Veterans Services Center 241 Knight Hall 307-766-6908

Veterans Services Center
241 Knight Hall
Project Healing
Other Continuing Programs
Outdoor Program
This year, the Outdoor
Program is planning to go on
several hikes throughout the
semester. The first trip will
be to the Grey Rock hiking
area in Colorado, on
Saturday, February 13th.
Participants will meet at
the Laramie Fly Shop at 7
a.m. that morning. Breakfast
will be provided, however,
participants will need to
bring their own lunch.
There will be a sign-up sheet
in the Center, as well as a
list of suggested items to
For more information,
e-mail Harley at
Math Tutoring
Woman’s Group
Our wonderful math tutor,
Justin, will be back at the
Center for this semester,
and is offering free tutoring
in the Center;
Mondays from 10 a.m. to 12
Tuesdays from or 5 p.m. to
7 p.m.
Wednesdays from 10a.m. to
12 p.m.
Thursdays from 12 p.m. to 3
p.m. or 8 p.m. to 10 p.m.
Fridays from 10 a.m. to 1
The VSC Woman’s Group
has big plans this semester.
They will be hosting the
second annual “She
Served…” picture project.
They need stories and
pictures of women who
have served in the military,
and are also recognizing any
woman who supported,
encouraged, and made a
difference to those who
have served. Please submit
these stories to before
March 11th. We appreciate
your participation! If you
have any questions about
the “She Served…” project,
please contact Meghan.
We will also be offering tutoring in
chemistry and biology. Please stop
by the VSC and add your name to
the class roster so we can create a
schedule based on the number of
students interested.
Please call (307)766-6908 or
with any questions
Knight Hall, room 241
You may e-mail Meghan at with any
questions or concerns.
Veteran Student
The Center plans to
continue to offer veteran
student centered events this
semester, and will be
hosting new events, such as
our FREE Date-n-Skate
Night on February 13th,
from 4:30 to 6:30 at the
Laramie Ice Center, and
many more.
Past events have included
the Annual Chili cook-off,
the Veterans Laser Tag
Tournament, and the
student veteran tailgates
(pictured to the right).
Watch for our flyers and
advertisements of upcoming
Project Healing
Waters fly-tying class
Project Healing
Waters had a great
year in 2015, making
several fishing trips for
both beginners and
old pros, as well as
hosting a free fly-tying
class during the colder
Project Healing
Waters will continue
to host free fly-tying
classes this semester,
Thursdays 7-8, at the
Laramie Junior High
School, located at the
corner of 22nd St. and
Reynolds St.
For more information,
call Sam at (307)3433204 or Harley at
(307)670-3743, or
leave them a message
at the VSC: or
Join us for free
pizza every
Friday at 11 a.m.
It’s time for Spring Semester.
Don’t forget about us!
The Veterans Services Center would like to welcome back our returning students, and we
want to wish you the best of luck this semester. Please don’t hesitate to stop by if you
need any help, have any questions, or just need a place to hang out.
We would also like to welcome and extend an invitation to all new students to come and
check out our Center. The Veterans Services Center is open to all active-duty members,
veterans, and dependents. We have free food, coffee, and more! We also offer a wide
variety of programs and events for members of our community.
The VSC plans to continue its successful programming from last semester, as well as
introduce new activities, programs, and services throughout the semester. There will be
events for student veterans, much like our highly popular tailgate events, along with
competitions similar to the Annual Chili Cook-off. So watch for our advertisements of
upcoming events.
We offer free tutoring in math and are adding a tutor in biology and chemistry. To sign
up for this assistance, simply stop by the VSC and get your name on the roster. We also
have some new faces in the VSC staff this semester, so make sure to stop by and say “hi”.
We’ve been saving everyone’s mugs and we have plenty of new mugs for those who need
them (we offer a free coffee mug to our VSC patrons!).
Drop by during our hours (7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Mon – Thur, 7a.m. – Fri) and meet the
new staff!