Plumbing TRD Level 3 Sample Pages - 2

2.1 Legislation
Tutor guidance notes
Aims and objectives
At the end of these activity sheets learners should be able to:
state the main legislation relevant to the installation and use of hot- and
cold-water services
explain the main areas of the Water Regulations that relate to the work of the
The questions and activities are not intended as formal assessment. However,
the answers should be debated with all the learners in a group discussion to
ensure full comprehension of the subject.
Individual teachers will wish to use these questions and activities in different
ways: at the end of a session as a recap; individually during the session as a ‘tothe-point’ learning tool; or as homework. Exercise 2.1: Legislation could be used
when the subject is revisited at the beginning of a subsequent lesson to link prior
learning. Whichever method is chosen, it is strongly recommend that a
completion date is set and agreed.
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Candidate name: ______________________________________ Date: ______________________
2.1 Legislation
Chapter 2: Hot and cold water supply
Aims and objectives
At the end of these activity sheets you should be able to:
state the main legislation relevant to the installation and use of hot- and
cold-water services
explain the main areas of the Water Regulations that relate to the work of the
What date did the Water Supply (Water Fittings) Regulations come into force?
The Water Supply (Water Fittings) Regulations are national regulations made
by whom?
What installations to they apply to?
What do they prevent?
• ______________________________________________________________
• ______________________________________________________________
• ______________________________________________________________
• ______________________________________________________________
• ______________________________________________________________
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Complete this overview of the Regulations:
Part __________ Preliminary gives the __________ when the Regulations
__________ into __________ and provides some interpretations to help
__________ the __________. Part I also makes ____________ as to how
the regulations __________ be applied.
Regulation I is supported by Schedule 1, which describes the __________
fluid __________ __________.
Part II defines what is __________ of a person(s) who is __________ water
fittings, how water __________ should be installed and used to prevent
__________ or __________. The requirement also places conditions on the
__________ and fittings that may be used, and requires contractors to notify
the __________ __________ of __________ installations, and encourages
the introduction of Approved __________ Schemes.
Approved Contractor means a __________ who has been approved by the
water undertaker (supplier) for the area where a fitting is installed or used,
or has been __________ as an approved contractor by an __________
specified in writing by the __________.
Also contained in Part __________ is Regulation 4(3). This is supported by
Schedule 2 ‘Requirements for Water Fittings’ which __________ with the
__________ aspects of the Regulations.
Part III deals with the enforcement of the regulations setting out
__________ for __________ the Regulations, and dealing with __________
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Schedule 1 to the Regulations is needed for the __________ requirements of
Schedule 2.
Schedule 2 consists of __________ separate requirements, which are part of
the Regulations, and looks at all __________ of __________ fittings.
Schedule 3 __________ Regulation 14 and lists the __________ of the
various water undertakers in England and Wales, which have been
__________ with the Water __________ (Water Fittings) Regulations
Explain each of these terms related to the Regulations:
the Act
Approved Contractor
the Regulator
material change of use
supply pipe
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The Regulations do not apply to water fittings installed or used in connection
with water supplied for any purpose other than domestic purpose provided
that three things occur. What are these three things?
Look at Regulation 3. Is only the installer liable to comply with the
How would you interpret the term ‘in a workman like manner’? What do you
think it means?
10 Part II Regulation 5 requires notification to the water undertaker for
permission. Circle any of the following items that do not need to be notified if
you are an Approved Contractor:
The erection of a building or other structure not being a swimming pool
or pond
The extension or alteration of any water system in a building other than
a house
A material change of use of any premises
The installation of:
a single shower unit, not being a drench shower for Health and
Safety, approved by the Regulator
a bidet with ascending spray or flexible hose
a pump or booster pump drawing more than 12 litres a minute
a unit that incorporates reverse osmosis
a water-treatment unit that uses water for regeneration or cleaning
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11 a
a bath having a capacity of more than 230 litres
a garden watering system, unless designed to be operated by hand
any water system laid outside a building less than 750 mm or more
than 1350 mm underground
RPZ valve assembly or other mechanical device for backflow
protection from fluid category 4 or 5
The construction of a swimming pool or pond more than 10,000 litres and
replenished by automatic means
By how many days prior to work being carried out should written
notification be provided?
What reply may the undertaker give?
12 An Approved Contractor must provide a statement that the work complies
with the Regulations. What information would be on this certificate?
13 a
What does Regulation 9 enable?
What does Regulation 13 cover?
14 Schedule 1 covers fluid categories. What does this mean?
15 a
Is use of the Water Regulations Advisory Scheme (WRAS) compulsory?
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How will following WRAS help with any disputes?
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Candidate name: ______________________________________ Date: ______________________
Exercise 2.1: Legislation
Who has right of entry to premises under the Water Regulations?
The general aim of the Water Regulations is to prevent:
Which Part and Regulation covers Question 2?
Briefly describe how the Water Regulations define the term ‘workmanlike
Select the correct answer.
According to Part II Regulation 5, a person who proposes to install certain
water fittings is required to notify the water undertaker prior to the work
being carried out within:
5 working days.
10 working days.
15 working days.
20 working days.
The requirements of water fittings is covered under which schedule of the
Schedule 1
Schedule 2
Schedule 3
Schedule 4
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What document would you consult for practical guidance on compliance with
the Regulations?
What is one of the main reasons for consulting with the EEC prior to technical
Regulations being made?
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2.2 Materials and substances in contact
with water
Tutor guidance notes
Aims and objectives
At the end of these activity sheets learners should be able to:
list potential hazards to the water supply
list the materials approved for pipes and fittings
describe how to identify approved materials
state which materials are specifically forbidden for use on wholesome water
describe the problems caused by galvanic action
state the factors to consider when selecting materials for an installation
list jointing materials for use on water fittings.
The questions and activities are not intended as formal assessment. However,
the answers should be debated with all the learners in a group discussion to
ensure full comprehension of the subject.
Individual teachers will wish to use these questions and activities in different
ways: at the end of a session as a recap; individually during the session as a ‘tothe-point’ learning tool; or as homework. Exercise 2.2: Materials and substances
in contact with water could be used when the subject is revisited at the beginning
of a subsequent lesson to link prior learning. Whichever method is chosen, it is
strongly recommend that a completion date is set and agreed.
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Candidate name: ______________________________________ Date: ______________________
2.2 Materials and substances in contact
with water
Chapter 2: Hot and cold water supply
Aims and objectives
At the end of these activity sheets you should be able to:
list potential hazards to the water supply
list the materials approved for pipes and fittings
describe how to identify approved materials
state which materials are specifically forbidden for use on wholesome water
describe the problems caused by galvanic action
state the factors to consider when selecting materials for an installation
list jointing materials for use on water fittings.
Complete this statement from Schedule 2 paragraph 2 of the Regulations:
2(i) Subject to sub-paragraph (ii) no, __________ or __________, either
alone or in __________ with any other materials or substances, or with the
__________ of a water fitting of which it forms a part, which causes or is
likely to cause contamination of water, shall be __________ in construction,
__________, renewal, repair or __________ of any water __________ which
conveys or __________, or may convey or receive, __________ supplied for
__________ or food __________ purposes.
Discuss this with your tutor.
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When does this requirement not apply to a water fitting downstream of a
terminal fitting (tap or valve) supplying wholesome water?
Sketch an outside tap installation that does not comply with the
Explain the two possible hazards from outside tap installations.
What would you need to do to the installation you have drawn to make it
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Approved materials carry BS or EN marks and/or the other marks shown
here. What does each one stand for?
What two materials referred to in the guidance documentation as health
hazards are forbidden?
What important factors may affect the selection of materials?
BS EN 29453 allows soft solder for jointing copper or copper alloy
fittings. What materials may these solder contain?
What materials must they not contain?
Is hemp and paste acceptable to BS 6956? If so, why?
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Where can you check if a water fitting or jointing material is permissible?
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Candidate name: ______________________________________ Date: ______________________
Exercise 2.2: Materials and substances in contact with
Why is water that passes through a hosepipe classified as unfit for human
List the permitted jointing materials for soldering two lengths of copper pipe
supplying wholesome water.
A customer wishes you to install an outside tap for watering the garden and
topping up the ornamental pond. What should you incorporate into the
If you are unsure whether a fitting is approved for wholesome water or not,
what publication would you consult?
What problem could occur if you joined lead pipe to copper pipe?
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What must solders used on wholesome water supply installations indicate?
As given in the guidance document, state one requirement when using
materials that will be in contact with water.
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2.3 Requirements for water fittings
Tutor guidance notes
Aims and objectives
At the end of these activity sheets learners should be able to:
define what is meant by a water fitting
list the forms of stress supply pipes are subject to
define galvanic action, and describe its effects
state the particular problems posed by lead when connected to copper
list practical measures to prevent contamination of water storage cisterns
describe devices to be used when water storage cisterns may become flooded
list appropriate frost protection measures for a variety of fittings and
state the requirements for underground pipes and fittings, cold surfaces, roof
spaces and externally
describe ‘permeation’ and its effects on water supplies
state the specifications for support of pipes and cisterns
list the requirements for concealed water fittings
The questions and activities are not intended as formal assessment. However,
the answers should be debated with all the learners in a group discussion to
ensure full comprehension of the subject.
Individual teachers will wish to use these questions and activities in different
ways: at the end of a session as a recap; individually during the session as a ‘tothe-point’ learning tool; or as homework. Exercise 2.3: Requirements for water
fittings could be used when the subject is revisited at the beginning of a
subsequent lesson to link prior learning. Whichever method is chosen, it is
strongly recommend that a completion date is set and agreed.
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Candidate name: ______________________________________ Date: ______________________
2.3 Requirements for water fittings
Chapter 2: Hot and cold water supply
Aims and objectives
At the end of these activity sheets you should be able to:
define what is meant by a water fitting
list the forms of stress supply pipes are subject to
define galvanic action, and describe its effects
state the particular problems posed by lead when connected to copper
list practical measures to prevent contamination of water storage cisterns
describe devices to be used when water storage cisterns may become flooded
list appropriate frost protection measures for a variety of fittings and
state the requirements for underground pipes and fittings, cold surfaces, roof
spaces and externally
describe ‘permeation’ and its effects on water supplies
state the specifications for support of pipes and cisterns
list the requirements for concealed water fittings
Complete these statements regarding Schedule 2 paragraph 3 of the
Paragraph 3 states that every water fitting shall:
(a) be __________ to or __________ from corrosion by __________
__________ or by any other process which is likely to result in __________
or __________ of water; and
(b) be __________ of materials of such __________ and __________ as to
resist __________ from external __________, __________, __________ or
settlement, pressure __________ or __________ fluctuation to which it is
likely to be subjected.
Discuss this with your tutor.
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Complete these statements regarding Schedule 2 paragraph 4 of the
Paragraph 4 states that every water fitting shall:
(a) be __________;
(b) be so __________ and installed as to:
(i) prevent __________ by __________, and
(ii) __________ damage by __________ or any other cause;
(c) be so installed as to __________ the risk of __________ by, or
__________ from, contact with any substance which may cause
__________; and
(d) be adequately __________.
Discuss this with your tutor.
Complete these statements regarding Schedule 2 paragraph 5 of the
Paragraph 5 states that:
Every water fitting shall be capable of withstanding an __________ water
pressure __________ __________ than __________ times the maximum
__________ to which that fitting is designed to be __________ in
Discuss this with your tutor.
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Complete these statements regarding Schedule 2 paragraph 6 of the
Paragraph 6 states:
No water fitting shall be __________, __________ or __________ which is
likely to have a __________ effect on the __________ or __________ of
water in a water __________ or other __________ of a water undertaker.
Discuss this with your tutor.
Complete these statements regarding Schedule 2 paragraph 7 of the
Paragraph 7 states:
(1) No water __________ shall be __________ in any __________ or
__________ __________.
(2) No __________ which is designed to be __________ or __________,
whether manually or __________, or which consists of a joint, shall be a
__________ water __________.
(3) Any __________ water __________ or mechanical __________
prevention __________, not being a __________ fitting, shall be made of
__________ or another material __________ to __________.
(4) Any water fitting laid __________ __________ level shall have a
__________ of cover sufficient to __________ water __________ in the
(5) In this paragraph ‘__________ water fitting’ __________ a water fitting
(a) is installed __________ __________;
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(b) passes __________ or __________ any __________, footing or
(c) is __________ in any __________ or __________; or
(d) is in __________ other __________ which is __________ or renders
access __________.
Discuss this with your tutor.
Define water fittings.
Explain galvanic action.
If a new copper pipework system was used and connected to an old lead
main what could occur?
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What special measures or techniques can be used to protect against
galvanic action?
Cold-water storage cisterns are covered by Schedule 2 paragraph 16.
What special measure should you consider when installing these to avoid
What special measures should be used if there is a chance of flooding a
cold-water storage cistern?
Label these drawings and add details such as frost protection requirements as
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10 A customer has asked you to chase a new cold-water shower supply pipe into
an outside wall. Is this acceptable? Why or why not?
11 <author: need to amend this question based on the actual artwork.
Separate it from Q9—there are already 4 pieces of artwork in that
question. Ask them to label it AND draw in the insulation or in some
other way create a new question. Too confusing otherwise.>The last
illustration in Question 9 shows the insulation in the ceiling missing did you
draw it in, why?
12 Should external pipework for an outside tap be insulated?
13 a
Where should drain valves be installed?
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Name any prohibited positions for drain valves.
14 a
Describe the term ‘permeation’.
Give two examples of where this may occur?
15 Pipework must be adequately supported. For each of the pipe materials and
sizes given below, what distances apart should clips be?
15 mm copper pipes
22 mm plastic pipe
22 mm copper pipes
42 mm plastic pipes
16 Suggest timber materials and sizes that would be acceptable to adequately
support a 230 litre cold-water cistern.
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17 When installing a shower pump that pumps 14 litres of water per minute,
what special measures should be followed by the plumber?
18 Draw an acceptable method of installation pipework in a chase.
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19 Draw an acceptable method of installing pipework through a cavity wall.
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Candidate name: ______________________________________ Date: ______________________
Exercise 2.3: Requirements for water fittings
How would you prevent frost damage to pipes in an outside toilet?
A copper pipe feeds an old stone sink in an unheated cellar and runs down
the external wall. The occupiers want to start using the sink for modelmaking hobbies. What recommendations would you make?
A washing machine has been installed in a utility room. The hot and cold
copper pipes pass in a shallow chase underneath the external door, covered
by a wooden board. What conditions should apply?
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A customer asks you to install a tap into an open carport for car washing
purposes. What do you advise?
An older property used to be supplied with lead pipes. These have been
stripped out to the point where the mains enter the property and replaced
with copper. What risks remain (if any) and what considerations should you
bear in mind?
If a pipe passes through an external property wall and isn’t sleeved or
ducted, what consequences might result?
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An insulated supply pipe passes along the inside of an external wall. It is
proposed to put fitted kitchen base units over it. What action should be
What is the minimum internal water pressure that a fitting should be capable
of withstanding in operation?
In terms of the ingress of contaminants, what is the most vulnerable
category of fitting?
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2.4 Design principles, install and
Tutor guidance notes
Aims and objectives
At the end of these activity sheets learners should be able to:
explain how to avoid damage when installing pipework and fittings
explain the requirements for keeping water installations below 25°C
state the requirements for installation fittings, taps and valves etc.
describe commissioning procedures
describe flushing, testing, disinfecting and disposal procedures.
The questions and activities are not intended as formal assessment. However,
the answers should be debated with all the learners in a group discussion to
ensure full comprehension of the subject.
Individual teachers will wish to use these questions and activities in different
ways: at the end of a session as a recap; individually during the session as a ‘tothe-point’ learning tool; or as homework. Exercise 2.4: Design principles, install
and commission could be used when the subject is revisited at the beginning of a
subsequent lesson to link prior learning. Whichever method is chosen, it is
strongly recommend that a completion date is set and agreed.
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Candidate name: ______________________________________ Date: ______________________
2.4 Design principles, install and
Chapter 2: Hot and cold water supply
Aims and objectives
At the end of these activity sheets you should be able to:
explain how to avoid damage when installing pipework and fittings
explain the requirements for keeping water installations below 25°C
state the requirements for installation fittings, taps and valves etc.
describe commissioning procedures
describe flushing, testing, disinfecting and disposal procedures.
Complete these statements regarding Schedule 2 paragraph 8 of the
Paragraph 8 states:
No water fitting shall be __________ in such a position, or __________
__________ such surroundings, that it is likely to cause __________ or
__________ to the __________ of the __________ or the contamination of
water __________ by the undertaker.
Discuss this with your tutor.
Complete these statements regarding Schedule 2 paragraph 9 of the
Paragraph 9 states:
Any pipe supplying __________ water for __________ purposes to any tap
shall be installed, so far as is reasonably practicable, the water is not
__________ above __________°C.
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What is the reason for this?
Discuss this with your tutor.
Complete these statements regarding Schedule 2 paragraph 10 of the
Paragraph 10(1) states:
Every __________ pipe or __________ pipe, providing water to __________
premises shall be fitted with a __________ __________, __________
located to enable the supply to those premises to be __________
__________ without shutting off the supply to other premises.
Paragraph 10(2) states:
Where a supply pipe or distributing pipe __________ water in _______ to
two or more premises, it shall be fitted with a _______ valve to which
_______ occupier of those premises _______ _______.
Discuss this with your tutor.
Complete these statements regarding Schedule 2 paragraph 11 of the
Paragraph 11 states:
Water supply systems shall be capable of being _______ _______ and be
fitted with an adequate number of _______ valves and _______ taps so as to
minimise the _______ of _______ when water fittings are _______ or
_______. A sufficient number of stop _______ shall be installed for _______
parts of the pipework.
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Discuss this with your tutor.
Complete these statements regarding Schedule 2 paragraph 12 of the
Paragraph 12 states:
The water system shall be capable of withstanding an _______ water
_______ not less than _______ times the _______ _______ to which the
installation or relevant part is designed to be _______ in operation (‘the test
Discuss this with your tutor.
Complete these statements regarding Schedule 2 paragraph 13 of the
Paragraph 13 states:
Every water system shall be _______, _______ and where necessary
_______ before it is _______ used.
Discuss this with your tutor.
Thinking over some of the issues already covered, what do you think could be
done to avoid damage?
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Why do you think it is important to avoid temperature ranges within a
cold-water system?
What measures can be taken to prevent pipes and fittings becoming
unduly warmed?
State the correct positions for installing drain valves.
What are prohibited positions and why?
10 a
Explain the differences between stop valves and service valves.
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In what locations should each be installed?
11 Mark which types of valves can be positioned in the locations shown.
12 At Level 2 you defined commissioning as:
a visual inspection of the installation
soundness testing (testing for leaks)
flushing and disinfection
performance testing
final checks/hand over.
Explain each stage, specifying times and equipment used for each.
• A visual inspection ______________________________________________
• Soundness testing _______________________________________________
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• Flushing and disinfection __________________________________________
• Performance testing _____________________________________________
• Final checks/hand over ___________________________________________
13 Why is it necessary to have different tests for plastic pipework and nonplastic pipework?
14 Simply put, when should flushing take place?
15 a
Disinfecting may be necessary. How is this done?
After the contract period of 1 hour the residual chlorine level is 24 mg
per litre. What should be done and why?
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Give another example of when the test should be repeated.
How should you dispose of used disinfectant?
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Candidate name: ______________________________________ Date: ______________________
Exercise 2.4: Design principles, install and commission
The requirement of Regulation paragraph 10(2) testing of plastic pipes – test
A, is that the whole system is subjected to the test pressure by pumping for
30 minutes. How long should the test continue for without further pumping?
Fittings should be installed to avoid any position where the water could
become contaminated. Where else should fittings be installed?
What is the main reason for keeping cold-water installations below 25°C?
You are preparing to install pipes and fittings in a property. What two
measures can you take to prevent fittings becoming unduly warmed?
• ______________________________________________________________
• ______________________________________________________________
How do the Regulations define a servicing valve?
Identify three points in a domestic system where servicing valves should be
• ______________________________________________________________
• ______________________________________________________________
• ______________________________________________________________
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State the main points covered when commissioning a water installation.
What is the correct sequence that system disinfection should follow?
Which of the following is the recommended concentration for the system
disinfection solution in ppm?
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2.5 Preventing cross connection to
unwholesome water
Tutor guidance notes
Aims and objectives
At the end of these activity sheets learners should be able to:
state the requirements of the Water Industry Act 1991, and their duties
under it
distinguish between wholesome and unwholesome water by means of colour
coding of pipes
describe the means of identifying water suitable for drinking purposes at the
point of draw off
describe the purpose of backflow prevention devices.
The questions and activities are not intended as formal assessment. However,
the answers should be debated with all the learners in a group discussion to
ensure full comprehension of the subject.
Individual teachers will wish to use these questions and activities in different
ways: at the end of a session as a recap; individually during the session as a ‘tothe-point’ learning tool; or as homework. Exercise 2.5: Preventing cross
connection to unwholesome water could be used when the subject is revisited at
the beginning of a subsequent lesson to link prior learning. Whichever method is
chosen, it is strongly recommend that a completion date is set and agreed.
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Candidate name: ______________________________________ Date: ______________________
2.5 Preventing cross connection to
unwholesome water
Chapter 2: Hot and cold water supply
Aims and objectives
At the end of these activity sheets you should be able to:
state the requirements of the Water Industry Act 1991, and their duties
under it
distinguish between wholesome and unwholesome water by means of colour
coding of pipes
describe the means of identifying water suitable for drinking purposes at the
point of draw off
describe the purpose of backflow prevention devices.
What responsibilities does the Water Industry Act 1991 on:
you the installer?
water users?
Complete these statements regarding Schedule 2 paragraph 14 of the
Regulations: <Author note: The regulations para 14 have not been
given in the same way as other Regulations, making it very difficult
for students to complete this exercise. It needs amending to either
(a) follow a block of text with omissions or (b) be changed to an
alternative style of activity. If you want to do the former, nominate
the page and paragraphs from the text and I will arrange to insert
Paragraph 14(1) states that:
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Any water fitting conveying(a) ____ water, _______ water or ___ ______ other than water supplied by
a water undertaker; or
(b) any _____ that is ____ wholesome _____;
shall be clearly identified so as to be easily _________ from any ______ pipe
or _________ pipe.
Paragraph 14 (2) states that:
No ______ pipe, __________ pipe, or _______ _________ pipe drawing
water from a supply pipe or distributing pipe shall _______, or be connected
so that it can convey, any fluid falling within sub paragraph (1) unless a
_______ for __________ __________ is installed in accordance with
paragraph 15
Discuss this with your tutor.
Can you state examples of waters that are unwholesome that could cause
cross-connection contamination?
In industrial and commercial buildings and smaller properties where
unwholesome water is used, identification of pipework by colour coding is
required. Draw and colour appropriately examples of the following:
cold distributing pipe.
pipe carrying water for fire fighting.
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How can identification apply to cisterns, valves and taps?
Backflow protection may be in two ways. Explain each one.
A non-mechanical air gap:
A mechanical device:
Why do we need backflow protection?
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Candidate name: ______________________________________ Date: ______________________
Exercise 2.5: Preventing cross connection of
unwholesome water
What are the main duties and responsibilities that the Water Industry Act
1991 places on suppliers of water?
If a commercial building collects rainwater for toilet flushing, how would you
expect to distinguish the pipes supplying it from other pipes?
Some washrooms may have two cold taps, one for hand washing, and
another for drinking water. Which should be labelled, and what should the
label say?
A customer wishes to install an original Victorian bath, with Globe taps.
What would the fluid category risk be?
What device must be fitted to make these taps compliant?
In a government building you notice a pipe colour coded blue. What is its
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2.6 Backflow prevention and fluid
Tutor guidance notes
Aims and objectives
At the end of these activity sheets learners should be able to:
state the main requirements of the Regulations as they apply to backflow
prevention and fluid categories
explain what causes backflow, and the differences between back pressure
and back siphonage
state the various fluid risk categories
state the various backflow prevention devices including mechanical and nonmechanical
determine what back prevention methods can be used for various fluid risk
The questions and activities are not intended as formal assessment. However,
the answers should be debated with all the learners in a group discussion to
ensure full comprehension of the subject.
Individual teachers will wish to use these questions and activities in different
ways: at the end of a session as a recap; individually during the session as a ‘tothe-point’ learning tool; or as homework. Exercise 2.6: Backflow prevention and
fluid categories could be used when the subject is revisited at the beginning of a
subsequent lesson to link prior learning. Whichever method is chosen, it is
strongly recommend that a completion date is set and agreed.
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Candidate name: ______________________________________ Date: ______________________
2.6 Backflow prevention and fluid
Chapter 2: Hot and cold water supply
Aims and objectives
At the end of these activity sheets you should be able to:
state the main requirements of the Regulations as they apply to backflow
prevention and fluid categories
explain what causes backflow, and the differences between back pressure
and back siphonage
state the various fluid risk categories
state the various backflow prevention devices including mechanical and nonmechanical
determine what back prevention methods can be used for various fluid risk
What does the term ‘backflow’ mean?
Complete these statements regarding Schedule 2 paragraph 15 of the Water
Paragraph 15 of Schedule 2 states that:
(1) Subject to the following provisions in this __________, every water
system shall contain an __________ device or devices for __________
__________ of fluid from any __________, __________ or ____________
_____ from occurring.
(2) Paragraph (1) does __________ apply to:
(a) a water __________ where the __________ water is __________ to
flow __________ into a supply pipe, or
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(b) a vented water storage vessel supplied from a __________
__________, where the __________ of the water in the supply
__________ or the __________ does not exceed __________°C.
(3) The __________ used to __________ backflow shall be appropriate to
the __________ applicable __________ __________ to which the fitting is
subject __________ before the next such device.
(4) Backflow prevention __________ be __________ on any supply or
distributing __________:
(a) where it is necessary to prevent __________ between __________
occupied __________, or
(b) where the water __________ has given __________ for the purposes
of this Schedule that such __________ is needed for the __________ or
part of any __________.
Discuss this with your tutor.
With the aid of a drawing explain what is meant by back pressure.
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With the aid of a drawing explain what is meant by back siphonage.
Fluid category 1: No health hazard or impairment to its quality is wholesome
water. Give common examples of fluid category risks 2 to 5:
Fluid category 2: Aesthetic quality is impaired
Fluid category 3: Slight health hazard
Fluid category 4: Significant health hazard
Fluid category 5: Serious health hazard
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Complete the table. It shows a list of non-mechanical backflow devices
acceptable under the Regulations.
Description of backflow prevention
arrangements and devices
Fluid category for
which suited
Air gap with injector
Air gap with circular overflow
Air gap with minimum size circular overflow
determined by measure or vacuum test
Air gap with vented submerged inlet
Air gap with interposed cistern (e.g. a WC
Air gaps for taps and combination fittings
(tap gaps) discharging over domestic
sanitary appliances such as a washbasin,
bidet, bath or shower tray shall be not less
than the following:
Size of tap or
combination fitting:
• not exceeding G½
• exceeding G½ but
not exceeding G¾
• exceeding G¾
Distance of tap
outlet above
appliance spillover
• 20 mm
• 25 mm
• 70 mm
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Air gaps for taps or combination fittings (tap
gaps) discharging over any higher risk
domestic sanitary appliances where a fluid
risk category 4 or 5 is present, such as:
• any domestic or non-domestic sink
• any appliance in premises where a higher
level of protection is required such as
some appliances in hospitals or other
health care premises
The air gap shall be not less than 20mm or
twice the diameter of the inlet pipe to the
fitting, whichever is the greater
X indicates that the backflow prevention arrangement or device is not applicable or not
acceptable for protection against back pressure for any fluid category within water
installations in the UK
Arrangements incorporating type DC devices shall have no control valves on the outlet side of
the device, they shall be fitted not less than 300 mm above the spillover level of a WC pan,
or 150 mm above the sparge pipe outlet of a urinal, and discharge vertically downward
Overflows and warning pipes shall discharge through, or terminate with, an air gap, the
dimension of which should satisfy a Type AA air gap
Complete the table. It shows a list of mechanical backflow devices acceptable
under the Regulations.
Description of backflow prevention
arrangements and devices
Fluid category for
which suited
Non verifiable disconnector with difference
between pressure zones not greater than
Anti-vacuum valve (or vacuum breaker)
Pipe interrupter with atmospheric vent and
moving element
Anti-vacuum valve combined with verifiable
check valve
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Non verifiable single check valve
Diverter with automatic return (normally
integral with domestic appliance
applications only)
Pressurised air inlet valve
Pressurised air inlet valve with check valve
X indicates that backflow prevention device is not acceptable for protection against beck
pressure for any fluid category within water installations in the UK
Types DA and DUK1 shall have no control valves on the outlet of the device and be fitted on a
minimum 300 mm type A upstand
Relief outlet ports from types BA and CA backflow prevention devices shall terminate with a
type AA air gap
Identify the fluid category risk for the following backflow prevention devices
as an example that could be used to guard against that risk.
You are about to install a commercial washing machine (for
clothes) in a commercial laundry. This represents a fluid
category 4 risk, type AD device usually built into washing
machines. Otherwise there are a number of options. You
could feed from separate dedicated storage cistern for
washing machines only in type AUK1 configuration.
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New hose union tap outside a house
Washbasin in a hospital
Industrial heating system fed from the mains
Label these two fluid category risk installations.
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Give examples of common use of air gaps in installations, quoting the
relevant air gap type.
10 a
Why do showers give additional cause for concern?
What measures should be followed to comply with the Regulations?
Why do ascending spray bidets give cause for concern?
What measures should be followed to comply with the Regulations?
11 a
Why do ascending outside taps give us cause for concern?
What measures should be followed to comply with the Regulations?
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12 Draw an outside tap installation supplied via a standpipe that complies with
all areas of the Regulations.
13 a
Is this animal drinking bowl acceptable?
How could acceptable provision be provided?
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Complete the following drawing showing whole-site or zone protection.
15 Complete the text on backflow protection to Fire Systems:
Fire-protection systems require backflow protection to suit the level of risk.
__________ __________ systems (that contain __________ __________)
fire-hose reels and __________ landing valves are considered to be a fluid
category __________ risk and will require the minimum __________ of a
_______ check valve.
__________ __________ systems in __________ situations often have
additives in the water to prevent __________ at low ambient temperatures,
and these are considered to be a fluid category __________ risk. Also
included in this risk category are systems that contain hydro-pneumatic
__________ vessels; therefore the system requires either a __________
backflow preventer (__________ or type BA) or it must be fitted with a
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suitable air gap (type __________, __________, __________ or
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Candidate name: ______________________________________ Date: ______________________
Exercise 2.6: Backflow prevention and fluid categories
What are the two main causes of backflow?
Write a short description on each.
• ______________________________________________________________
• ______________________________________________________________
Give three examples of backflow prevention devices.
• ______________________________________________________________
• ______________________________________________________________
• ______________________________________________________________
How many fluid risk categories are included in Schedule 1 of the Water
What fluid category would water heated in a hot-water secondary system be
classified as?
Of all the categories, which represents the highest risk?
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Where is the best position to locate a backflow prevention device?
What is another term for a non-mechanical prevention device?
What type of non-mechanical prevention device would be used for a coldwater storage cistern for domestic purposes?
What type of mechanical device would be used on a new screw down type
hose union tap with a back pressure category 3 and back siphonage category
10 What are the two main types of bidet?
• ______________________________________________________________
• ______________________________________________________________
11 Which of the bidets from Question 10 should be fitted with a type AUK2 air
12 You are required to replace an external garden tap. Explain briefly the factors
that apply to its replacement in order to satisfy regulations.
13 A wet fire sprinkler system with additives would be deemed as what fluid
category risk?
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2.7 Cold-water services
Tutor guidance notes
Aims and objectives
At the end of these activity sheets learners should be able to:
state the valves used for shutting off the inflow of water into a storage
state the types of cisterns covered by the Regulations
state the position in which servicing valves should be located
describe suitable methods for alerting consumers to a cistern overflowing
explain why and how cisterns should be covered
state the purposes of thermal insulation
state the reasons for preventing stagnation
explain the difference between an overflow pipe and a warning pipe.
The questions and activities are not intended as formal assessment. However,
the answers should be debated with all the learners in a group discussion to
ensure full comprehension of the subject.
Individual teachers will wish to use these questions and activities in different
ways: at the end of a session as a recap; individually during the session as a ‘tothe-point’ learning tool; or as homework. Exercise 2.7: Cold-water services could
be used when the subject is revisited at the beginning of a subsequent lesson to
link prior learning. Whichever method is chosen, it is strongly recommend that a
completion date is set and agreed.
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Candidate name: ______________________________________ Date: ______________________
2.7 Cold-water services
Chapter 2: Hot and cold water supply
Aims and objectives
At the end of these activity sheets you should be able to:
state the valves used for shutting off the inflow of water into a storage
state the types of cisterns covered by the Regulations
state the position in which servicing valves should be located
describe suitable methods for alerting consumers to a cistern overflowing
explain why and how cisterns should be covered
state the purposes of thermal insulation
state the reasons for preventing stagnation
explain the difference between an overflow pipe and a warning pipe.
Draw a cold-water storage cistern in situ conforming to Schedule 2
paragraph 16 of the Regulations.
Discuss this with your tutor.
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Name the different types of valves that could be used on the cistern
supply pipework for servicing purposes.
What is meant by ‘an effective adjustable shut off device’?
Explain the installation restrictions on BS 1212 part 1 float valves.
What is the difference between a warning pipe and an overflow pipe?
What are the additional requirements for cisterns in excess of
5000 litres?
Why is it that outlet connections in cold-water storage cisterns should allow
free movement of water?
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Draw a simple line diagram showing the requirements of coupled cisterns.
Insulation of cisterns is provided for two reasons. What are they?
• ______________________________________________________________
• ______________________________________________________________
You are called to a property because of water leaking from the supply
connection to a float valve in a cistern. Water has sprayed over the
insulation and the jacket has become very wet. What problems could this
cause and what are your suggestions for remedial action?
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Candidate name: ______________________________________ Date: ______________________
Exercise 2.7: Cold-water services
State two general requirements for the correct installation of cold-water
storage cisterns.
• ______________________________________________________________
• ______________________________________________________________
Circle the correct answer. The float-operated valve designed specifically for
use in a WC cistern must meet the requirements of BS:
1212 part 4.
6700 part 1.
1212 part 1.
8000 part 4.
Which type of storage cistern does not require a servicing valve on the outlet
What is the minimum unobstructed space above a cistern required for
maintenance access?
At what actual cistern capacity is it recommended to fit both a warning and
an overflow pipe?
What is the minimum diameter for an overflow pipe and warning pipe?
What design feature will allow sediment to pass through the system rather
than settling in the base of the cistern?
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2.8 Hot-water services
Tutor guidance notes
Aims and objectives
At the end of these activity sheets learners should be able to:
state the difference between vented and unvented hot-water systems
state the sizing requirements for vent pipes
explain methods of preventing tampering with control valves.
The questions and activities are not intended as formal assessment. However,
the answers should be debated with all the learners in a group discussion to
ensure full comprehension of the subject.
Individual teachers will wish to use these questions and activities in different
ways: at the end of a session as a recap; individually during the session as a ‘tothe-point’ learning tool; or as homework. Exercise 2.8: Hot-water services could
be used when the subject is revisited at the beginning of a subsequent lesson to
link prior learning. Whichever method is chosen, it is strongly recommend that a
completion date is set and agreed.
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Candidate name: ______________________________________ Date: ______________________
2.8 Hot-water services
Chapter 2: Hot and cold water supply
Aims and objectives
At the end of these activity sheets you should be able to:
state the difference between vented and unvented hot-water systems
state the sizing requirements for vent pipes
explain methods of preventing tampering with control valves.
Paragraphs 17 to 24 of Schedule 2 mostly regulate the installation of the hotwater service within the building and looks at what issues?
• ______________________________________________________________
• ______________________________________________________________
• ______________________________________________________________
• ______________________________________________________________
• ______________________________________________________________
How is expansion provided for in traditional vented hot-water systems?
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With the aid of a drawing, show the permitted termination of vent pipes
in both primary and secondary circuits of a traditional vented system.
How are these systems controlled?
How are excess temperature and pressure catered for in this type of
Your tutor will show you an unvented installation and explain the method
How is expansion provided for in unvented hot-water systems?
What happens if these methods do not work correctly?
Can you explain, in simple terms, what the discharge pipework is for in
the unvented hot-water system and where it should terminate?
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How are these systems controlled?
What is meant by ‘safety controls’?
How are excess temperature and pressure catered for in this type of
Safety devices are installed to prevent the maximum secondary water
temperature exceeding a certain level. What is this level?
What does paragraph 22.1 of Schedule 2 of the Regulations state?
Temperature and pressure relief valves are mandatory when fitting what size
unvented hot-water heater?
Paragraph 24 of Schedule 2 of the Regulations talks about filling a heating
What does backflow prevention mean?
What device can we install to adhere to the requirements?
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Draw, using BS symbols, a representation of an acceptable backflow
prevention device.
How does this device stop unauthorised operation?
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Candidate name: ______________________________________ Date: ______________________
Exercise 2.8: Hot-water services
What is the minimum diameter for a vent pipe?
Is it acceptable to discharge a vent pipe from a primary system over a
secondary cold-water storage cistern?
Circle the correct answer. A type CA disconnector guards against fluid risk:
When using a filling loop with type EC double check valve, what action should
happen when the system has been commissioned?
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2.9 Other appliances
Tutor guidance notes
Aims and objectives
At the end of these activity sheets learners should be able to:
state the requirements for water conservation with respect to WCs and
state the different devices permitted to be used for WCs and urinals in
domestic and non-domestic premises
describe the variety of permissible warning devices to alert users of an
state the requirements for plugs to contain water within a basin or sink
describe the water conservation measures for dishwashers, washing
machines and washer–driers.
The questions and activities are not intended as formal assessment. However,
the answers should be debated with all the learners in a group discussion to
ensure full comprehension of the subject.
Individual teachers will wish to use these questions and activities in different
ways: at the end of a session as a recap; individually during the session as a ‘tothe-point’ learning tool; or as homework. Exercise 2.9: Other appliances could be
used when the subject is revisited at the beginning of a subsequent lesson to link
prior learning. Whichever method is chosen, it is strongly recommend that a
completion date is set and agreed.
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Candidate name: ______________________________________ Date: ______________________
2.9 Other appliances
Chapter 2: Hot and cold water supply
Aims and objectives
At the end of these activity sheets you should be able to:
state the requirements for water conservation with respect to WCs and
state the different devices permitted to be used for WCs and urinals in
domestic and non-domestic premises
describe the variety of permissible warning devices to alert users of an
state the requirements for plugs to contain water within a basin or sink
describe the water conservation measures for dishwashers, washing
machines and washer–driers.
Why is water conservation important to us?
What is the maximum amount of water per flush allowed under the new
When replacing an existing pre-1 January 2001 cistern, what are the
requirements for flush volume?
What devices were permitted to be used for flushing WCs before the
1 January 2001?
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What devices are permitted for flushing WCs from the 1 January 2001?
Which of these devices cannot be installed in domestic premises?
What types of appliances can they serve?
a What is a dual-flush cistern?
How can we recognise this cistern from a single-flush cistern when
What is a pressure-flushing valve?
State the permitted maximum flow rate for a flushing valve.
What type of backflow prevention device should be fitted with a flushing
How should such a device be fitted?
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Paragraph 25(1) states that the warning pipe must:
• ______________________________________________________________
• ______________________________________________________________
Explain what are recognised as no less effective warning devices by the
water supply industry.
• ______________________________________________________________
• ______________________________________________________________
• ______________________________________________________________
• ______________________________________________________________
Circle the correct answer. Automatic-flush cisterns should supply no more
water than:
10 litres per hour for a single urinal bowl or stall.
7 litres per hour for a single urinal bowl or stall.
6.5 litres per hour, per urinal position for a cistern servicing two or more
urinal bowls, stalls or per 700 mm slab positions.
7.5 litres per hour, per urinal position for a cistern servicing two or more
urinal bowls, stalls or per 700 mm slab positions.
Circle the correct answer. Manually-operated (chain pull or push button)
cisterns to a single urinal bowl are required to flush no more than how many
litres each time the cistern is operated?
There are three water-saving valves used with urinals. What are they and
how do they work?
• ______________________________________________________________
• ______________________________________________________________
• ______________________________________________________________
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10 Paragraph 28(1) states that, subject to paragraph (2) every bath, wash
basin, sink or similar appliance shall be provided with a watertight and readily
accessible plug, or other device capable of closing the waste outlet.
What does this requirement not apply to? Fill in the blanks.
• ______________________________________________________________
• a washing trough or wash basin whose waste outlet is incapable of
accepting a plug and to which water is delivered at a rate not exceeding
0.06 litres per second exclusively from a fitting designed or adapted for
that purpose
• ______________________________________________________________
• ______________________________________________________________
• a drinking-water fountain or similar facility
• an appliance that is used in medical, dental, or veterinary premises and is
designed or adapted for use with an unplugged outlet.
11 The Regulations give strict directives on maximum amounts of permissible
water per cycle for appliances. What are these requirements for the
appliances nominated below?
A washing machine
A washer–drier
A dishwasher
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Candidate name: ______________________________________ Date: ______________________
Exercise 2.9: Other appliances
What is the current standard flushing volume for wash-down WCs?
What is the reduced flush volume in a dual-flush WC cistern?
In terms of the Regulations, what is the difference between a pressureflushing cistern and a pressure-flushing valve?
Under what circumstances is it permissible to discharge individual warning
pipes from a range of WCs into a common warning pipe?
In an older household you encounter an old-fashioned high-level cistern with
a 9-litre capacity. What action should you take?
State three instances where outlet plugs or other closing outlet devices are
not required.
• ______________________________________________________________
• ______________________________________________________________
• ______________________________________________________________
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2.10 Water for outside use
Tutor guidance notes
Aims and objectives
At the end of these activity sheets learners should be able to:
explain how to prevent contamination of water supply in animal drinking
state what devices are used to control the flow of water to animal drinking
state the permitted construction details of ponds and pools and methods for
replenishing ponds, pools and fountains.
The questions and activities are not intended as formal assessment. However,
the answers should be debated with all the learners in a group discussion to
ensure full comprehension of the subject.
Individual teachers will wish to use these questions and activities in different
ways: at the end of a session as a recap; individually during the session as a ‘tothe-point’ learning tool; or as homework. Exercise 2.10: Water for outside use
could be used when the subject is revisited at the beginning of a subsequent
lesson to link prior learning. Whichever method is chosen, it is strongly
recommend that a completion date is set and agreed.
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Candidate name: ______________________________________ Date: ______________________
2.10 Water for outside use
Chapter 2: Hot and cold water supply
Aims and objectives
At the end of these activity sheets you should be able to:
explain how to prevent contamination of water supply in animal drinking
state what devices are used to control the flow of water to animal drinking
state the permitted construction details of ponds and pools and methods for
replenishing ponds, pools and fountains.
Complete these statements regarding Schedule 2 paragraph 30 of the
Paragraph 30 of Schedule 2 states that every __________ that conveys
water to a drinking vessel for __________ or __________ shall be fitted
• a __________-__________ valve or some other no less effective device to
control the __________ of water, which:
• is __________ from __________ and __________
• __________ __________ of the water supply
• a __________ __________ or __________ valve, as appropriate.
Discuss this with your tutor.
Complete these statements regarding Schedule 2 paragraph 31 of the
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Paragraph 31 of Schedule 2 states that every __________, __________, or
__________ shall have an __________ lining or __________ to prevent the
__________ or __________ of water.
Discuss this with your tutor.
Paragraphs 30 and 31 are protecting the mains supply against two things.
What are they?
• ______________________________________________________________
• ______________________________________________________________
Label and detail this diagram showing how protection may be given.
How can bowls that allow inlet valves to become submerged be supplied to
conform to the Regulations?
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Candidate name: ______________________________________ Date: ______________________
Exercise 2.10: Water for outside use
What are the overall Water Regulation requirements covering the supply of
water to a drinking vessel used by animals or poultry?
What are the two main requirements regarding pools and ponds?
• ______________________________________________________________
• ______________________________________________________________
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