COLLEGE OF MARIN ACADEMIC SENATE MEETING AGENDA FOR April 2, 2009 CALL TO ORDER: 12:45 PM I. Approval and Adoption of the Agenda II. Reading and Approval of the Minutes Minutes of March 26, 2009 III. Officers’ Reports President Vice President Treasurer IV. Committee Reports Curriculum Academic Standards Community Education Governance Committees V. Consent Agenda a) Spring 2009 Election Calendar VI. Action Items a) To Approve the Liberal Arts Degrees VII. Discussion a) AP 4231 Change of Grade (Early/Bellisimo) b) Admin Review/Revisions to Blue Print MOU (Wilson/Bellisimo) c) Graduation Requirements and Physical Sciences Major (Kelly) d) Revisions/Improvements to the Program Review Template (McKinnon) e) Faculty Consultation in Program Relocation (Woodlief/Bonander) VIII. New Business IX. Public Requests to Address the Senate on Non-Agenda Items X. Adjournment: 2:00 PM For questions or information concerning the Academic Senate agendas, please contact: Yolanda Bellisimo: X7446 Derek Wilson, X8255. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to access the Senate meeting room or to otherwise participate at this meeting, including auxiliary aids or services, please contact the Human Resource Department at 415-485-9340. Notification at least 24 hours prior to the meeting will enable the District to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to the Senate meeting. Attachments: PRESIDENT’S REPORT April 2, 2009 1. ELACC I was at East Los Angeles Community College this past week as part of the WASC self study team. What an experience. One thing I have learned from this is the advantages and disadvantages of being a big institution. Big schools have more people to do a self study and it doesn’t matter if you are big or small, WASC expects the same amount of detail. So, in this case, big is better. The disadvantages are great – district office versus local campus power struggles being one of the biggest obstacles. While there, I kept a list of details to remember when the self study team visits us. It includes important stuff like having an IT person at the team’s beck and call, serving something other than processed meat sandwiches for lunch, and purging all outdated materials including modernization plans or mission and vision statements from every place on campus and the web site. I was on the Standard II team so I brought back stuff on SLOs, program review, and administrative program reviews that I will share with Blaze and Sara and David. 2. Some Interesting Statistics These figures tell you something about the level of efficiency of community colleges and also why the State and tax payers should enthusiastically support the job we do: UCs have: 10 campuses 180,000 faculty and staff 220,000 students CSUs have: 23 campuses 47,000 faculty and staff 470,000 students We have: 110 community colleges (220 if you count all the off-site locations) 64,000 faculty and staff 2.6 million students 3. Golden Bell for Staff For the first time in as long as anyone has known about the Golden Bell Award, College Council figured out that the staff has these awards as well as the faculty. Our staff, in a quick turn-around nominated two staff members for this year’s award. The nominees are Kathleen Kirkpatrick and Becky Reetz. 4. Recovering Cancelled Units Process I will be meeting with the VP on Monday to review the process the Senate designed for how disciplines will recover units from classes that have been cancelled in two spring/fall semesters. We will also discuss the MOU on the Blueprint. 5. From the State Senate In its March, 2009, newsletter, ACCJC has defined what the standard means (Standard II). First, student learning outcomes must be on every syllabus ACCJC is editing the standards to change "learning objectives" to "student learning outcomes." Second, ACCJC also expects to see SLOs on the document used by the institution to define its official curriculum, which would mean the Course Outline of Record. For the full article, see .