Welcome! You are now a part of the READ 180 program. You have an
advantage of being in a READ 180 classroom because of the amazing technology at your
fingertips. We are lucky to have a double period for READ 180 because the material we
study and the activities we complete each day will take two periods. You will be
receiving a packet that describes, in detail, each part of the READ 180 English
We will be reading the READ 180 packet together in the next few days. Please
do not hesitate to ask any questions you may have about the program at any time.
You can expect to grow as a reader, boost your motivation to read, and raise your
confidence when taking tests. You will read more books this school year than you have
in the past few school years combined! This will be an exciting time, as we will be
studying and sharing our new experiences together as a learning community.
1. Arrive on time and be prepared for class daily: this means being in your seat when the
bell rings with your binder opened and ready to copy the Homework, Aim, and Do Now.
You will not be allowed to get items from your locker or elsewhere once class begins.
Class ends when the teacher dismisses you.
2. Everyone in class needs to constantly be aware and practice being respectful to others.
This not only means being respectful to the teacher, but to your classmates as well.
Having a positive and safe environment will allow us to be successful and grow together
as a class.
3. Organize your work. The work of the day must be dated on a daily basis.
4. Participation: This will play a large role in your quarterly grade. This includes
following directions that are given and conducting yourself properly during small group,
instructional software, independent reading, and class discussions. Always raise your
hand if you have a question or want to contribute to the class discussion. Never raise
your hand while the teacher is speaking. Your behavior, assignments, and tests will also
reflect your effort in class.
Please have all supplies organized and in class by: __________________________
 3 ring binder- Green
 2 packets of loose-leaf paper
 Folder
 Pens and pencils
 Supplementary Books- buy at the school store
1.) Measuring Up- Level G
Student’s signature _____________________________________
Parent/ Guardian’s signature _______________________________