Ms.Clark Welcome to the 2015-2016 School Year Work will make you feel good ! 1 7/1/2016 EFFORT!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2 7/1/2016 CLASS RULES Show Respect Be In Your Seat Before The Bell Rings Have All Materials Ready To Use Before The Bell Rings. Get started on Do Now. Listen To Instructions The First Time They Are Given Follow All School Wide Rules The Teacher Dismisses You, Not The Bell 3 7/1/2016 Extra Help!!!!!!! 7:15am Rm 124 AND ________ 4 7/1/2016 WHAT YOU WILL NEED TO BRING TO CLASS EVERYDAY! MATH Binder –two sections notes & tests and quizzes Pens & pencils Highlighter Graph Paper ALL CALCULATOR Geometry students BE need a compass ! WOR K MUST SHOWN WORK SHOW ALL 7/1/2016 5 DAILY SCHEDULE o o o o Do Now Go over homework Fun lesson begins !! Summary 6 7/1/2016 MATH NOTEBOOK Date each page Do Now should be copied and completed immediately Topic and Main Idea should be written on each page Bring your notebook to class everyday. I WILL BE CHECKING FOR THEM!!! 7 7/1/2016 HOMEWORK AND CLASSWORK NAME and DATE MUST BE ON ALL HOMEWORK FOR CREDIT AND ALL WORK MUST BE SHOWN!!! IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO GET MAKE UP WORK WHEN YOU ARE ABSENT 8 7/1/2016 LATE POLICY HW -1/2 CREDIT IF TURNED IN THE NEXT DAY TESTS & QUIZZES---MAKE ARRANGEMENTS FOR MAKE UPS 9 7/1/2016 GRADING 90% TESTS, QUIZZES & PROJECTS 10% CLASSWORK,HOMEWORK ATTITUDE & PARTICIPATION EFFORT !!!!!!!!!! 10 7/1/2016 ABSENCES Be in School!!! If you must miss school it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO GET ANY MAKE UP WORK It is your responsibility to make arrangements to make up any quizzes or tests 11 7/1/2016 HW Go to Website..Print out grade expectation page and sign and get a parent/guardian to sign “Like”my facebook page Get organized binder looseleaf paper graph paper 3 hole punch highlighters calculator Geometry students need a compass! 12 7/1/2016 Get your learn on !!! UcSGqgs ROiJIA ZKwI7c 13 7/1/2016