US HISTORY REVIEW-TEST Modern America 1. Detente – President Nixon’s foreign policy to improve relations with the Soviet Union. 2. Watergate Scandal – President Nixon , Reduce people’s trust in the government. Set up illegal wire taps. 3. Oil Embargo – OPEC and oil embargo from Iran led to an oil shortage and long gas lines in America under President Carter. 4. Camp David Accords – Reduced tensions in the Middle East. 5. President Hoover and Ronald Reagan- Favored economic changes by favoring big businesses. 6. President Reagan- lowered federal income taxes. 7. NJ vs TLO (1985) – a student has no guaranteed rights in school. 8. Fall of the Berlin Wall- End of the Cold War. 9. Persian Gulf War: To create Stability in the Middle East, Protect US interests, Keep Oil flowing to the United States. 10. President Carter and Clinton – attempted to bring peace to the Middle East. 11. Haiti & Bosnia- THE US intervened to stop conflicts within those nations. 12. NAFTA & GATT- encouraged countries to participate in the global economy. 13. September 11, 2001- Lead to war in Afghanistan, US overthrowing the Taliban, Passage of the Patriot Act, Creation of the Homeland Security. 14. Cultural Pluralism- the existence of ethnic diversity within the population. 15.President Bush and Ronald Reagan- used tax cuts to encourage economic growth. 16. Federal Reserve Board – lowered interest rates to stimulate consumer spending and improve the economy.. 17. Anti-Trust Acts- Antitrust laws against AT&T, Microsoft, were an effort to increase business competition by limiting the power of trusts & monopolies.