HIGHER UNIT 2 (OLD UNIT 3) SCHEMES OF WORK HIGHER CHAPTER 1 Integers and powers SPECIFICATION REFERENCE Reading, writing and ordering integers and decimals The operations with negative numbers Estimating by rounding all numbers in a calculation to 1sf Rounding whole numbers and decimals to 5sf Squares, cubes and roots Evaluating expressions in index form Simplifying expressions using index laws BIDMAS Finding the reciprocal LCM, HCF and prime factor decomposition Time: 5 – 7 hours NA2a NA2a/3a NA2a/3h/4a/b NA3h/4b NA2b/3g/i NA3g NA2b NA3b NA3a NA2a/3a Prior Knowledge: For this chapter students are expected to: Have some notion of place value Use a number line to show how numbers are related to each other Use the 4 operations with whole numbers and decimal numbers Have knowledge of multiplication facts to 10 10 Objectives: By the end of the chapter the student should be able to: Understand place value and order positive and negative numbers Add, subtract, multiply and divide positive and negative integers Estimate answers by rounding numbers to 1sf Round whole and decimal numbers up to 5sf Know the square and square root of number up to 20, and estimate square roots to the nearest whole number Work out the cube of a number Use index notation to simplify or evaluate calculations; solve index equations, eg solve 5 x = 125 Use index laws to multiply/divide numbers with the same base (not power of power) Perform multi-step calculations in the correct order (bidmas) Work out the reciprocal of whole numbers, decimals and fractions Find the HCF and LCM of numbers; express a number as a product if prime factors Differentiation & Extension More work on long multiplication and division with/without a calculator (combinations of the 4 rules) Use a number square to find the prime numbers to 100 (sieve of Eratosthenes) Use prime factors to find LCM Calculator/ spreadsheet exercise to find prime factors of large numbers Investigate cube roots Resources Heinemann GCSE Modular Mathematics Unit 2 (old Unit 3) Higher Chapter/section: 1.1 – 1.10 See the Teaching and Learning Software for the activities linking to this chapter. Assessment Issues Written testing to assess knowledge of content Homework Homework at each stage could comprise consolidation of work in class by completion of exercises set, additional work of a similar nature, or extension work detailed above. Notes Present all working clearly with numbers in line; emphasising that all working is to be shown For non-calculator methods make sure that remainders and carrying are shown Factor trees should not contain the number 1 Do exercises 1A – 1J for practice. Do Mixed exercise 1 for consolidation. HIGHER UNIT 2 (OLD UNIT 3) SCHEMES OF WORK HIGHER CHAPTER 2 (Part A) Fractions, decimals and percentages SPECIFICATION REFERENCE Converting improper fractions to mixed numbers and vice versa Simplifying fractions by dividing the HCF of the numerator and denominator Ordering fractions by converting them to equivalent fractions with the same number Adding, subtracting, multiply and divide fractions and mixed numbers Time: 3 – 5 hours NA2c NA2c NA2c NA3i PRIOR KNOWLEDGE: Chapter 1- Integers and powers Understand fractions as being ‘parts of a whole unit’ OBJECTIVES By the end of the chapter the student should be able to: Change improper fractions to mixed numbers and vice versa Express a fraction as an equivalent fraction Order fractions by first expressing them as equivalent fractions with the same denominator (including practical examples) Add, subtract, multiply and divide fractions and mixed numbers (including practical examples) DIFFERENTIATION & EXTENSION Careful differentiation is essential for this topic dependent upon the student’s ability Relating simple fractions to remembered percentages and vice-versa Using a calculator to change fractions into decimals and looking for patterns Working with improper fractions and mixed numbers RESOURCES Heinemann GCSE Modular Mathematics Unit 2 (old Unit 3) Higher Chapter/section: 2.1 – 2.5 See the Teaching and Learning Software for the activities linking to this chapter. ASSESSMENT ISSUES Written testing to assess knowledge of content Testing ability to simplify fractions without a calculator Mental arithmetic test involving fractions and mixed numbers HOMEWORK Homework at each stage could comprise consolidation of work in class by completion of exercises set, additional work of a similar nature, or extension work detailed above Worksheet for the four rules with fractions; Worksheet for the four rules with decimals Extra examples on a regular basis for revision purposes NOTES An understanding of equivalent fractions is key to this section Calculators should be used only when appropriate All work needs to be presented clearly with the relevant stages of working shown Do exercises 2A – 2E for practice. HIGHER UNIT 2 (OLD UNIT 3) SCHEMES OF WORK HIGHER CHAPTER 2 (Part B) Fractions, decimals and percentages Time: 4 – 6 hours SPECIFICATION REFERENCE Multiplying and dividing decimals by 10, 100, 1000 Ordering decimals and fractions Adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing decimal numbers Round numbers to an appropriate degree of accuracy Using a calculator to evaluate expressions NA3i NA2d/3c NA3i/k/4a NA3o/p/4a/b NA30/p PRIOR KNOWLEDGE: Number 1 The concepts of a fraction and a decimal OBJECTIVES By the end of the chapter the student should be able to: Multiply and divide decimal numbers by 10, 100 and 1000 (moving the decimal point) Understand place value in decimal numbers; order decimal numbers Add, subtract, multiply and divide decimal numbers (including practical examples) Convert between decimal numbers and fractions (including converting a recurring number to a fraction) Order decimal numbers and fractions Give the answer to a calculation to an appropriate degree of accuracy, i.e. within the context of the problem Use a calculator for calculations involving bidmas DIFFERENTIATION & EXTENSION Use harder decimal numbers in real-life problems Use standard form for vary large/small numbers Money calculations that require rounding answers to the nearest penny Multiply and divide decimals by decimals (more than 2 dp) Research the earliest use of decimals in the history of mathematics RESOURCES Heinemann GCSE Modular Mathematics Unit 2 (old Unit 3) Higher Chapter/section: 2.6 – 2.13 See the Teaching and Learning Software for the activities linking to this chapter. ASSESSMENT ISSUES Written testing to assess knowledge of content HOMEWORK Homework at each stage could comprise consolidation of work in class by completion of exercises set, additional work of a similar nature, or extension work detailed above. NOTES Present all working clearly with decimal points in line (all working should be shown) Amounts of money should always be rounded to the nearest penny where necessary Do exercises 2F – 2M for practice. HIGHER UNIT 2 (OLD UNIT 3) SCHEMES OF WORK HIGHER CHAPTER 2 (Part C) Fractions, decimals and percentages SPECIFICATION REFERENCE Percentages, fractions and decimals Finding the percentage of a quantity Time: 1 – 3 hours NA2e NA2e PRIOR KNOWLEDGE: 4 operations of number The concepts of a fraction and a decimal Number complements to 10 and multiplication tables to 10 10 Awareness that percentages are used in everyday life OBJECTIVES By the end of the chapter the student should be able to: Convert between decimals, fractions and percentages Find the percentage of a quantity (including practical examples) DIFFERENTIATION & EXTENSION Fractional percentages of amounts Percentages which convert to recurring decimals (e.g. 33 13 %), and situations which lead to percentages of more than 100% Simple interest calculations Discuss why reducing a quantity by 10%, and than by 10% again, is not the same as reducing a quantity by 20% RESOURCES Heinemann GCSE Modular Mathematics Unit 2 (old Unit 3) Higher Chapter/section: 2.14 – 2.15 See the Teaching and Learning Software for the activities linking to this chapter. ASSESSMENT ISSUES Written testing to assess knowledge of content Reinforce equivalence and the connection between percentage, fraction and decimal. Mental methods for calculating common percentages (e.g. 17.5% using 10%, 5%, 2.5%) HOMEWORK Homework at each stage could comprise consolidation of work in class by completion of exercises set, additional work of a similar nature, or extension work detailed above Independent research into the many uses made of percentages, particularly in the media NOTES For non-calculator methods make sure that remainders and carries are shown In preparation for this unit students should be reminded of basic percentages and recognise their fraction and decimal equivalents Do exercises 2N – 2O for practice. Do Mixed exercise 2 for consolidation of whole chapter HIGHER UNIT 2 (OLD UNIT 3) SCHEMES OF WORK HIGHER CHAPTER 3 Powers, indices and calculations SPECIFICATION REFERENCE Zero, negative and fractional indices Standard form Calculations using standard form Estimating and checking with standard form Time: 3 – 5 hours NA2b/3g NA2b/3i/p NA3i/m/4b NA3m/4a/b PRIOR KNOWLEDGE: Chapter 2 (Part B) Fractions, decimals and percentages OBJECTIVES By the end of the chapter the student should be able to: Find the value of a number with zero, negative or fractional index Write an ordinary number in standard form and vice versa Calculate with numbers in standard form with/without a calculator (including practical examples) Round numbers in standard form to 1sf to estimate/check calculations (without calculator) DIFFERENTIATION & EXTENSION Practical examples involving very large and/or very small numbers (eg. examples in astronomy and biology) Compare the relative sizes of things using standard form. How much bigger is an elephant compared to an ant? RESOURCES Heinemann GCSE Modular Mathematics Unit 2 (old Unit 3) Higher Chapter/section: 3.1 – 3.4 See the Teaching and Learning Software for the activities linking to this chapter. ASSESSMENT ISSUES Written testing to assess knowledge of content Regular oral work – e.g. a five-minute assessment at the beginning or end of a lesson Test standard form with/without a calculator GCSE past paper questions HOMEWORK Homework at each stage could comprise consolidation of work in class by completion of exercises set, additional work of a similar nature, or extension work detailed above NOTES All of the work in this unit is easily reinforced by starter and end activities Calculators should be used only when appropriate Do exercises 3A – 3D for practice. Do Mixed Exercise 3 for consolidation HIGHER UNIT 2 (OLD UNIT 3) SCHEMES OF WORK HIGHER CHAPTER 4 Time: 5 – 7 hours Essential algebra SPECIFICATION REFERENCE Simplifying terms, products and sums Expanding and factorising brackets Simplifying algebraic fractions NA5a/b NA5b NA5b PRIOR KNOWLEDGE: Know that a letter can be used to represent a number Ability to use negative numbers with the four operations Experience of using BIDMAS in calculations without a calculator OBJECTIVES By the end of the chapter the student should be able to: Simplify expressions with like terms, eg x2 + 3x2; 3ab + 5ab +2c2 Expand and factorise expressions with one pair of brackets, eg expand x(2x +3y); factorise 3xy2 6x2y Expand and simplify expressions involving more than one pair of brackets, eg 3(x + 4) – 2 (x – 3); (2x + 3)(3x – 4) Factorise quadratic expression (including the difference of two squares) Simplify algebraic fractions, eg 8a 28 4 , 2 x 3 2 6 x 3 2 x 32 2 , x 3x 4 2 DIFFERENTIATION & EXTENSION Further work on factorising quadratic expressions involving negative terms and non-unitary coefficient of x2 Simplify algebraic fractions with harder factorisations RESOURCES Heinemann GCSE Modular Mathematics Unit 2 (old Unit 3) Higher Chapter/section: 4.1 – 4.9 See the Teaching and Learning Software for the activities linking to this chapter. ASSESSMENT ISSUES Written testing to assess knowledge of content 5 minutes mini-test at the start/end of each lesson HOMEWORK Homework at each stage could comprise consolidation of work in class by completion of exercises set, additional work of a similar nature, or extension work detailed above NOTES Explanations about mathematical terminology should be tailored to suit the ability of the group Emphasise correct use of symbolic notation (e.g. x2 rather than x x) Present all work neatly, writing out the questions with the answers to aid revision at a later stage Do exercises 4A – 4I for practice. Do Mixed Exercise 4 for consolidation HIGHER UNIT 2 (OLD UNIT 3) SCHEMES OF WORK HIGHER CHAPTER 5 Coordinates and graphs SPECIFICATION REFERENCE Reading and plotting coordinates in all four quadrants Finding the coordinates of the final point to make a given shape Using the formula to find the mid-point of line segments Identifying 2-D and 3-D shapes; 3-D coordinates The graphs of straight lines Time: 3 – 5 hours NA6b/S3e S3e S2a/3e S3e NA6b PRIOR KNOWLEDGE: Using positive and negative integers on a number line Experience of drawing simple 2-D shapes, eg triangles, squares, parallelograms, etc OBJECTIVES By the end of the chapter the student should be able to: Write down and plot the coordinates of points in all four quadrants Add a point to a coordinate grid to complete a given shape (parallelogram; rhombus; trapezium; square) Use the formula to calculate the mid-point of a line segment Understand how to represent points in 1-D, 2-D and 3-D Write down an equation for a line parallel to the coordinate axes; Draw a line parallel to the coordinate axes given the equation Find the value of a in y = ax from the graph of in y = ax (by considering number pattern in the coordinates) Produce a table of values for a linear relation and plot the points on a grid (including fractional coefficients of x) DIFFERENTIATION & EXTENSION Use non-integer coordinates Find the coordinates of the point of intersection of the medians of a triangle Identify the coordinates of the mid-point of a line segment in 3-D Examples of linear equations in real-life situations (using different letters for x and y) RESOURCES Heinemann GCSE Modular Mathematics Unit 2 (old Unit 3) Higher Chapter/section: 5.1 – 5.7 See the Teaching and Learning Software for the activities linking to this chapter. ASSESSMENT ISSUES Written testing to assess knowledge of content 5 minutes mini-test at the start/end of each lesson HOMEWORK Homework at each stage could comprise consolidation of work in class by completion of exercises set, additional work of a similar nature, or extension work detailed above NOTES Clear presentation with axes labelled correctly is vital. Students often have difficulty visualising 3-D coordinates; 3-D models are useful Do exercises 5A – 5G for practice. Do Mixed Exercise 5 for consolidation HIGHER UNIT 2 (OLD UNIT 3) SCHEMES OF WORK HIGHER CHAPTER 6 Sequences SPECIFICATION REFERENCE Generating sequences and finding term to term rules Finding the nth term of an arithmetic series Finding the nth term and number of matchsticks, tiles, etc for shapes in a sequence Time: 2 – 4 hours NA6a NA6a NA6a PRIOR KNOWLEDGE: Know about odd and even numbers Recognise simple number patterns, eg 1, 3, 5, ... Writing simple rules algebraically OBJECTIVES By the end of the chapter the student should be able to: Generate a sequence from a rule, eg given first term = 25, and rule = subtract 5 Find the rule and continue the number pattern or sequence Relate the term in a sequence to its position, eg multiply term number by 2 and add 1 Continue a sequence when the sequence is a pattern of shapes Find and use the nth term of a sequence of numbers/shapes Find whether a number is part of a given sequence DIFFERENTIATION & EXTENSION Investigate the number patterns in Pascal’s triangle Investigate sequences of triangle numbers, Fibonacci numbers, etc Generate sequences on a spreadsheet Use algebra to describe real situation, e.g. n quadrilaterals have 4n sides RESOURCES Heinemann GCSE Modular Mathematics Unit 2 (old Unit 3) Higher Chapter/section: 6.1 – 6.3 See the Teaching and Learning Software for the activities linking to this chapter. ASSESSMENT ISSUES Written testing to assess knowledge of content Simple investigation of a sequence, using diagrams and number patterns Use of mental maths in the substitution of simple numbers into expressions HOMEWORK Homework at each stage could comprise consolidation of work in class by completion of exercises set, additional work of a similar nature, or extension work detailed above NOTES Emphasis on good use of notation 3n means 3 n When investigating linear sequences, students should be clear on the description of the pattern in words, the difference between the terms and the algebraic description of the nth term Calculators may be used to generate simple sequences, eg using the “ans” function (or similar) Do exercises 6A – 6C for practice. Do Mixed Exercise 6 for consolidation. HIGHER UNIT 2 (OLD UNIT 3) SCHEMES OF WORK HIGHER CHAPTER 7 Properties of shapes SPECIFICATION REFERENCE Definitions and names of polygons Properties of triangles and quadrilaterals Geometric proof Parallel lines Bearings Time: 3 – 5 hours S2b/c/e S2a S2a S4a PRIOR KNOWLEDGE: The concept of parallel lines The concept of vertical and horizontal The concept of an angle between two lines Experience in drawing triangles, quadrilaterals and circles OBJECTIVES By the end of the chapter the student should be able to: Name a polygon with 3, 4, ..., 10 sides Identify triangles by their properties (scalene, isosceles, equilateral, right-angled, obtuse, and acute) Use the angle properties of triangle to find missing angles Prove the exterior angle of a triangle is equal to the sum of the two opposite interior angles Identify quadrilaterals by their properties (trapezium, parallelogram, rhombus, rectangle, square, kite and arrowhead) Use alternate and corresponding angles in parallel lines to find missing angles Know that a bearing is an angle measured clockwise from North Work out the bearing of B from A given the bearing of A from B DIFFERENTIATION & EXTENSION Use triangles to find the angle sums of polygons Use the angle properties of triangles to find missing angles in combinations of triangles Prove the angle sum in a triangle is 180 RESOURCES Heinemann GCSE Modular Mathematics Unit 2 (old Unit 3) Higher Chapter/section: 7.1 – 7.6 See the Teaching and Learning Software for the activities linking to this chapter. ASSESSMENT ISSUES Written testing to assess knowledge of content Incorporate this work in regular mini-tests HOMEWORK Homework at each stage could comprise consolidation of work in class by completion of exercises set, additional work of a similar nature, or extension work detailed above. NOTES All working should be presented clearly, and accurately Draw lines using a ruler and an HB pencil Do exercises 7A – 7F for practice. Do Mixed Exercise 7 for consolidation. HIGHER UNIT 2 (OLD UNIT 3) SCHEMES OF WORK HIGHER CHAPTER 8 Properties of circles SPECIFICATION REFERENCE Names and definitions of parts of a circle Solving geometric problems using tangent(s) Using circles to draw regular polygons Time: 2 – 4 hours S2h S2h S2h PRIOR KNOWLEDGE: Chapter 7- Properties of shapes Ability to draw a circle with compasses OBJECTIVES By the end of the chapter the student should be able to: Identify and name the various parts of a circle (centre, radius, diameter, circumference, sector, segment, arc and chord) Use the angle properties of tangents to find missing angles (tangent at a point, tangents from a point) Draw a regular polygon inside a circle using 360/n, eg draw a regular nonagon inside a circle DIFFERENTIATION & EXTENSION Investigate other circle theorems by accurately measuring angles RESOURCES Heinemann GCSE Modular Mathematics Unit 2 (old Unit 3) Higher Chapter/section: 8.1 – 8.3 See the Teaching and Learning Software for the activities linking to this chapter. ASSESSMENT ISSUES Written testing to assess knowledge of content Incorporate this work in regular mini-tests HOMEWORK Homework at each stage could comprise consolidation of work in class by completion of exercises set, additional work of a similar nature, or extension work detailed above. NOTES All working should be presented clearly, and accurately Draw lines using an HB pencil A sturdy pair of compasses are essential- spare equipment is advisable Do exercises 8A – 8C for practice. Do Mixed Exercise 8 for consolidation. HIGHER UNIT 2 (OLD UNIT 3) SCHEMES OF WORK HIGHER CHAPTER 9 Measures SPECIFICATION REFERENCE Converting units Estimating answers Maximum and minimum possible values and possible error Using the formulae for speed and density Changing units in compound measures Time: 5 – 7 hours NA4a/b/S4a NA4b/S4a NA4b/S4a NA4a/b/S4a NA4a/S4a PRIOR KNOWLEDGE: Know that: 1 hour = 60 minutes; 1 day = 24 hours Some experience of metric/imperial measures OBJECTIVES By the end of the chapter the student should be able to: Convert measurements to the same unit before doing a calculation, eg 3m 12cm 10mm Use common metric/imperial equivalents to convert between units Round measurements to 1sf to find an estimate for a calculation Understand that measurements can not be precise, and write down the maximum and minimum possible values Work out the maximum/minimum possible error in a calculation involving measures Use speed = distance/time to work out speed, distance or time Use density = mass/volume to work out density, mass or volume Change the units of speed between metric/metric units or metric/imperial units Compare quantities by converting to the same units, eg grams/p, kg/m3 DIFFERENTIATION & EXTENSION Use ICT and reference books to find the weights, volumes and heights of large structures such as buildings, aeroplanes and ships Work with more difficult examples, eg with quantities in standard form Use uncommon units, eg Astronomical Units, speed of light, etc RESOURCES Heinemann GCSE Modular Mathematics Unit 2 (old Unit 3) Higher Chapter/section: 9.1 – 9.8 See the Teaching and Learning Software for the activities linking to this chapter. ASSESSMENT ISSUES Written testing to assess knowledge of content Mental testing to check for knowledge of everyday measures, and estimation Mental test questions on changing units, changing between metric and imperial units Mental questions to test knowledge of common conversion factors HOMEWORK Homework at each stage could comprise consolidation of work in class by completion of exercises set, additional work of a similar nature, or extension work detailed above NOTES Measurement is essentially a practical activity All working should be shown with multiplication or division by powers of 10 Use a distance/speed/time triangle and a density/mass/volume triangle to assist calculations Do exercises 9A – 9G for practice. Do Mixed Exercise 9 for consolidation. HIGHER UNIT 2 (OLD UNIT 3) SCHEMES OF WORK HIGHER CHAPTER 10 Perimeter, area and volume SPECIFICATION REFERENCE Using formulae to find the area of triangles, parallelograms, and trapeziums Calculating the surface area and volume of cuboids Using the formula to calculate the volume of a prism Time: 3 – 4 hours S4d S4d S4d PRIOR KNOWLEDGE: The names of quadrilaterals Ability to substitute numbers into a formula Some notion of the difference between length, area and volume OBJECTIVES By the end of the chapter the student should be able to: Use the area formulae for triangles, parallelograms and trapeziums Work out the surface area of 3-D shapes based on rectangles and triangles (by working out the area of each face) Use v = l w h to solve problems involving the volume and dimensions of a cuboid Work out how many small boxes fit into a large box Use volume = cross-section length to find the volume of a regular prism, eg with trapezium cross-section DIFFERENTIATION & EXTENSION Further problems involving combinations of shapes Using compound shape methods to investigate the area of other standard shapes, eg kites Practical activities e.g. using estimation and accurate measuring to calculate perimeters and areas of classroom/corridor floors RESOURCES Heinemann GCSE Modular Mathematics Unit 2 (old Unit 3) Higher Chapter/section: 10.1 – 10.5 See the Teaching and Learning Software for the activities linking to this chapter. ASSESSMENT ISSUES Written testing to assess knowledge of content Regular quick tests on perimeters, areas and volumes of standard shapes HOMEWORK Homework at each stage could comprise consolidation of work in class by completion of exercises set, additional work of a similar nature, or extension work detailed above Find the perimeter and area of the floor of a room at home, eg carpet tiles A fencing problem – find the smallest/largest area with a fixed perimeter NOTES Discuss the correct use of language and units Ensure that pupils can distinguish between perimeter, area and volume Many students have little real understanding of perimeter, area and volume. Practical experience is essential to clarify these concepts Do exercises 10A – 10E for practice. Do Mixed Exercise 10 for consolidation.