9.23.15 GRC Minutes

Governance Review Council (GRC)
September 23, 2015
2:00 - 3:00 p.m., AC 229
Meeting Summary
Present: Marshall Alameida, Anna Pilloton, Shawn Purcell, Angela Olmanson, Stephen Dargie,
(Student Rep), Seanna Villarreal, Angelina Duarte (Guest Consultant)
Absent: Yolanda Bellisiom, Alec Lavine (Student Rep)
Note: The PGS Plan indicates: “If any governance group does not provide at least one representative for
two consecutive meetings, the remaining group will comprise a quorum and can take action at the second
 Minutes for May 14, 2015 meeting were tabled for next meetinGRC
Angelina Duarte introduction
o Consultant brought in by President Coon to assist committees with
understanding and exercising their charges and plans
 Review of Participatory Governance System Plan
o http://marin.edu/WORD-PPT/PGSPlanRevDec2012.pdf
o Foundational document written 10 years ago-blueprint of how the
committee should work, roles and responsibilities
o GRC ensures committees are following their guidelines charges and
Suggestions/Discussion Topics
 Including Coordinators from all other councils to the GRC meetings
o All agreed this would be helpful
o Also agreement of scheduling difficulty amongst members
o No decision made
 Annual Survey: gathers info in regards to participation of committees
o May no longer be annual
o Survey looked at attendance and vacancy as issues
o Ppl not participating: 40% of ppl said they have never been asked
o Ppl not participating: 80% said they may participate if asked
 Last years discussions
o Finance and Accrediation committees requested
o Recommendation of GRC was against adding the new committees
Governance Review Council Meeting Summary
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September 23, 2015
GRC believe they needed to review the current committees in place and
determine whether there need to be a reorg of existing or if there
needed to be a consolidation of committees
 i.e. Idea to bring in consult arose
 Vacant Classified rep for GRC
o Marshall introduced idea of Angela (current Resource) to aCssume role of both
Resource and Classified Rep
 Present members agreed they would consider if double roles was
 Angelina is going to verify and will follow up with findings
 Voting
o Simple majority plus 1 person
o All constituents must be present
 If member not present for 2 meetings, decisions can be made without
their vote at the time of the second meeting
 Awareness of Committees
o Was a recommendation of the GRC last year
o President fully supports this idea to create more awareness on campus of
o How and in what fashion this will be implemented is another meeting
 Chair/Co-chair
o Marshall had proposed Shawn Purcell to be GRC Chair last meeting
o Tabled discussion for next meeting
o Angelina informed that in the event of a vacancy of Chair, Marshall would
assume that role until Chair could be appointed
Conclusion/Next Meeting Discussions
 Classified Rep Vacancy
 Chair/Co-Chair Vacancy
 Review recommendations and discuss delegations or implementations
Governance Review Council Meeting Summary
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September 23, 2015