Academic Program Review

North Central Missouri College
Trenton, Missouri
revised November 7, 2012
Academic Program Review Template
Overview and Basic Assumptions:
The process of assessment, program/degree reviews, non-academic program reviews, and the consideration of
available resources should drive the strategic planning for learning to be optimized. Review of all programs and
degrees affects positive change; this proactive thinking is critical to the improvement of quality. The Academic
Program Review has been designed as a component of this process, which encompasses the elements needed to
provide the information necessary to promote learning and strategic planning.
1. Name of the program [field]
2. Date of Review: Semester, year
3. Contact information of the person completing the review
a. Name [field]
b. Email address [field]
c. Phone extension [field]
4. Names of faculty member(s) who contributed during the review process (include both full-time and
adjunct faculty) [field]
5. Indicate whether the program is (Yes/No Response)
a. On-campus traditional lecture
b. On-campus blended
c. Online
d. Outreach
6. Program Mission or Goal
a. Program Mission Statement or Program Goal [field]
b. Program Outcomes including the Missouri Vocational Career Pathways or regulating entities and
Professional Preparation Standards (if applicable)— [field-program outcomes chart]
c. Program Curriculum Map—Program outcomes and course ID matrix [field-Program Curriculum
Map Template available on Intranet]
CHART 1--Criterion xxx: The Program Outcomes are congruent with the goals of the program.
The Program faculty, including adjunct faculty, have met to discuss Program
Outcomes and course Student Learning Objectives
Faculty, including adjunct faculty, work as a team toward mutually identified
Goals, Program Outcomes, and course Student Learning Objectives.
The Program Goal and stated Outcomes are consistent with the institutional
The development and revisions of Program Outcomes are aligned with
course Student Learning Objectives.
Please explain any “no” responses [field, Max work limit: 100]
7. Program description
a. Provide a brief history of the program, emphasizing the past 5 years (e.g. changes in leadership,
changes in program direction, new certificates, new and/or purged courses, and
Southwestern College, program review template
Higher Learning Commission, program review template
North Central Missouri College
Trenton, Missouri
revised November 7, 2012
recommendations for any internal and/or external constituents) Be sure to address the last
action plan. [field, Max work limit: 250]
b. Number of students served (including current enrollment)—3-5 year trends [field—IR Provided
Course Enrollment Data]
c. Student retention rates (fall to spring & fall to fall) [field—IR Provided Retention Data]
CHART 2--Criterion xxx: Enrollment planning leads to student success.
Changes have occurred in the number of course sections offered each semester in
response to student demand.
Changes to schedule patterns (times, sequencing, etc.) are made to optimize student
enrollment, course completion, and program completion.
2.3 The Program retention rate is in line with total college retention rate (IR).
The transfer patterns of students in the Program are in line with the college totals
(Transfer disciplines).
Please explain any “no” responses [field, Max work limit: 100]
d. List the program personnel including full-time & adjunct faculty teaching courses within the
program, highest degree, date of last evaluation, committee assignments, and professional
development activities. [field-personnel chart]
e. Are SMART goals being developed based up last evaluation results and evaluated for
attainment? If not, please explain [yes/no-field, max word limit: 250]
f. Describe how faculty participation in professional organizations and conference attendance is
improving the outcomes. Include faculty innovative practices, and their benefit on student
learning. [field max word limit: 250]
CHART 3--Criterion xxx: Faculty members are qualified by academic background, experience, and continuing
professional staff development.
3.1 Faculty are involved in selection, evaluation and/or retention of adjunct faculty.
Full-time and Part-time ratio meets or exceeds 75% Full-time/25% Part-time. (HLC
Faculty members are involved in professional organizations and/or other scholarly
Faculty members are sufficient in number and diversity to provide effective
Please explain any “no” responses [field, Max work limit: 100]
Reflective Narrative Questions
1. How does the full-time/part-time ratio impact your program? [field, Max work limit:
2. Describe how faculty in-service is being used to enhance professional development and
benefit the program. [field, Max work limit: 100]
CHART 4--Criterion xxx: Program is responsive to changing conditions within the field.
4.1 Program changes are consistent with technological and scientific advances, and
Southwestern College, program review template
Higher Learning Commission, program review template
North Central Missouri College
Trenton, Missouri
revised November 7, 2012
program coursework incorporates new developments in the field.
The faculty work with Library personnel to ensure that adequate and current
resources are available in the Library
The faculty work with ARC and/or SSS learning specialists to ensure adequate and
current resources in the Learning Centers.
4.4 Courses are articulated with feeder and transfer institutions.
Faculty/staff work with transfer institutions to ensure currency of course contents
and standards.
Faculty work with professionals in the field and/or advisory committees to ensure
appropriateness of course content and standards.
Faculty members ensure course Student Learning Objectives and Critical Thinking
Standards are infused into course curricula.
Course curricula include issues relating to diversity and/or global awareness within
student populations.
Please explain any “no” responses [field, Max work limit: 100]
Reflective Narrative Question
1. Describe how critical thinking, reading and writing skills, and information
literacy are being integrated into the curriculum. [field, Max work limit: 100]
2. What strategies have been implemented to attract diverse involvement of
students to your program? [field, Max work limit: 100]
Briefly describe recruitment and advising practices—include course rotations [field, Max work
limit: 100]
Briefly state the extent of diversity of student faculty and staff [field, Max work limit: 100]
Budget (attach most recent budget) [field]
If applicable, briefly describe program facilities and include the facility plan [field, Max work
limit: 100 +plan]
Briefly list the equipment and/or technology resources (i.e. software) used and how they are
integrated into the curriculum/or instruction including upgrades needed. [field max word limit:
Briefly state the interrelationship with general education [field, Max work limit: 100]
Online Program—briefly answer the following questions and provide evidence as applicable
Is the program taught by the same faculty as the on-campus program? [field, Max
work limit: 100]
How does the program provide for appropriate interaction (synchronous or
asynchronous) between students and instructor and among students? [field, Max
work limit: 100]
8. Program Effectiveness
a. Achievement of Program Outcomes—Summarize Exit Assessment Data (include the benchmark)
for 3-5 years and improvements to the program as a result of this data (if any) [field-Assistance
provided by IR]
b. Number of graduates annually (include college rates—maybe a rolling average) [field—IR
Graduate Data]
i. Placement of graduates (e.g. employment, transfer/continued studies) [field—IR
Placement Data]
ii. Results from Employer Surveys [field—Assistance provided by IR]
Southwestern College, program review template
Higher Learning Commission, program review template
North Central Missouri College
Trenton, Missouri
revised November 7, 2012
iii. Results from 180-day Surveys [field— Assistance provided by IR]
Reflective Narrative Questions
1. What factors or overall changes in your program may have influenced or
contributed to your program’s observed data trends and survey results? [field,
Max work limit: 100]
2. What factors or evidence documents the “need for this program”? [field, Max
work limit: 100]
3. What impact would modifications (increase or decrease) on your program
budget have on program outcomes? [field, Max work limit: 100]
CHART 5--Criterion xxx:
yes no
5.1 Courses are assessed on a regular basis
The faculty, including adjunct faculty, use appropriate strategies/assessment tools to
measure student success of stated course Student Learning Objectives.
5.3 The faculty, including adjunct faculty, have discussed learning results.
Please explain any “no” responses [field, Max work limit: 100]
c. Provide a description of how the program ensures that it is always current (include a summary
of the advisory committee input) [field, Max work limit: 100]
d. Briefly describe how you incorporate the development of Critical-Thinking skills. Support your
answer with a specific example by submitting one assignment, its rubric, and percentages of
students who exceeded, met, and did not meet the goal. [field, Max work limit: 250 +
e. Briefly state the extent to which the program prepares students to live and work in a global,
diverse, and technology-rich society [field, Max work limit: 100]
f. Briefly state the extent to which the program, through curriculum and co-curriculum, fosters
civic engagement and social responsibilities [field, Max work limit: 100]
g. Briefly state the extent to which the program fosters life-long learning [field, Max work limit:
h. Briefly describe the program’s “comparative advantage” (e.g. distinctiveness in terms of
students served, differentiation from programs offered at other institutions) [field, Max work
limit: 100]
i. Online Program—briefly answer the following questions and provide evidence as applicable
i. How do retention and graduation rates of the online and on-campus programs
compare? [field, Max work limit: 100]
ii. How does the achievement of Program Outcomes by online students compare with
those by on-campus students? [field, Max work limit: 100]
Reflective Narrative Questions
1. How does the program identify and measure Program Outcomes? [field, Max
work limit: 100]
2. How are assessment results from course Student Learning Objectives (SLOs)
used by the faculty? [field, Max work limit: 100]
Southwestern College, program review template
Higher Learning Commission, program review template
North Central Missouri College
Trenton, Missouri
revised November 7, 2012
3. What types of assessment tools beyond course grades (e.g. tests, projects,
clinicals, exit tests) is the department collecting regularly? Are there any
summative/capstone learning results collected? [field, Max work limit: 100]
4. What needs to be accomplished next year to satisfy your personal expectations
for the Program? [field, Max work limit: 100]
5. What is the long range vision for your program and the projected effect on
student success? [field, Max work limit: 100]
9. SWOT—What conclusions can be drawn as a result of this review? (Reference: SWOT Worksheet
available on Intranet)
a. STRENGTH [field-bulleted list]
b. WEAKNESSES [field-bulleted list]
c. OPPORTUNITIES [field-bulleted list]
d. THREATS [field-bulleted list]
10. Proposed Action Plan—Summarize the action(s) that will be taken in response to the findings of this
program review. Provide estimated costs and a timeline that indicates how these changes will be
implemented and assessed over the next 5-year period. [field-proposed action plan chart]
11. Recommendations for the budget committee: (make sure the recommendations are tied to strategic
planning goals, NCA/HLC requirements, and Program Outcomes)
Southwestern College, program review template
Higher Learning Commission, program review template