COLLEGE OF MARIN ACADEMIC SENATE MEETING MINUTES FOR May 1, 2008 12:45 – 2:00 Student Service Building, Conference Rooms A & B Senators Present: Carol Adair, Yolanda Bellisimo, Michael Dougan, Ron Gaiz, Erika Harkins, Patrick Kelly, Robert Kennedy, Arthur Lutz, Sara McKinnon, Joe Mueller, Meg Pasquel, Radica Portello, Blaze Woodlief, Derek Wilson Senators Absent: Ingrid Kelly, Guests Rinetta Early, Kathy Freschi, Fernando Agudelo-Silva Summary Consented to adding Derek Wilson, Ingrid Kelly and Winn Cottle to DETAL. Consented to having two SLO/ program review facilitators, allotting three units for each position. The Senate will provide job description and will call for applications. Accepted AP4260 – Prerequisites and Co-requisites. Consented to the formation of a faculty committee to oversee the study abroad program. Moved to action -AP4021 (Revitalization and Discontinuance); AP4225 (Course Repetition); and AP 4100 (Graduation Requirements for Degrees & Certificates. I. Approval and Adoption of the Agenda. Approved II. Reading and Approval of the Minutes of April 24, 2008. Approved as amended. III. Officers’ Reports President: (See written report attached.) Vice President: No report. Treasurer: The March ending balance is $2,696.63. IV. Committee Reports Curriculum Derek Wilson: The CC approved general process that the Tech Prep Program uses to articulate local high school courses with COM courses. The CC does not require formal approval of Tech Prep articulation agreements–the articulation agreements are determined by the COM and high school faculty (similar to AP classes). However, the CC does need to remain informed of the current agreements. As a result it was agreed that current Tech Prep agreements should be held in a binder in the Office of Instructional Management for access and reference. The COM Tech Prep liaison will also provide a copy of this binder to the counselors, in addition to posting all agreements on the Tech Prep web site. This agreement will include contact info for faculty from both COM and the respective high school(s). Future Tech Prep agreements will come to the CC as an information item in the form of a memo. Which will then added to the binders and available for discussion if deemed necessary. The most pressing issue in front of the CC is the issue of class size. The administrators on UDWC will not approve any new course or revised course for which the class size is less than the current or other classes. There is no flexibility or consideration of health and safety, facility capacity [room size], student learning outcomes or pedagogy requirements. For example, the CC has been forced to approve a biology class with a cap of 28, even though the room in which the course is taught only holds 12. The administrators have assured the AS that this insistence is only technical, and that even though the class outline shows 28, adjustments will be made on an individual basis. However, Wilson maintains that the Banner program uses the class max from the course outline of record (as confirmed by OIM staff). Wilson further explained that class size will be more problematic during the interim swing space usage during modernization. And there has yet to be any formal memo stating class sizes will be adjusted based upon the criteria mentioned above. Yolanda Bellisimo will discuss the class size problem with Vice President Anita Martinez and ask her to come speak to the AS about the subject. Academic Standards No report. Community Education Erika Harkins: Erika will bring the Community Education enrollment numbers next week. She reported that Community Ed. again has official student evaluations for its classes and that Emeritus will elect its new officers at the end of the month. Governance Committees V. Consent Agenda a) DETAL appointments: Yolanda requested consent to add Derek Wilson, Ingrid Kelly, and Winn Cottle to the committee. Consent b) SLO/Program Review Facilitators. Originally we had planned to provide three units for an SLO facilitator and three units for a Program Review leader. The experience of the last year has caused us to realize that it would be more efficient to combine the job of SLO facilitator and program review leader. We will have a SLO/Program Review Facilitator for humanities and another SLO/Program Review Facilitator for math science. These two will co-chair the program review committee. The district has consented. Yolanda will write the job description and after the Senate approves of the description, it will send out a call for applicants. The Senate will then select from among the candidates. The call will go out in Fall 2008. Consent VI. Action Items a) Proposed District Procedure: AP4260 – Prerequisites and Co-requisites (for courses). Accepted The Curriculum Committee will have to revise the pre- and corequisite part of the curriculum form to reflect the accepted procedures. Also, the catalogue must be changed to include information on process. VII. Discussion a) New Study Abroad Model. Kathy Freschi reported to the Senate that COM’s Study Abroad Program has been accepted as an associate member of the NCSAC (Northern California Study Abroad Consortium) for 2008 – 2009. This is a tremendous opportunity for COM students and, ultimately for COM’s faculty. If the college is able to meet the Consortium’s requirements in the first year, it will be moved to full membership. Then COM’s teachers will be able to teach classes abroad. There will be an informational meeting on Tuesday, May 6 from 4-6 in HC 124. Members of the Consortium will be there. The deadline for student registration is May 23. Senators questioned whether the program will be self-supporting. Kathy replied that the students’ tuition pays for most of the program although some clerical and administrative work must be absorbed by the college. She asked the Senate to form a governance committee to oversee the program. The Senate agreed to form a Study Aboard Oversight Committee on the condition that the administration commit full support to the program. b) 75% Rule by Department Radica Portello distributed the unit allocations for Spring 2008 as background for our research of how COM is approaching the required balance of full and part-time faculty. c) Greenhouse Removal at Kentfield Fernando Agudelo-Silva reported to the Senate that the greenhouse at the COM campus has been scheduled for demolition. (The Landscape Program has been moved to IVC. Also the new science building will be built where the old greenhouse is now located.)The modernization plan does not include a new greenhouse at COM. Many science classes, including biology, soils, environmental biology and ecology, use the greenhouse each semester. The Senators agreed that COM needs an appropriate-sized greenhouse and asked Fernando to help the Senate justify this by providing it with data: how many students use the green house and in what classes; how much it would cost to rebuild a greenhouse or to move the one we have; where a greenhouse should go. When the Senate gets the information, Yolanda will write a feasibility study with recommendations to take to IPC. Kennedy commented that these are the kinds of things the Senate should keep track of, because facilities decisions affect the quality of the academic program. VIII Action Items: a) AP4021 - Revitalization and Discontinuance Procedure Blaze Woodlief presented a draft of the procedure. Senators suggest some changes in wording and philosophy. It was thought especially important that the procedure reflect the fact that, while the problem of a non-thriving program can be identified from any direction, the deciding body must be the IPC, not the administration. Already the IPC has identified one program on campus, football, which needs revitalization. However, now, the PE Department doesn’t have to make changes until the college has a revitalization procedure in place. The Senate asked Patrick Kelley to send the proposed draft to the faculty at large and agreed to move the procedure forward as an action item. The Senate reiterated that it will not vote on this until May 15. b) AP 4225 – Course Repetition (applies to credit courses where a substandard grade was earned) The Senate consent to move this forward as an action item. c) AP4100 – Graduation Requirements for Degrees & Certificates. The Senate consent to move this forward as an action item. IX. Adjournment: 2:00 PM For questions or information concerning the Academic Senate minutes, please contact: Carol Adair: X7367 Attachments PRESIDENT’S REPORT May 1, 2008 1) IPC and Budget Meeting By next week I’ll have a report on the budget recommendations from the Budget Committee for supplies and equipment. In addition, the IPC recommended allocation of units for part time classes above this year’s allocations based upon demonstrated need from program reviews. Once I get an electronic copy of the recommendations for part time units for classes, I will forward that to you. I can also report next week on the Facilities Committee recommendation that were brought to IPC today. These will be passed on to Budget for next week’s Budget meeting. 2) Special Board Meeting The Board of Trustees met on Tuesday, April 29th to review the findings of program review, the recommendations of IPC, and the Budget Committee. About two hours were spent on this presentation and the board discussed current budget projections, recommendations for funding equipment, issues regarding staffing, and ways in which the Budget Committee was approaching 3 to 5 year long-term planning. The Board at its next meeting will consider the tentative budget based upon recommendations from the Budget Committee. And I’m betting you never thought you would read the previous sentence in a COM document! We still have a long ways to go however. The Budget Committee needs to address alternative forms of funding and look at other sources of funds that are in our budget, like the Hamilton funds and San Rafael Redevelopment funds, but have not yet been addressed by Budget. The committee is also interested in setting standards for what should be anticipated in the long term budget planning, like timely technology replacement. 3. Executive Summaries The Executive Summaries have been completed. The document is printed and was being bound today. I will bring copies for you tomorrow.