GRC Governance Review Council (GRC) September 23, 2015 2:00 - 3:00 p.m., AC 229 Meeting Summary Present: Marshall Alameida, Anna Pilloton, Shawn Purcell, Angela Olmanson, Stephen Dargie, (Student Rep), Seanna Villarreal, Angelina Duarte (Guest Consultant) Absent: Yolanda Bellisiom, Alec Lavine (Student Rep) Note: The PGS Plan indicates: “If any governance group does not provide at least one representative for two consecutive meetings, the remaining group will comprise a quorum and can take action at the second meeting.” Minutes Minutes for May 14, 2015 meeting were tabled for next meetinGRC Angelina Duarte introduction o Consultant brought in by President Coon to assist committees with understanding and exercising their charges and plans Review of Participatory Governance System Plan o o Foundational document written 10 years ago-blueprint of how the committee should work, roles and responsibilities o GRC ensures committees are following their guidelines charges and responsibilities Suggestions/Discussion Topics Including Coordinators from all other councils to the GRC meetings o All agreed this would be helpful o Also agreement of scheduling difficulty amongst members o No decision made Annual Survey: gathers info in regards to participation of committees o May no longer be annual o Survey looked at attendance and vacancy as issues o Ppl not participating: 40% of ppl said they have never been asked o Ppl not participating: 80% said they may participate if asked Last years discussions o Finance and Accrediation committees requested o Recommendation of GRC was against adding the new committees Governance Review Council Meeting Summary Page 1 of 2 September 23, 2015 GRC GRC believe they needed to review the current committees in place and determine whether there need to be a reorg of existing or if there needed to be a consolidation of committees i.e. Idea to bring in consult arose Vacant Classified rep for GRC o Marshall introduced idea of Angela (current Resource) to aCssume role of both Resource and Classified Rep Present members agreed they would consider if double roles was allowed Angelina is going to verify and will follow up with findings Voting o Simple majority plus 1 person o All constituents must be present If member not present for 2 meetings, decisions can be made without their vote at the time of the second meeting Awareness of Committees o Was a recommendation of the GRC last year o President fully supports this idea to create more awareness on campus of committees o How and in what fashion this will be implemented is another meeting discussion Chair/Co-chair o Marshall had proposed Shawn Purcell to be GRC Chair last meeting o Tabled discussion for next meeting o Angelina informed that in the event of a vacancy of Chair, Marshall would assume that role until Chair could be appointed Conclusion/Next Meeting Discussions Classified Rep Vacancy Chair/Co-Chair Vacancy Review recommendations and discuss delegations or implementations Governance Review Council Meeting Summary Page 2 of 2 September 23, 2015