FLORAL PARK MEMORIAL HIGH SCHOOL 2015-2016 COMPUTER ESSENTIALS Mrs. M. Nelson To the Student and the Parent(s): Please read the material outlined below and sign your name on the lines provided. If you wish to ask any questions about this information or anything else, please feel free to call me at 488-9322 or email me at mnelson@sewanhaka.k12.ny.us. In addition, I will be available for extra help during my productivity period in Room 143 in the Business Department Office. TO BE SUCCESSFUL IN THIS COURSE: You will need: Pocket folder You must be responsible for: attending class daily seeking help when you do not understand being prepared for quizzes and exams handing in projects by the required deadline practicing typing at home CLASS POLICIES: Homework will be assigned as needed. It will also be listed on: http://teacherweb.sewanhaka.k12.ny.us/~mnelson Classwork will be collected and checked daily. Exams will consist of required terminology, computer application knowledge and actual project performance. GRADES: 20% Class participation 30% Quizzes/Timings 50% Exams / Projects MAKE-UP WORK: All classwork missed due to a legal absence from class must be completed by the assigned deadline. It will be necessary to schedule a time for make-up work in a computer classroom. Room 129 has the necessary programs for completing missed or incomplete assignments. I have read this statement: Student’s Name _________________________ Student’s Signature _______________________ (Please Print) Parent/Guardian’s Name ___________________ Parent/Guardian’s Signature _______________ (Please Print) Phone number: ______________ (home) _________________ (work) _________________ (cell) Parent/Guardian’s Email address: _________________________________________________________ FLORAL PARK MEMORIAL HIGH SCHOOL 2015-2016 BUSINESS COMMUNICATIONS, CAREER AND FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT Ms. M. Nelson, Instructor To the Student and the Parent(s): Please read the material outlined below and sign your name on the lines provided. If you wish to ask any questions about this information, please feel free to call me at 488-9322 or email me mnelson@sewanhaka.k12.ny.us. The best time to reach me is between 7:15 am and 7:45 am. I will be available for extra help during my productivity period in Room 143 in the Business Department Office. TO BE SUCCESSFUL IN THIS COURSE: You will need: 3-ring binder with loose-leaf Writing Utensil You must be responsible for: attending class daily bringing required materials to class as instructed seeking help when you do not understand being prepared for quizzes and exams handing in projects by the required deadline CLASS POLICIES: Homework will be assigned four nights per week in accordance with the District Homework Policy. It will also be listed on: http://teacherweb.sewanhaka.k12.ny.us/~mnelson Classwork will consist of projects and business grammar documents. Exams will consist of required terminology, business grammar knowledge and actual project performance. GRADES: 20% 30% 50% Class Participation / Homework Quizzes Exams / Projects MAKE-UP WORK: All classwork missed due to a legal absence from class must be completed by the assigned deadline. I have read this statement: Student’s Name ____________________________ Student’s Signature __________________________ (Please Print) Parent/Guardian’s Signature _______________________________________________________________ Phone number ____________________________________________________________ (work and home) Parent/Guardian’s Email Address______________________________________________ FLORAL PARK MEMORIAL HIGH SCHOOL 2015-2016 COMPUTER APPLICATIONS Mrs. M. Nelson, Instructor To the Student and the Parent(s): Please read the material outlined below and sign your name on the lines provided. If you wish to ask any questions about this information, please feel free to call me at 488-9322 or email me mnelson@sewanhaka.k12.ny.us. The best time to reach me is between 7:15 am and 8:00 am. I will be available for extra help in Room 143 in the Business Department Office. TO BE SUCCESSFUL IN THIS COURSE: You will need: Folder You must be responsible for: attending class daily bringing required materials to class as instructed seeking help when you do not understand being prepared for quizzes and exams handing in projects by the required deadline CLASS POLICIES: Classwork will consist of daily projects and activities/assignments. Exams will consist of required terminology, computer application knowledge and actual project performance. GRADES: 40% 60% Classwork/participation Exams / Projects MAKE-UP WORK: All classwork missed due to a legal absence from class must be completed by the assigned deadline. It will be necessary to schedule a time for make-up work in a computer classroom. Rooms 125,127 and 129 have the necessary programs for completing missed or incomplete assignments. I have read this statement: Student’s Name ____________________________ Student’s Signature __________________________ (Please Print) Parent/Guardian’s Name ______________________ Parent/Guardian’s Signature ___________________ (Please Print) Phone number: ______________ (home) _________________ (work) _________________ (cell) Parent/Guardian’s Email address: ___________________________________________________________