Technology Committee Meeting Minutes 11:00 – 12:30pm, Sept 1, 2005 Location: HC 124 Members Present: Windee Cottle, Steve Dodson, Kathleen Kirkpatrick, Rick Sapanaro, Ingrid Schreck, Rainer Wachalovsky, Deborah Wiebers Members Absent: Julie Driscoll, Harriet Eskildsen, John Hinds, Brettt Roncelli, Derek Wilson Agenda Discussion Items 1. Dates and times for meetings for fall semester Agreed that three more faculty members are needed—preferably from non-represented areas such as science and communications as well as one student rep. Agreed to meet every other week and allow sub-committees to establish their own meetings times. Discussed role of committee this semester Welcomed new committee member, Rick Sapanaro, new Dean of Math, Science and Learning Technologies 2. Update on RFP process Discussed Steering Committee participation Discussed vendor dates for Sungard (Banner) and Datatel—Date of Demos: Sept 26 – 30 and Oct 10 –14 @ IVC Discussed the importance of viewing vendor demos in appropriate area 3. Update on survey development No news to report 4. Update on Sub-committee progress Steve and Win report that a web map has been designed for the tech page. 5. One goal from Tech Plan to Implement this semester Discussed Tech Plan and priorities within plan Rick suggests that Goal IIA is high priority—taking a campus-wide inventory of current environment and developing a needs assessment Committee members to review entire plan and recommend a sub-goal pertinent to respective sub-committee 6. Other Kathleen reports that she has been selected to be an ambassador for CETC (CA Educational Technology Collaborative). She is a resource for information about statewide technology projects currently available for free or low-cost to commununity college fac.& staff that are funded by the Chancellor's Office -- Projects include: CVC, @One, CCCConfer, CCCApply, CSAT etc. Action Items for Follow-up Win will track down student rep. Possibilities Committee members will review the Tech Plan in its entirety and select sub-goals Meeting Recommendations identify a Web Support Coordinator for faculty professional development. investigate Instructional Technology support structures at other schools. develop a Tech Web Page to provide faculty with technology instructions that are unique to to CoM. implement more flex activities to provide faculty with technology training. learn about faculty and student technology use and what they need.