Shared Decision Making in the Sewanhaka Central High School District As required by Section 100.11 of the Commissioner’s Regulations, the following plan has been developed by the District Shared Decision Making Committee. Purpose (as stated in the Commissioner’s Regulations): The purpose of school-based planning and shared decision making shall be to improve the educational performance of all students in the school, regardless of such factors as socioeconomic status, race, sex, language background, or disability. SCHOOL COMMITTEES Each School Committee shall consist of nine members. The members will include: the principal or his/her assistant principal designee, two teachers, two parents, three students (one each from grades 7-8, 9-10, 11-12)) and one chairperson. This committee may be augmented by the inclusion of other community members and other building staff, each group to be on an “as needed” and advisory basis. Teachers shall be appointed to the School Committee by The Sewanhaka Federation of Teachers and parents appointed by the Parent-Teacher-Student Association of the school. The chairperson will be appointed by the Chairperson’s Association. Students will be appointed by the Student Council of the school. The parent members chosen should have a vested interest in protecting the educational experience of all children in the school. The School Committee will meet a minimum of four times per year, one per quarter. Minutes from those meetings will be electronically transmitted to the central office representative and distributed to the District Committee. The meeting time of the School Committee will be determined by the nine members based on mutually available times; however, these meetings must be scheduled so that that there is a minimal impact on instructional time. Terms should be one or two years in order to maintain both continuity and creativity, which is important to the shared decision making process. This should prevent a complete turnover of the school committee in any one year. In the event that a committee member must be replaced, the original nominating body will be responsible for replacing that member. The decisions of these School Committees will be made using a consensus model. Training will be provided to committee members to facilitate this process and to implement this model. However, if at any time a decision cannot be arrived at by the School Committee, the educational program of the school shall continue with decisions made by the appropriate administrative party. Furthermore, the School Committee may request that the District Committee convene to facilitate the mediation process until the dispute is resolved. Additionally, the existence of the School Committee will not require the principal to seek approval for his/her decisions, except as they may alter or affect a decision, which has been arrived at by the School Committee. It is not within the purview of the School Committee to make managerial, administrative or supervisory decisions which are reserved by contract or by law of the Board of Education, Superintendent or principal, nor to usurp the rights and prerogatives of any of the collective bargaining units under the Taylor Law and collective bargaining agreements. The educational issues subject to shared decision making at the school level will include: a. Instruction — (to the extent that it is not in the purview of others). b. Recruitment/Hiring — (In an advisory capacity only, recognizing that hiring decisions are reserved for the Superintendent and the Board of Education.) c. Staff Development d. Curriculum e. Scheduling f. Student Outcomes and Concerns g. Community Relations — (The School Committee may act as a liaison with other parts of the local community to discuss and resolve matters of mutual concern.) h. Buildings and Grounds i. School Budget Process If a School Committee makes a recommendation that is enacted, that committee will be able to evaluate that decision and undo it if necessary. ACCOUNTABILITY OF SCHOOL COMMITTEES This issue will be addressed by way of two surveys that will be developed and completed. The results of these surveys will be analyzed in order to determine the future action of the School Committee. The first questionnaire will be completed by all members of the School Committee. Its purpose will be to determine the extent to which these members have been involved in decision making and how they have consulted and voted upon decisions at a meeting of their constituent group. The second will be used to evaluate the members’ experience in shared decision making as a member of the School Committee. All instruments will be developed by the District Committee (see below). All information obtained will be shared with the School Committees. Means and Standards for Evaluation of Improvement in Student Achievement 3. Evaluation of improvement in student achievement will be accomplished via a variety of measures, including but not limited to the use of: a. Teacher-made tests and quizzes b. Student grades c. Mid-term and final examinations d. Portfolio assessments e. Student performance on projects/activities f. Standardized tests g. New York State tests h. SAT scores i. Other forms of authentic and/or performance assessments 2 THE DISTRICT COMMITTEE A District Committee will be established in order to facilitate the sharing of materials, prevent duplication of efforts among the School Committees, monitor the process of the School Committees, mediate in the event of disputes, implement appropriate training opportunities and to refer disputes that cannot be resolved to the Superintendent of Schools. This District Committee will be composed of three teachers, one school administrator, one central administrator, one chairperson and five parents. These five parents will represent one school each and will be appointed by Sewanhaka Central Council of PTAs. The appointment process will follow the same guidelines as described for the School Committee. Only three of the parents will be required to participate at any given meeting. However, if a dispute or concern is raised by a specific building, then the parent from that school should be a participant. This committee will establish its own meeting time, also bearing in mind that instructional time must be minimally impacted. This committee will meet three times per year and will meet with each of School Committees at least twice per year. This District Committee will also be asked to meet with the Board of Education once a year in order to evaluate progress on the building level. PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT State and Federal requirements for the involvement of parents in planning and decision making have been met, and will be met, through the active involvement of parents appointed by the Sewanhaka District Parent Teacher Student Associations through the Central Council of PTAs. DISTRICT SHARED DECISION MAKING COMMITTEE Dr. Cheryl H. Champ Jean Fichtl Dr. Kathleen Sottile Irina Kimyagarov David Sime Dr. Christine Plackis TBA Sharon Woitko Valerie Trifon Cammi Spillane TBA TBA Assistant Superintendent Board of Education Trustee Principal - Floral Park Memorial H.S. Chairperson – Elmont Memorial H.S. Teacher – New Hyde Park Memorial H.S. Social Worker - Floral Park Memorial H.S. Teacher PTSA – Elmont Memorial H.S. PTSA - Floral Park Memorial H.S. PTSA – H. Frank Carey H.S. PTSA – New Hyde Park H.S. PTSA – Sewanhaka H.S. This plan was reapproved by the Board of Education on July 8, 2014. 3