COLLEGE OF MARIN ACADEMIC SENATE MEETING MINUTES FOR APRIL 24, 2008 12:45 – 2:00 Student Service Building, Conference Rooms A & B Senators Present: Carol Adair, Yolanda Bellisimo, Michael Dougan, Erika Harkins, Patrick Kelly, Robert Kennedy, Arthur Lutz, Sara McKinnon, Joe Mueller, Radica Portello, Blaze Woodlief, Derek Wilson Senators Absent: Ingrid Schreck, Meg Pasquel, Ron Gaiz, Guests Rinetta Early Summary A discussion with representatives from Biology about the greenhouse was moved to an agenda item. AP4021 (Revitalization and Discontinuance Procedure) was moved to May 1 agenda. The Academic Senate election ballot form was approved. The Senate agreed to forward the Transfer Program review goals and recommendations proposal to the IPC with Senate support. The Senate consented to send a letter to the Board objecting to the insertion of sentences into the recommended policy sent by the Senate. Minutes I. Approval and Adoption of the Agenda. Approved with modification. (AP4021 tabled until May 1) II. Reading and Approval of the Minutes of April 17, 2008. Approved. III. Officers’ Reports President Sara McKinnon reported on the State Academic Senate Plenary Session at which she presented the Non-credit Committee’s report. Her presentation included a Power Point demonstration of the ways COM tracks its ESL students. Sara will prepare a binder of the material she collected at the session. At the fall Senate Plenary Session, COM will probably present our program review template and procedure. Yolanda Bellisimo read aloud the Resolution of Thanks and presented it to Dong Nguyen. Vice President: Some members of the Biology Department are concerned that there will be no greenhouse on the COM campus when Landscaping moves completely to IVC. The Academic Senate must ask representatives from Biology to talk with us so the Senate can support the department’s needs. Move to agenda item. IV. Committee Reports a. Curriculum. Derek Wilson reported that the CC discussed modifications to the program review form and to the course form to provide information on budget feasibility. The committee wants to include a process that assures that an approved course receives the resources it needs. b. Academic Standards. Rinetta Early reported that the ASC is working on AP2100 (graduation requirements) and AP4225 (course repetition) and will have both policies ready for the May 1 agenda. c. Community Education Erika Harkins reported that Community Education provides 4 quarters and a summer session. Also, she said the enrollment figures in the program review must be revisited and she will provide the adjusted numbers at the May 1 meeting. d. Instructional Planning Committee. Last week the IPC sent staffing recommendations to Budget. Next week, the facility recommendations will be forwarded. The Instructional Equipment report, which includes requests for both large equipment and regular supplies, was sent back to the IEC for more information. Senators discussed the importance of establishing a regular equipment budget that tracks equipment depreciation, sets up a reserve for future needs, allows departments to stagger expenses and lets the college plan at least three years out. V. Consent Agenda a. Review of Academic Senate election ballot. The ballot was approved with some adjustment of format to make it clear that voters are to cast votes for 6 fulltime candidates and 2 part-time candidates. Also, the Senate asked Yolanda to include a note with the ballots assuring people that their votes are anonymous. Finally, Yolanda will ask each candidate to make a statement and to send it to her by Monday. She will compile the statements and put them in faculty boxes. VI. Discussion a. Recommendations from Transfer Program Review. Robert Kennedy and Yolanda Bellisimo proposed the final draft of the Transfer Program Review and explained its recommendations. The goal of the program is to transfer fully prepared, full-time students in two years and to set realistic benchmarks for part-time transfer students. The proposal established recommendations for the resources and staffing needed to create an efficient transfer program and it recommended that the other “houses” – Career and Occupational Programs, Life-Long Learning, and Basic skills/ESL – create similar reviews. The AS consented to present the proposal to the IPC with Senate support. b. Letter to BOT Regarding Revitalization and Discontinuance Policy. Yolanda Bellisimo and Patrick Kelly presented the final draft of a letter to the Board of Trustees objecting to the insertion of unnecessary statements into the Senate’s proposed Revitalization and Discontinuance policy. Arthur Lutz wanted the letter to state that the Board faces consequences for not retracting the sentences. Bellisimo, Kelly, and Wilson replied that the policy is now set and legal. However, all agreed that the Senate should get assurance from the Board that it will, in all future cases, follow the agreed upon procedures. The Senate consented to sending the letter to the Board. VII. Public Requests to Address the Senate on Non-Agenda Items IX. Adjournment: 2:00 PM For questions or information concerning the Academic Senate minutes, please contact: Carol Adair: X7367