Reporting On Call Time

Employee record 1 for actual On-call pay – load as 1 for each day on-call. The employee will receive $22 per on-call
day loaded. The system will not let you load more than 1 for a day for on-call.
In this example the employee will receive 5 days of on-call pay at $22 per day:
If an employee is on-call on a holiday, you must ALSO load the on-call on their benefited record (should be record 0).
This will generate 8 hours of comp time the employee earns for being on-call on a holiday, but it will not pay the
employee any additional on-call pay. If the on-call time is loaded on their benefited record on a non-holiday day, the
system will ignore the time.
In this example the employee will receive 16 hours of comp time – 8 hours for each day on-call that was a holiday:
Reporting On-call time
If an employee is called in to work when on-call, load the actual hours worked on their benefited record (should be
record 0).
In this example the employee was called in and worked 5 hours on 11/25:
The system will calculate any overtime pay for the employee based on the hours loaded for the entire week excluding
the 2 ‘On Call’ hours.
Reporting On-call time