SALT MEETING UPDATE – September 14, 2010
Members Present :
Chialin Hsieh, Kathleen Kirkpatrick, Melinda Molloy, Marshall Northcott, Betty Schlaepfer, and Barbara David (Staff Resource/Recorder)
Members Absent: Melody Creel, David Snyder (Self Study Co-Chair), Blaze Woodlief (Self Study Co-Chair)
The Accreditation Liaison Officer, or designee, assumes responsibility for the logistical aspects of the team’s visit by arranging lodging and meals, local transportation for team members, clerical and computer assistance, and identification of a central headquarters, or “team room”. Sometime prior to the team visit, the evaluation team chairperson will communicate with the person in charge of logistical
arrangements to confirm details.
Evidence Room (incl .room reservations, key arrangements, contacting Maintenance to clean
SSA early each morning after evening Counseling sessions, etc.)
Computer Equipment – On Campus in Evidence Room
(including securing a few extra laptops just in case)
Chialin indicated only Al
Harrison or David Snyder will be communicating with the evaluation team chairperson (although the
SALT committee will coordinate details behind the scenes).
Barbara David
Marshall Northcott (with
Chialin’s communication)
Dr. Ortiz to come for the pre-visit Sept. 30 th to meet with Al and David.
(A list of questions is being prepared to ask Dr. Ortiz and CoM to receive needed information to schedule campus-wide meetings then.)
Marshall will provide a dedicated print station in
AC 108-Evidence Room (laptop, printer and a cable) for team members.(Cables more reliable than wireless.)
Melinda to provide IT with start time of first
Monday morning (25 th ) meeting ;
Chris Edmonson will set up dedicated printer at
AC108 on Friday, 10-22.
Monday morning, 10-25, Chris will o provide team members an orientation (re: printing). o then will go to the Four Points Sheraton to set up the dedicated printer.
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Computer Equipment – Hotel
New Self Study Web Site
Lodging, Meals:
09-14-10CC SALT Minutes
SALT MEETING UPDATE – September 14, 2010
Marshall Northcott
Melinda Molloy and
Kathleen Kirkpatrick and
Melinda Molloy
Melinda Molloy
Melinda to add to her list of questions for the 30 th whether any team members will need to borrow any laptops .
Marshall said three laptops (3-4 yrs. old) are available – although 2 would be needed for the 2 dedicated print stations.
Two more laptops avail. from PRIE – KK & BB.
MYCOM (for Distance Ed access):
Nick selected 3 courses for the team to review “as a student”.
Burton Schane to enroll Nick into a class ( Chialin to follow up with Nick ).
List of Contact Numbers:
Marshall to provide .
Instructions for MYCOM,, Blackboard, etc.:
SALT to provide instruction sheet (Melinda,
Contact List for Navigation Content (i.e, Program
Review, Dist. Ed., etc.):
PRIE (Barbara ) to provide.
Check Size of Flash Drive for Evidence for Prtg:
Barbara verified size. No need to order more.
Marshall will provide a dedicated print station
(laptop, printer and cable) in hotel’s locked conference room for team members’ evening use.( Chris E.
. to install.)
Melinda to coordinate with Chris his hotel visit and make arrangements for Chris to enter hotel.
Create and design.
Add link on CoM’s Home Page and Accreditation
Update: Melinda has reserved a block of 12
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SALT MEETING UPDATE – September 14, 2010
Immediate task – reserve block of rooms for team (ensuring restaurant and conference room availability).
Create list of available places in the area to eat
(include in gift basket?).
Plan meals and snacks at CoM (to include
Cowgirl Creamery Cheese from CoM’s curriculum and possible salad from CoM’s organic farm).
Car Rental
(To reserve hotel rooms a.s.a.p. She stated CoM has a good deal arranged with the Four Points
Sheraton, Terra Linda.)
Team Members (and submit for reimbursement)
Barbara David Parking – Space Reservation & Permits
PGS and Updated Management Org. Chart
Gift Basket (to include map and list of local eateries?)
Flyers: Basic Information on Team Members
Scheduling Board Members for mtgs.
Scheduling collegewide meetings
Welcome Sheet
Clean-up/Spruce Up – Submit Work Orders rooms Sunday, Oct. 24 th through and including the night of Wed., Oct. 27 th .at $104/night, including breakfast.
After being presented two options for a team conference room to reserve at the hotel, SALT members voted to reserve the Conference
Rm./Board Room which seats 19 reserve.
. Melinda to
Barbara David;
Kathleen Kirkpatrick
Melinda to communicate with Cathy Summa-Wolfe
Melinda to communicate with Cathy Summa-Wolfe
Wait until further info. on the
30 th from team chair – Betty
Wait until further info. on the
30 th from team chair - PRIE
Melinda Molloy and
Barbara David
Barbara David
Barbara to update Management Org. Chart with new Pres., etc. and add phones;
Kathleen K . to enlarge PGS and Mgmt. Org Chart for hanging on wall in AC108
To develop a welcome sheet full of valuable reference information for the visit for the team.
To draft work orders for Maintenance for Al Harrison’s signature per e-mail;
Display Windows – Add Something Attractive Anyone
Think about what to place inside next 2 weeks.
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SALT MEETING UPDATE – September 14, 2010
Eleven (11) team members were identified and received Self Study materials (updated list on Accreditation Web page).
2. Team chairperson will visit CoM on September 30 to discuss logistics.
3. Key evidence produced by CoM after August 26
PRAC letter, etc. th will be available on paper such as that relating to: Distance Ed, Tech/Spending Plan, latest
4. Request Yolanda, Sara and Blaze’s class schedule for the week of October 25 th.
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