Teacher: Mrs. T. Manno E-mail: tmanno@sewanhaka.k12.ny.us
Department Telephone Number: 488 – 9626
1. YOU WILL NEED a) The textbook Glencoe: Algebra 1 b) A loose-leaf with dividers and a folder for handouts c) A calculator: We will need the TI - 83 or TI - 84 graphing calculator in class. You will also need the graphing calculator for your homework and for the
Regents examination.
2) YOU MUST BE RESPONSIBLE FOR a) Taking notes in class and maintaining a good notebook.
b) Completing homework assignments everyday . c) Making up work missed due to absence must be made up in a timely manner. It is the student ’ s responsibility to find out from the teacher what work has been missed and to see that it is made up.
d) Attending weekly Regents Prep Classes in the Spring.
e) Attending extra help classes when you need help with a topic.
3) CLASS POLICIES a) Homework: In accordance with district and school policy, homework will be assigned at least four nights per week.
b) Class Participation: Each student is expected to participate actively in every class discussion and homework review each day. c) Grades: Your marking period grade will be based on the following:
Tests and Quizzes 70 %
Class Participation & Homework 20%
Lab Class Work 10% d) Regents Examination: In June, the Regents examination is one fifth of your grade in this class. It will be averaged with the four marking periods to determine your grade in the course.
Passing the Integrated Algebra Regents is a requirement for graduation from high school. e) Mathematics Department Honor Society: A student must maintain a 90% average and participate in at least one of the following activities: Mathletes, Pi
Day, or a departmental service project.