COM Data Dashboard Planning, Research and Institutional Effectiveness 1 What is COM Data Dashboard • Contains research and statistics on: -Student Demographics • Student Enrollment -Student Achievement • Course Retention • Course Success • Cohort Tracking • Student Persistence • Degrees/Certificates Awards • Program Review 2 How can Data Dashboard be used? Examples • The Data Dashboard contains demographic data and passing rates for courses at College of Marin, and is accessible through the intranet. • Data Dashboard can permit a snapshot of which students are enrolled in the course so that instructors can be aware of instructional modifications they may wish to make to maximize effectiveness. • The Dashboard can also be used to encourage datadriven discussion among instructors around reaching particular groups of students. 3 Limitations Live data (as of this moment) Waiting time Access on Campus network only 4 Access to ARGOS/Dashboard • ARGOS account • COM intranet 5 1: Select term(s) 2: Click on the black dot 3: Results of chart dimension 4: change chart dimension 6 1: Select term(s) 2: Click here to execute 3: Results of enrollment 7 1: Select term(s) 2: Click here to execute 3: Results of course success 8 1: Select start term and end term 2: Select Subject and Course for the start term 5: Select Subject and Course for the end term 3: Click on “Show Column One” to execute 6: Click on “Show Column Two” to execute 4: Results of Cohort Tracking 7: Results of Cohort Tracking 9 Tips and Tricks Open the Hidden Information Multiple Selections •Hold “Control” and make selection •Hold “Shift” and make selection 10 Practice • Pick one page • Follow the direction: step 1, step 2, … • Then click around and play 11 Feedback • What works? • What changes are needed? What can we improve? • Suggestions? 12 Agenda 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. What is COM Data Dashboard Access to ARGOS/Dashboard Demo Practice Feedback 13 COM Data Dashboard Planning, Research and Institutional Effectiveness December 15, 2011 14