1 Cephalopods caught on the outer Patagonian shelf and its upper and medium slope in relation to the main oceanographic features 2 3 Ángel Guerraa, *, Julio M. Portelab, José Luis del Ríob 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 b a Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas (CSIC), Eduardo Cabello 6, 36208 Vigo, Spain Instituto Español de Oceanografía (IEO) , C. O. de Vigo. P. O. Box 1552, 36200 Vigo, Spain. Abstract Ninety cephalopod specimens were collected in 71 of 132 hauls (54%) during the bottom trawl survey ATLANTIS 2009 undertaken between 24 February and 1 April 2009. The surveyed area was the zone between parallels 44° and 48° South, east of the Argentinean Exclusive Economic Zone down to the 1500 m depth contour on the high seas of the Southwest Atlantic. The collection was composed of 16 species of squids and 5 of octopods. The best represented groups were Histioteuthidae (5 species) and Octopodidae (5). The most abundant species were Gonatus antarcticus (25.5%), Histioteuthis atlantica (11.1%), and Muusoctopus eureka (8.9%), which were also the most widely encountered. The geographic and/or bathymetric distribution ranges of 9 species are extended, and this is the first record of Galiteuthis glacialis outside circumpolar Antarctic waters. Our data show that several species, mainly of octopuses, penetrate the area studied as the plume of cold sub-Antarctic waters is pushed far into the South Atlantic by the Falkland (Malvinas) Current. Keywords: Cephalopods, Biogeography, Patagonian slope, Southwest Atlantic. Running title: Cephalopods from the Patagonian slope 25 26 27 28 29 * Corresponding author at: Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas (CSIC), Eduardo Cabello 6, 36208 Vigo, Spain. Tel. +34 986231939 ext. 180; Fax: +34 986 292762 E-mail address: angelguerra@iim.csic.es (A. Guerra). 1 30 1. Introduction 31 32 The Southwest Atlantic Ocean (SWA) supports two major cephalopod fisheries. One is focused on the Patagonian long-finned squid Loligo gahi and the other on the 33 Argentine short-finned squid Illex argentinus. Although there is considerable information on these 2 species along the continental shelf within the Argentinean and Uruguayan 34 Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZ) (Nigmatullin, 1989; Basson et al., 1996; Agnew et al., 1998; Haimovici et al.,1998; Bunetti et al., 1999; Agnew et al., 2005; Portela et al., 35 2010), mainly around the Falkland (Malvinas) Islands (e.g. Arkhipkin et al., 2004; Bazino et al., 2005; Sacau et al., 2005), very little research has been carried out on the High 36 Seas (HS) region. The recently developed Falkland (Malvinas) fishery regularly catches octopuses during survey trawls as does the Falkland Islands Government Fisheries 37 Department (FIGFD) through observers attending commercial trawling operations on the South American continental shelf in the SWA, and research received a further boost 38 when the FIGFD funded a study to identify the octopuses in their fisheries collection (Gleadall et al., 2010). Recently, L. gahi, I. argentinus, Onykia ingens, and Gonatus 39 antarcticus have also been shown to occupy the ecological niche of epipelagic fish on the Falkland (Malvinas) shelf and slope (Laptikhovsky & Arkhipkin, 2010). 40 Many papers have been devoted to discovering knowledge of the teuthofauna from the Antarctic waters (see, for example, Rodhouse, 1989, and Gleadall et al., 2010, and 41 the literature cited therein). However, little attention has been paid to the cephalopod species from the Argentinean shelf and even less to the biodiversity present in the 42 Patagonian upper and medium slope. Practically the only data available came from the cruises carried out by Rodhouse et al. (1992) devoted to the early life cycle of 43 cephalopods, which surveyed a wide area using RMT8 and Bongo nets, and associated the captures with the major oceanographic features of the SWA. 44 This paper examines the collection of cephalopod gathered in the cruise ATLANTIS 2009 carried out in the HS of the SWA, including the outer Patagonian shelf and the 45 upper and medium slope, in relation to the main oceanographic features of the SWA. It also aims to contribute to the knowledge of the teuthofauna in the region, the 46 taxonomy of the material collected, as well as its geographical and bathymetric distribution. 47 48 2. Study area 2 49 The area surveyed was the zone between parallels 44° and 48° South, east of the Argentinean EEZ down to the 1500 m depth contour (Fig. 1), and the depth of the trawls 50 ranged from 107 to 1527 m. The physical oceanography of this area—virtually opposite the Gulf of San Jorge on the Argentinean coast—is complex. We therefore present a 51 schematic scenario, which will allow us to understand the main features that occur in the study area. The major oceanographic features of the SWA are the Brazil Current 52 (BC), the Falkland (Malvinas) Current (FMC), and their confluence region. The BC originates as a branch of the South Equatorial Current (around 08° South) and runs 53 poleward almost parallel to the shelf break. It is tropical in origin and is therefore warm, saline, and relatively oligotrophic. The southern limit of the warm water associated 54 with the BC fluctuates between 36°-38° and 46° South, and is accompanied by the intermittent formation of warm-core, anti-cyclonic eddies (Campos et al., 1995). The 55 encounter between the warm southward flowing BC and the cold northward flow of the FMC, at approximately 38° South, generates a strong thermohaline front: the 56 Subtropical Convergence or Subtropical Zone (STZ). The cool, nutrient-rich FMC branches off the Antarctic Circumpolar Current and flows northward along the Patagonian 57 continental slope. This current flows round both sides of the Falkland Islands before turning northward once again as a single flow, approximately 100 km wide. The FMC is 58 the dominant circulation feature along the Falkland Shelf Break. The sub-Antarctic waters from the FMC flow along the shelf as far north as 32° South before returning south 59 as the Falkland (Malvinas) Return Current and flowing offshore at the confluence zone. The surface water temperatures in the northerly flowing coastal current, between 24° 60 and 33° South, are several degrees lower than the Brazil Current and consist of a mixture of cool water from the FMC and warm water being recirculated from the BC. Brazil 61 Current waters have a temperature of >20.0 °C and salinity of >36.0, while FMC waters have a large temperature range between 4.0 and 15.0 °C, but a narrow salinity signal 62 between 33.7 and 34.1. Because of the large differential between these salinity ranges specified for the Brazil and FM Currents, a large proportion of the water sampled can be 63 expected to have mixed characteristics (Wilson and Rees, 2000 and references therein). 64 65 Using the nomenclature for the fronts and zones adopted by Peterson and Whitworth (1989), the three zones south of the STZ associated with the Antarctic Circumpolar Current are, from north to south, the Sub-Antarctic Zone (SAZ), the Polar Frontal Zone (PFZ), and the Antarctic Zone (AZ). These zones are associated with fronts (Fig 2). 66 3 67 3. Material and methods 68 A multidisciplinary research cruise was conducted by the Spanish Institute of Oceanography (IEO) to assess the biomass of the main commercial fish stocks on the HS of 69 the SWA and to identify Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems (VME). The multidisciplinary bottom trawl survey (ATLANTIS 2009), undertaken between 24 February and 1 April 70 2009 on board the RV Miguel Oliver, included 132 trawl stations (Fig. 3 Table 1). The survey used a stratified random design with strata boundaries defined by latitude and 71 depth ranges. Scheduled fishing stations (hauls of 30 min) were performed using a LOFOTEN type net fitted with a “Rockhopper” mix train with bobbins and rubber 72 separators, suitable for deepwater fishing over irregular bottoms. The headline height averaged 6.1 m, with a wing spread of 20 m. Mesh size ranged from 160 mm in the 73 upper wings to 40 mm in the cod end liner. Trawling was restricted to daylight hours. The positions of the hauls were randomly chosen prior to starting each stratum survey. 74 75 Thirteen depth strata were defined in the study area (Table 1) and were further subdivided into 2571 grids of around 5 square nautical miles (nm2). Finally, 147 hauls were randomly allocated according to the following criteria: 76 i) The number of hauls in each stratum was proportional to its surface, with a minimum of 2 hauls per stratum; ii) For each stratum, hauls were randomly allocated among 77 all possible grids, excluding those in adjacent squares; iii) When fishing was not possible in a selected grid due to bottom characteristics, the haul was put in the nearest square 78 allowing for bottom trawling. 79 Only 132 hauls were performed out of the 149 planned, as characteristics of the seafloor hindered bottom trawling, mainly in stratum 7 (1001-1500 m depth). Moreover, 5 80 of the hauls were considered null for different reasons, such as net breakage or net entanglement. Table 1 shows the scheme of fishing stations by depth stratum and 81 summarizes their main characteristics: depth range (m), surface (nm2), and number of grids per stratum. Hydrographical parameters (sea surface temperature [SST], sea 82 bottom temperature [SBT], and salinity) were collected during the cruise using a CTD-probe. 83 84 Catches were sorted immediately after capture. Cephalopods were stored in labelled plastic boxes and frozen at -20 ºC on board. Specimens were taken by the vessel to Vigo (Spain) where the samples were transported to the Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas (IIM, CSIC) marine research laboratory for detailed examination. 4 85 After defrosting at room temperature, cephalopods were identified from published guides, and old (e.g. Nesis, 1987; G. Voss, 1978; N. Voss et al., 1998) and recent papers 86 (e.g. Guerra et al., 2000; Lipinski, 2001; Allcock et al., 2004; Vecchione et al., 2005; Gleadall et al., 2010). Total length (TL), dorsal mantle length (ML), and wet weight 87 were measured immediately, and the sex was also determined. 88 89 All the material caught on this cruise, except Batoteuthis skolops, which is in the National Museum of Natural History (Washington D.C., USA), has been deposited at the Museo do Mar de Galicia (Vigo, Spain-www.museodomar.com). 90 91 92 93 4. Results Locations of trawls conducted during the ATLANTIS 2009 survey are shown in Fig. 3. The typical range of SST, SBT, and salinity at the different zones, or the oceanographic features cited in the text and Fig. 2 are shown in Table 2. 94 During the cruise, 90 cephalopod specimens, comprising 16 squids and 5 octopods, were collected. Depth ranges of capture and numbers of hauls with cephalopods 95 catches are shown in Table 3. Cephalopods were present in 71 of the 127 valid hauls (56%) carried out during the cruise. The family of squids best represented was 96 Histioteuthidae with 5 species, while the Octopodidae was represented with 5 species (Table 3). The most abundant squids were of the Gonatus antarcticus Lönngerg, 1898, 97 species (25.5%), followed by Histioteuthis atlantica (Hoyle, 1885) (11.1%). The most abundant octopus species (8.9%) was Muusoctopus eureka (Robson, 1929). G. 98 antarcticus also appears to be the most diverse spatially and was captured at 14 stations (Table 3). However, the distribution of H. atlantica and M. eureka, which appear in 8 99 stations, respectively, also have a wide geographical area of distribution within the limits of the total area explored. 100 Size and some other biological data of captured specimens and families (10) of each species are detailed in Table 4. 101 Table 5 shows the cephalopod distribution caught during this cruise in relation to the major oceanographic features of the study area. 102 5 103 5. Discussion 104 105 106 Six specimens of Brachioteuthidae share the diagnostic characters of Slosarczykovia circumantarctica Lipinski, 2001. This is one of the most common squids in Antarctic waters (Lipinski and Young, http://tolweb.org/Slosarczykovia/24102). 107 Until now, very few specimens of Batoteuthis skolops Young and Roper, 1968 have been collected (Young & Roper, 1968; Rodhouse et al., 1992; Young and Roper 108 http://tolweb.org/Batoteuthidae/19452). The species is found only in Antarctic and sub-Antarctic waters and little is known of its biology. Due to the interest in our specimen, 109 we plan to present a detailed description and discussion elsewhere. 110 The taxonomy of the octopuses is still undergoing major revision (see, for example, Norman & Hochberg, 2005) and to date incirrate octopuses have yet to be the subject 111 of a comprehensive study using nucleotide sequence data. Such data are now being collected and research is also under way to provide clear species re-descriptions based 112 upon morphometric data, leading to a much better understanding of the major groups and biodiversity of shallow water octopuses (Gleadall et al., 2010). These authors have 113 described three inkless octopodids from the continental shelf off south-eastern South America. These octopuses are a non-commercial by-catch in the Falkland (Malvinas) 114 fishery. Muusoctopus eureka (Robson, 1929) is one of two common inkless octopuses, is of medium size, with orange-pink skin, and a distinctive pattern of irregular dark 115 markings, interspersed with white spots visible only in living or freshly dead specimens. Eight specimens caught in our cruise belong to this species. Another 4 specimens also 116 captured during our cruise belong to Muusoctopus longibrachus akambei Gleadall et al., 2010. 117 Two specimens (21-30mm ML) of the Patagonian bobtail squid Semirossia patagonica (Smith, 1881) were caught on the Falkland (Malvinas) shelf by an RMT8 net from 118 the surface to the bottom (Rodhouse et al., 1992). The species have also been collected on the Argentinean shelf (Reid & Jereb, 2005). The records presented here represent an 119 expansion of the geographical range of the species eastwards. According to depth, SST, and SBT (Table 2), our specimens were caught in the STZ, usually located between 120 35° and 45° South, where the average SST changes from about 12 °C to 7-8 °C (Campos et al., 1995). One specimen of the bobtail Austrorossia mastigophora (Chun, 1915) 121 was also captured in this STZ (45° 46' 30'' South - 60° 27' 29'' West). The known geographical distribution of this bobtail squid was western, southern, and eastern Africa 6 122 (from Guinea and Somalia to the Cape of Good Hope), but doubtful in Chilean waters (Reid and Jereb, 2005). Therefore, this is the first time that the species is caught in the 123 western part of the South Atlantic Ocean. The Carol bobtail squid Neorossia caroli (Joubin, 1902) was caught south more frequently than the previous bobtail squids (47° 32' 124 60'' South - 60° 14' 19'' West) and in the deeper, cooler waters (Table 2) of the FMC. This species is represented on the Patagonian slope north of the Falkland (Malvinas) 125 Islands by the subspecies N. caroli jeannae Nesis et al., 2001, while our specimen was recorded much further north than any other until now. 126 The jewel squids Histioteuthis reversa (Verrill, 1880), H. atlantica (Hoyle, 1885), H. bonnelli (Férussac, 1834), and H. eltaninae N. Voss, 1969 caught are common in the 127 area explored by our cruise, showing an already well-known vertical and geographic distribution inside the FMC (Voss et al., 1998). However, this is the most southern record 128 (45° 13' 52'' South - 59° 24' 04'' West) of Histioteuthis arcturi (Robson, 1948), which had previously only been registered between 28° North and 25° South (Voss et al., 129 1998). 130 To date, the known distribution of the squid Slosarczykonia circumantarctica was off Wilkes Land (Australian Antarctic Territory) and in circumpolar Antarctic waters 131 (Lipinski and Young http://tolweb.org/Slosarczykovia/24102). Our findings extend the geographical distribution area of the species towards the north and east of the SWA, 132 occupying the western border of the FMC (from approximately 46° 54' South - 59° 49' West to 45° 17' South - 59° 33' West), at depths ranging from 881 to 1224 m, and SST 133 and SBT between 11.9 and 2.3 ºC, respectively (Table 2). 134 135 According to the map of the records of B. skolops provided by Young and Roper (http://tolweb.org/Batoteuthidae/19452), our record is the most northern for this species (44° 30' 22'' - 44° 29' 54'' South). 136 The glacial cranch squid Galiteuthis glacialis (Chun, 1906) is found throughout the circumpolar Antarctic waters where it is one of the most abundant (Nesis, 1987). 137 According to the map given by Young and Mangold (http://tolweb.org/Galiteuthis_glacialis/19572), our records are the first outside circumpolar Antarctic waters, thus 138 expanding the geographical distribution of the species towards the north, at least until 44° 02' 95'' South. SST and SBT seem to indicate that this species was caught along the 139 western border of the FMC. 7 140 Type locality of Graneledone antarctica Voss, 1976 is the Ross Sea (74° 05' 06'' South, 175° 05' 02'' West) (Voss, 1976). However, Kubodera and Okutani (1994) 141 captured 1 specimen at 45° 44' South, 59° 46' West at 858 m depth, which is close to our area of study and within the bathymetric range of our specimens (Table 3). Despite 142 the resemblance of the Kubodera and Okutani specimen to G. antarctica, these authors did not risk identifying it as such. Their argument was that it was captured near the 143 Crozet Islands at such a considerable distance that they hesitate to conclude that the material was conspecific. Nevertheless, the coordinates of capture that the authors give 144 twice (their Table I and on page 214) do not correspond to these islands but to the Patagonian shelf or south-eastern Argentinean EEZ waters, where they also obtained some 145 samples. Our specimens (1 juvenile and 2 immature female, Table 4) share the diagnostic characters of the species. Considering this information, we therefore believe that the 146 species is present off the Patagonian shelf at depths of 1156-1461(Table 3) and from 44º to 47º South. The species was found in the western boundary (59º 25' West) of the 147 FMC, where the SST was 9.7 ºC and the SBT 2.4 ºC (Table 2). 148 The large-tuberculate octopus Graneledone macrotyla Voss, 1976 was for many years only known by type-locality (54° 43' South, 55° 30' West in 1647-2044 m) (Voss, 149 1976, 1988). However, the collection studied by Kubodera and Okutani (1994) extended the known distribution of the species to the north of 45° South along south-eastern 150 Argentina, at depths ranging from 858 to 2044 m, which agrees with the latitudinal distribution shown by the present sample (from 45° to 47° South). The western range 151 where this species was caught (59° 32' - 60° 01' West) and the SST and SBT (Table 2) suggest that it inhabits the northern part of the FMC. 152 Our 4 mature males of Thaumeledone gunteri Robson, 1930 share the main characters given by Allcock et al. (2004). These authors indicated that the distribution of this 153 species is probably restricted to South Georgia and Shang Rocks at a depth of 366-964 m and probably deeper. However, we found this inkless octopus further north, at 154 depths ranging from 855 to 1190 m, with a sea surface temperature of 9.6 ºC, and a sea bottom temperature of 2.6 ºC (Table 3). 155 Laptikhovsky (2001) reported 32 females of Benthoctopus eureka collected on the Falkland (Malvinas) shelf (48° 40' - 52° 59' South, 56° 51' - 60° 15' West, depth range 156 125-344 m) during expeditions on board the RV Dorada. Gleadall et al. (2010) are currently proposing a new taxonomic combination for eureka, which is Muusoctopus 157 eureka (Robson, 1929). The species was caught in the same area explored by our cruise. However, the specimens were mainly on the 200 m depth contour (Gleadall et al., 8 158 2010), whereas the bathymetric range of the 8 specimens included in this paper was 111 to 1156 m. Therefore, it seems that this species is adapted to a relatively wide range 159 of temperature, possibly from 8 ºC to -0.8 ºC (Tables 2 and 5). 160 Previously known specimens of M. longibrachus akambei (holotype and paratypes) were caught on different cruises around 49° 22' South and between 59° 10' - 66° 70' 161 West from 147 to 377 m depth off the coastal waters of Argentina (Gleadall et al., 2010). The specimens presented in this paper were captured about 140 nautical miles to the 162 north (46° 53' 98'' South), at a similar western longitude (59° 48' - 60° 39' West), and in deeper waters (428-921 m) (see Table 3). 163 From a biogeographic point of view our data show that several species, mainly benthic octopuses (Table 5), penetrate the area studied with the plume of cold sub-Antarctic 164 waters and are pushed far into the South Atlantic by the FMC (Fig. 4). This concurs with observations by Strugnell et al. (2008), who showed that the deep-sea lineage had 165 their evolutionary origins in Antarctica. We suggest that sampling in the near future should be attempted on either side of this plume, in regions where there is no Antarctic 166 water, in order to test the presence of cold water-adapted species. 167 168 169 170 171 Acknowledgements 172 vessel. We are also very grateful to Dr Ian Cleadall for his useful comments on the original manuscript and to María Teresa Fernández Álvarez (IIM, CSIC) for her technical 173 assistance. We would also like to thank the crew of the vessel, the scientific staff, and Raúl Vilela for his assistance with GIS tools. We would like to extend our warmest thanks to authorities of the Spanish Secretaría General del Mar (SGM, General Secretary for the Sea) who owned the research 174 9 175 References 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 Allcock, A.L., Collins, M.A., Piatkowski, U. Vecchione, M., 2004. Thaumeledone and other deep water octopodids from the Southern Ocean. Deep-Sea Res. Part II, 51, 1883-1901. Agnew, D.J., Baranowski, R., Beddington, J.R., des Clers, S., Nolan, C.P., 1998. Approaches to assessing stocks of Loligo gahi around the Falkland Islands. Fish. Res. 35, 155-169. Agnew, D., Hill, S.L., Beddington, J.R., Purchase, L.V., Wakeford, R.C., 2005. 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The Batoteuthidae, a new family of squid (Cephalopoda: Oegopsida) from Antarctic waters. Antarc. Res. Ser. 11, 185-202. 241 242 243 244 12 245 246 247 248 249 250 Table 1 Characteristics of depth strata and number of hauls per stratum in ATLANTIS 2009 cruise. Meters (m); nautical miles (nm), square nautical miles (nm2) Stra tum 251 252 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 TOT AL Depth range (m) <200 201-300 301-400 401-500 501-700 701-1000 1001<200 1500 201-300 301-400 401-500 501-1000 10011500 Surface (nm2) No of grids (~5 nm2) Scheduled hauls 1,144 279 366 538 1,483 1,964 2,037 1,395 111 123 74 977 2,547 13,038 229 56 73 108 297 393 407 279 22 25 15 195 509 2,608 13 3 4 6 17 22 22 16 2 2 2 11 29 149 13 Valid Null 13 3 4 1 Hauls made 6 17 2 21 1 18 1 2 2 2 11 28 127 5 253 Table 2 254 255 256 257 258 ATLANTIS 2009 cruise typical range of Sea Surface Temperature (SST), Sea Bottom Temperature (SBT), and salinity at the different zones or currents mentioned in the text and Figure 2. PS: Patagonian shelf; STZ: Subtropical Zone or Subtropical Front; FMC: Falkland (Malvinas) Current (at 52-53.3ºS-58-61º W); SAZ: Subantartic Zone; PFZ: Polar Frontal Zone; AZ: Antarctic Zone. S: Summer; W: Winter. Data sources: CIMAS (Cooperative Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Studies, University of Miami; Arkhipkin et al., 2004; Deacon, 1984; Glorioso, 1987; and Peterson and Whitworth, 1989). These data vary with time of the year and weather conditions, when there is no indication the information correspond to March-April months. 259 260 261 Zone SST°C PS 7.5 - 18.0 STZ 7.0-14.0 FMC 9.5-14.6 SAZ 4.0-14.0 S 4.0-8.0 W PFZ 2.0-4.0 AZ 2.0-3.0 SBT 13.0-14.0 (450 m) 4.0-5.0 (200 m) 4.5-8.0 (200 m) 2.2-3.8 (1,000 m) 2.0-3.0 2.0 - 0.0 (1,000 m) -0.2-0.4 (2,000 m) Salinity 34.57 - 35.70 34.90-34.60 33.8-34.2 33.90 - 34.90 W >33.0 S 33.80-34.10 W >33.0 s 33.50 - 34.70 W >33.0 S 14 262 263 264 265 266 Table 3 Cephalopod species caught during the ATLANTIS 2009 survey in March 2009, with number of hauls (NH) where they were caught, depth range (DR), Maximum Sea Surface Temperature (SST) and Sea Bottom temperature (SBT), and number of specimens caught (NC). 267 Species NH DR (m) Semirossia patagonica 2 114-144 SST-SBT (º C) 13.4-4.1 N C 2 Austrorossia mastigophora 1 116-119 13.5-5.9 1 Neorossia caroli 1 601-603 12.0-3.8 1 Gonatus antarcticus 14 6901502 10.5-2.2 Histioteuthis arcturi 1 11761187 Histioteuthis atlantica 8 Histioteuthis bonnellii Histioteuthis eltaninae Species Onykia ingens Bathyteuthis abyssicola N H 1 DR (m) 10431050 SST-BT (ºC) 9.8-2.9 N C 1 1 14971502 9.9-2.2 1 Batoteuthis skolops 1 11981221 1 23 Galiteuthis glacialis 2 11031365 10.5-2.6 3 9.5-2.7 1 Taonis pavo 1 13591365 10.2-2.5 1 135-998 9.8-2.8 10 Graneledone antractica 3 11561461 9.7-2.4 3 5 6251291 11.0-2.3 5 Graneledone macrotyla 2 774-870 10.3-3.1 2 1 717-720 12.9-3.6 4 Thaumeledone gunteri 4 8551190 9.6-2.6 4 15 268 Histioteuthis reversa 3 618-846 13.1-3.0 3 Chiroteuthis veranyii 3 766-1187 12.0-2.7 3 Slosarczykovia circumantarctica 6 881-1224 11.9-2.3 9 Muusoctopus eureka 8 1111156 14.6-2.8 8 3 428-921 12.0-2.9 4 269 M. akambei Totals 16 longibrachus 71 90 270 271 272 273 274 275 Table 4. Cephalopod species caught during ATLANTIS 2009 cruise. Family; size range (ML: dorsal mantle length in millimeters); BD: biological data; M: male; F: female; SA: subadult; J: juvenile); NC: number of specimens caught; Ma: mature; Mat: maturating; IM: immature; Sfm: stomach full of myctophids; Sfe: stomach full of euphausids. Species Semirossia patagonica Family Sepiolidae ML 21-30 BD Ma M+F NC 2 Austrorossia mastigophora Sepiolidae 21 Ma F 1 Neorossia caroli Sepiolidae 47 Ma F Gonatus antarcticus Gonatidae 50-226 Histioteuthis arcturi Histioteuthidae Histioteuthis atlantica Family Onychoteuthidae ML 480 NC 1 52 BD MA F Sme M Bathyteuthis abyssicola Bathyteuthidae 1 Batoteuthis skolops Batoteuthidae 125 J 1 23 21 9 Ma M 10 Mat F, 4J Sfm J Galiteuthis glacialis Cranchiidae 350-372 J and SA 3 1 Taonis pavo Cranchiidae 323 SA 1 Histioteuthidae 43-79 6M +4F 10 Graneledone antractica Octopodidae 21-130 3 58-82 2M+3F 5 Graneledone macrotyla Octopodidae 27-60 Histioteuthidae 66-75 1M+3F 4 Thaumeledone gunteri Octopodidae 35-51 2 In F 1J 1 Ma M 1J Ma M Histioteuthis bonnellii Histioteuthidae Histioteuthis eltaninae Histioteuthis reversa Histioteuthidae 21-83 2M+1F 3 Muusoctopus eureka Octopodidae 49-80 8 Chiroteuthis veranyii Chiroteuthidae 84-297 1F+2J 3 Muusoctopus longibrachus akambei Octopodidae 42-78 5 Ma M 3 In F 2 Ma M 2 Mat F Brachioteuthidae 105-182 4 Ma M 2 Ma F, 3 J 9 Total Slosarczykovia circumantarctica 276 277 278 279 280 17 Species Onykia ingens 1 2 4 4 90 281 282 283 284 285 286 Species P S 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 STZ FMC SAZ PF Z AZ Authority PS ST FM Z C SAZ PFZ AZ Authority Table 5 Cephalopod distribution in relation to Subtropical Zone (STZ), Patagonian shelf (PS), Falkland/Malvinas Current (FMC), Subantartic Zone (SAZ), Polar Frontal Zone (PFZ), Antarctic Zone (AZ). X: previous papers: P: present paper. 18 Semirossia patagonica X Austrorossia mastigophora P X P X XP Histioteuthis arcturi X X X X X P X X X P X X X Nesis et al., 2001 Batoteuthis skolops X P X X X Rodhouse et al. 1999; Nesis, 2003 Galiteuthis glacialis P X X X XP Histioteuthis atlantica Onykia ingens Bathyteuthis abyssicola P Neorossia caroli jeannae Gonatus antarcticus Rodhouse et al. 1999; Reid and Jereb, 2005 X Taonis pavo P X X X N. Voss, 1980 X? X X Voss, 1976; 1988; Kubodera & Okutani, 1994 Voss, 1976; 1988; Kubodera & Okutani, 1994 Allcock et al., Rodhouse et al. 1999 Graneledone antractica P XP N. Voss, et al., 1998; Nesis, 2003 Graneledone macrotyla P Histioteuthis eltaninae XP Rodhouse et al. 1999 Thaumeledone gunteri P Histioteuthis reversa XP N. Voss et al., 1998 Muusoctopus eureka Nesis, 1987 Muusoctopus longibrachus akambei Histioteuthis bonnellii Chiroteuthis veranyii X X X P X 19 Young & Roper, 1968; Rodhouse et al., 1999; Nesis, 2003 Nesis, 1987; 2003 XP X Nesis, 1987; Vecchione et al., tolweb Nesis, 1987 X X? X? X 2004 X P X X X Geadall et al., 2010 X P Geadall et al., 2010 Slosarczykovia circumantarctica P X X Lipinski, 2001; Lipinski & Young tolweb 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 20 319 320 321 Fig. 1. Study area comprised between 44º and 48º south and to the east of the Argentinean Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ or ZEE in Spanish). FOCZ: Falkland Islands Outer Conservation Zone; FICZ: Falkland Islands Conservation Zone. 21 322 323 324 325 326 327 Fig. 2. Location of the cephalopod trawled species in ATLANTIS 2009 cruise. Semirossia patagonica (Sp); Austrorossia mastigophora (Am); Neorossia caroli (Nc); Gonatus antracticus (Ga); Histioteuthis arcturi (Ha); H. atlantica (Hat); H. bonnellii (Hb); H. eltaninae (He); H. reversa (Hr); Chiroteuthis veranyii (Cv); Slosarczykovia circumantarctica (Sc); Onykia ingens (Oi); Bathytheuthis abyssicola (Ba); Batoteuthis skolops (Bs); Galiteuthis glacialis (Gg); Taonius pavo (Tp); Graneledona antractica (Gan); Granleledone macrotyla (Gm); Taumeledone gunteri (Tg); Muusoctopus eureka (Me); Muusoctopus longibrachus akambei (Mla). 22 328 329 330 Fig. 3. Major oceanographic features of the southwest Atlantic Ocean (from Rodhouse et al., 1992). The limits of the fronts and zones change with time of the year and climatic conditions. 331 332 23 333 334 Fig. 4. Falkland/ Malvinas Current in the January- March period (black arrows enclosed in white). Source: CIMAS, University of Miami, Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, USA. 335 336 337 338 24