In 2014, the Chapter agreed to send $500 in 2015 and 2016 to the International Master Gardener Association. Mini-college registration is now open. The Board discussed offering the Polk County Master Gardener of the Year free registration to
Mini-college, utilizing the $200 scholarship, should that use be acceptable to OMGA.
Any Chapter Member that attends Leadership Day events will be reimbursed the $15 fee by the
Chapter. Send receipt and reimbursement to Patty Korn. [ Note: OMGA waived the fee.]
June Chapter Meeting Speaker: Cynda Foster from Perennial Obsession Nursery, and member of the Hardy Plants Society, will be the guest speaker at the June 10, meeting, focusing on hardy succulents.
Clinics - Leaders:
Polk County Fair – Dolores May - August
Oregon State Fair – [Vacant] August - September
Summerfest – Eileen Schaffer [Summerfest requires a $125 booth fee, which will be paid.]
Hardy Plant Sale - [Vacant] – September
Brunk House Cider Press – Marsha Graciosa [late September - early October]
Office Reorganization : Judy Nathe reported the project has been ongoing for the last few months, and will continue until completed. The goal is to eliminate duplicate information and label all items essential for MG operations.
July 4 th Float:
Theme is Red, White and Blue
Trailer available for hauling
Assembly will take place at Jane Gragg’s residence o Bench and trellis still available o A Decorator Coordinator is needed
2 banners available – one on each side of the float
Secure loaner plants from donors – businesses and/or Chapter members
$15 fee to be paid [Monmouth-Independence Chamber of Commerce]
Adjourn: 3:40 p.m.
Gayle Birch, Secretary
Approved by the Board at its July 1, 2015 meeting.
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