VTEA Application Form

2016-17 College of Marin Perkins Projects Application Form
Part I. Coordinator Information
Person requesting
Tops code (use 6-digit)
5. Is this your first time applying
for Perkins VTEA?
6. Have you applied for Perkins
funds for more than 3 years
for the same project?
Part II. Brief description of your program’s 2015-16 progress. For example, number of certificates,
completions, core indicator progress (information can be found in your PR or on the data
dashboard, or you can seek assistance from Kathy Takemoto at ktakemoto@marin.edu). The
2015-16 core indicator progress reports will available by mid-March.
Part III.
Please provide a brief overview of the Labor Market and regional occupational outlook for jobs
that are available to students in your specific CTE field.
Part IV.
Please provide a brief description of requested project funds. Please include:
 Category (equipment, professional development, supplies)
 Cost (including tax and shipping)
 Person responsible for usage of funds
 If you are submitting for more than one project please prioritize your projects
Part V.
Briefly describe how this proposed project meets required Perkins “Use of Funds.” (See
attached list)
Part VI
Describe how the project funds will improve your CTE program and improve core indicators.
Part VII
Please state your commitment to provide quarterly short narratives on how CTE Perkins grant
funds impacted your program
Thank you. Please email if you have any questions.
Submit your proposals by end of day April 4, 2016.
Send to epratt@marin.edu and Ktakemoto@marin.edu
Guidelines for Allowable Uses of Funds Perkins Funds
The Requirements for Uses of Perkins IV, Title I, Part C Funds are:
Strengthen academic and career technical skills of students thru integration
Link CTE secondary and postsecondary programs (at least 1 program of study)
Provide students with strong experience and understanding in all aspects of an industry
Develop, improve or expand use of technology (equipment)
Professional development
Evaluate programs with emphasis on special populations
Initiate, improve, expand and modernize quality programs
Provide activities, services and be of sufficient, size, scope and quality
Prepare special populations for high skill, high wage, or high demand, occupations
Non- allowable:
General maintenance of CTE programs
Funding for non-CTE programs that are not clearly occupational (defined by SAMs
Funding cannot be used for more than 3 consecutive years to support staffing
The Permissive Uses of Perkins IV, Title I, Part C Funds are:
1. Involve parents, business and labor in planning & operation
2. Career guidance & academic counseling
3. Business Partnerships
4. Programs for special populations
5. CTE student organizations
6. Mentoring & support services
7. Upgrading equipment
8. Teacher preparation programs
9. Improving and developing new CTE courses including distance education
10. Assist transition to BA degree programs
11. Support entrepreneurship education
12. Initiatives for secondary students obtaining postsecondary credit to count towards an
AA/AS or BA/BS degree
13. Support small CTE learning communities
14. Family & consumer sciences
15. .Adult CTE programs
16. Job placement programs
17. Support Nontraditional activities
18. Automotive technologies
19. Pooling funds
20. Support other CTE programs
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