Floral Park Memorial H.S. of the Sewanhaka Central H.S. District GRADE EXPECTATIONS


Floral Park Memorial H.S. of the Sewanhaka Central H.S. District



SCHOOL YEAR: 2015-2016

DEPARTMENT CHAIRPERSON – Mr. John Christianson – (516) 488-9325

TEACHERS' EXTENSIONS Ms. Adler 6506 Ms. Ben-Moussa 6553

Ms. D'Amassa 7516 Ms. Delgado 6585

Ms. Libonati 7303 Ms. Powers 6566

Mr. Rutigliano 7505 Ms. DeMarco 6518

Ms. Glatman 4115

Ms. Mannion _____

Ms. LaGallo _____

COURSE: Spanish______ French ______ Italian ______ ESL ______

To the student and parent(s):

Please read the following information which has been reviewed with the students in class.

At the end you will find a place for your signature. If you have any questions please feel free to contact your teacher at the above number during the indicated times.

In order to be successful in your study of foreign language this year, you must abide by the following.

You must have with you every day:


a maroon binder (another color will do, as long as the binder is dedicated to your language class) which can be purchased in the school store


a textbook. For your class the text that will be used is:

(students will fill in the title)



a folder for handouts


a BLUE OR BLACK ink pen for exams, quizzes and notes


a bilingual dictionary

In addition you will be responsible for:


attending class every day.


bringing the necessary materials to class with you every day. This means having your textbook, notebook, pen, and homework every day.


doing both your written and study homework


being prepared for quizzes and tests


making up ALL of the work you miss when you are absent


coming for extra help during the teachers' productivity period when you do not understand the material in class


participating in all classroom activities in order to develop your speaking proficiency.

Floral Park Memorial H.S. of the Sewanhaka Central H.S. District

You must follow all the following class policies:


HOMEWORK: Homework assignments will be given at least four times a week as outlined in the district's homework policy bulletin. These assignments must be completed whether you are present or absent from class. If you are absent from class, you will be given time, as determined by your teacher, to make up the work you missed. Homework that is handed in late and not due to absence, will lose credit.

2. CLASS PARTICIPATION : You are expected to participate in the language of your class. In keeping with the New York State and District Curriculum Guides, you will be graded on the quality of your speaking performance in the foreign language on quizzes and unit tests as well as on the final examination. Being prepared for class with pen, notebook, textbook, and homework is part of class participation. You will be assigned

50 points each marking period for class participation.

3. QUIZZES : There will be at least one quiz a week. The quizzes will reflect the current topic studied in class. The quizzes will be written, listening or oral.

4. TESTS : Tests will be announced at least five days in advance. They will be given at the end of each topical unit. In addition to tests, there will also be some type of project assigned during each marking period. These will count as test grades. You will have a minimum of three of these grades each marking period. In general, tests will be given on Days 1 and 3.

REPORT CARD GRADE Your report card grade will be calculated as follows.

7th & 8th Grades

15% Homework

9th 9-12th Grades (levels 1- 5)

10 10% Homework

40% Tests & Large Projects

25% Quizzes & Small Projects

50 50% Tests & Large Projects

25 25% Quizzes & Small Projects

20% Class work & Participation 15 15% Class work & Participation


All students must see their teacher immediately following their return to class after an absence. The teacher will arrange for you to make up any work you have missed due to this absence. This will include quizzes, tests, homework, and projects. You will be given a specific time in which to complete the work. If the work is not completed by that time, you will lose partial or total points. This will be decided upon in advance.

I have read the above information and understand what is required of me to be successful in this class.


Student's signature


Parent's/Guardian's signature
