September 22nd




MEETING MINUTES FOR September 22, 2011

Student Services Building, Conference Rooms A “& B

Senators Present: Michael Dougan, Arthur Lutz, Sara McKinnon, Hank

Fearnley, Yolanda Bellisimo, Dikran Martin, John Sutherland, Rebecca Beal,

Rinetta Early, Meg Pasquel, Paul Cheney

Senators Absent: Bonnie Borenstein, Becky Brown, Blaze Woodlief, Mia



Approval and Adoption of the Agenda. Adopted (Beal/Early) I.


II. Reading and Approval of the Minutes of September 15, 2011. Approved as

amended (Lutz/Martin)

Officers’ Reports

III. Officers’ Reports a.

President: Full time hires for this semester cut off date for submitting applications is 9/23/11 for all currently open positions. Once closed disciplines will work on those requiring a review of minimum quals.

Chairs from departments with hires for next semester have begun working on the calls. Board of Trustees approved design for Academic

Center building with a 200 seat auditorium and approved the follow-up

WASC report. Mckinnon’s report to the Board of Trustees is attached. b.

Vice President: No report

Committee Reports

IV. Committee Reports a. Curriculum Committee: No report but will address agenda item on

General Education (VI. b).

b. Academic Standards Committee: Revision to AP 4240 will be presented in VI. c, and ASC is working on other APs. c. No other Senate Committee reports d. Governance Committees: President McKinnon reported on the meeting of the Ed. Planning Committee (created the previous Master Plan w/ 21 recommendations and a 3 year strategic plan). Committee will now look at what has been accomplished and make recommendations for the next

3 year cycle.

Consent Agenda

V. Consent Agenda a.

Governance Committee Appointments: none b.

Thank you letter to ASCOM (attached, with added wording thanking

ASCOM for assisting in funding Student Ambassadors): consent c.

Appoint Senator to be on panel of ASCOM Trustee Debate: Senator

Dougan by consent

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Action Items

VI. Action Items a) AP 4260 Prerequisites, Co-requisites and Advisories as amended


Current iteration has statistical review portion crossed out and legal opinion # 20, due in December, will clarify this requirement and other changes. President McKinnon asked that we approve the amendments made thus far and wait on remaining wording. Motion to further amend by Senator Lutz, page 7 “…and shall be consistent with the UPM/MMCD collective bargaining agreement.” Lutz/Cheney

Moved: To approve amendments in 9/5/11 document and the

Lutz/Cheney amendment. The amendments will be included in the document that will be re-visited in December once legal opinion #20 is addressed. Approved b) Academic Senate Subcommittee on general Education

Moved: That the Academic Senate appoint a sub committee on

General Education as described in the attached committee charge: Approved c) AP 4240 Academic Renewal as amended (listed on agenda as 4020)

Moved: To approve procedure with the following amendments


#4 first sentence strike “D, F” and replace with, “... grades below “C”, “FW”…

#4 second sentence strike “D”, “F” and replace with “... grades below “C”, “FW”…


Discussion Items

VII: Discussion a) AP 4222 Basic Skills Coursework

To approve AP 4222 Basic Skills Coursework – Dougan/Cheney b) Board Policy and Administrative Procedure Revision Project

Kathleen Kirkpatrick and Melinda Molloy presented an overview of the current process the college is going through to update policies and procedures.

Senators suggested that the district’s policy and procedure web page, include links to Title 5 and other legal evidence cited in particular policies and procedures, along with an search example or explanation. c) Course Repetition and Repeatability Update: Deferred to next week.

VIII: New Business: None.

IX: Public Requests to Address the Senate on Non-Agenda Items: None

X: Adjournment: 2:02 p.m.

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