Sewanhaka Central High School District
Twilight Program in partnership
with Nassau BOCES
Dr. Ralph Ferrie, Superintendent of Schools
Mrs. Christine Licastri, Principal
Floral Park Memorial High School
210 Locust Street
Floral Park, NY 11001
516-488-9800 ext. 9310 (office)
516-394-5079 (fax)
The Sewanhaka Central High School District Twilight Program Student Handbook
provides information regarding expectations, policies, academic requirements, and
student privileges and responsibilities.
Classes are held Monday/Wednesday and Tuesday/Thursday
Period 1
Period 2
Period 3
Marking Period Dates
Ending Date
MP 1 Progress Report
October 2, 2015
MP 1 Report Card
November 20, 2015
MP 2 Progress Report
December 11, 2015
MP 2 Report Card
February 5, 2016
MP 3 Progress Report
March 11, 2016
MP 3 Report Card
April 15, 2016
MP 4 Progress Report
May 13, 2016
MP 4 Report Card
June 27, 2016
The student discipline section of this book is designed to be used as a guide. Administrators will issue
discipline based on the situation at hand and will use this section as a guide. Sewanhaka Central High
School District Twilight Program’s (SCHSDTP) discipline is reasonable, consistent, and progressive.
Students who do not respond to counseling, behavior or attendance contracts, in- or out-of-school
suspension, or parent conferences and continue to violate school rules will lose their privilege to attend
SCHSDTP. Depending upon the situation, police will be called at the discretion of the administrator. We
are committed to providing a positive and orderly learning environment for everyone. We encourage
you to carefully read the information provided in this handbook and speak to a teacher, counselor, or
administrator with any questions or concerns.
All students must enter and exit the building through the back entrance, Exit 7 (large parking lot).
Attendance will be taken promptly at 3:00 pm and 3:30 pm. All students must exit promptly at the
conclusion of their daily schedule.
Students in the Alternative Program may be obligated to participate in group and/or individual
counseling sessions.
Extra Help
Extra help is available for students who need to complete assignments or require additional assistance.
Hall Passes
Students will be expected to remain in their classrooms for the duration of the class period. On an
emergency basis, students will be allowed out of class.
Regular attendance is the key to successfully completing course work in a timely manner. Students have
the responsibility for establishing and maintaining prompt and regular attendance. Students are not
allowed to exceed 12 absences for a full-year course or 6 for a half-year course during any one school
year. Excessive absences will be reviewed by administration to determine whether credit should be
1. It is the student’s responsibility to acquire and complete all missed assignments immediately
following an absence.
2. Parents or guardians of absent students must notify the office the day of the absence at 516-4889800 x9310 indicating the reason for the absence.
3. Students who are absent for an extended period of time must notify the office immediately and
submit a medical note upon return.
Leaving School Early
If a student has reason to leave school during the school day, he/she must have parental permission. This
permission can be obtained with a note from the parent/guardian brought to the office prior to dismissal.
If a student does not have a note, he/she must come to the office and, in the presence of a school official,
call a parent for permission to leave the campus. Upon returning to school, student must bring a parentsigned note. If a student is leaving for a doctor’s appointment, he/she must bring back a note from that
Perfect Attendance
A perfect attendance award is given monthly to every student who has had perfect attendance during the
previous month.
Tardiness to Class
Students are expected to arrive punctually to all classes. Three latenesses will count as an illegal absence.
Parents and Principal will be notified of the student’s absence. Principal’s action may include parent
conference and/or suspension from school. Referral may be made to family court for civil action.
Student of the Month
Based on teacher consensus, each month a student will be presented with this award. Eligibility is based
on the following criteria:
 Good/perfect attendance
 Good behavior in class
 Positive attitude toward teachers, peers, school, and community
 Positive changes academically, socially, emotionally, etc.
 Above 80 average (Alternative only)
Classroom Behavior
Excessive talking, misbehavior, or any other activity which disrupts the learning process or distracts
students from their educational pursuits cannot be tolerated. Every student is entitled to an education
and every teacher is entitled to assist in the education of students in an orderly and safe atmosphere.
Depending on the circumstance, discipline may include suspension pending parent conference.
Use of Vulgar, Obscene, or Coarse Language or Nonverbal Communication
The use of vulgarities/obscenities will not be tolerated in school.
Discipline: Parent and clinician notification, suspension from class or school, and parent conference.
General Misconduct
At all times students are expected to use good judgment and common sense. Respect for the rights,
property, and safety of others is the key to good conduct. Students must, at all times, accept directions
from staff members. There is no exception to the rule—obey your teachers.
Demonstration of Affection
Kissing, hugging, embracing, and other forms of physical affection are prohibited on the school grounds
and in the building.
All students should come to school dressed neatly and appropriately. The specific guidelines listed below
will be followed:
 An individual's dress shall not distract from the educational process.
 Shirts or other attire containing vulgar, alcohol- and/or drug-related, obscene, or offensive written
or graphic material are not permitted to be worn by students.
 Hoods may not be worn in the building during school hours.
 Heavy winter coats and jackets may not be worn in the building during school hours.
 Shoes must be worn at all times.
Identification of Oneself
All students must identify themselves when requested by school personnel.
Discipline: Parent conference and/or suspension from school.
Arson and the Possession or Use of Explosives, Firearms, and Weapons
The physical safety of everyone mandates that the possession or use of potentially dangerous items will
be severely punished.
Discipline: Confiscation of item(s), referral to Principal, suspension, police referral.
Falsely Sounding a Fire Alarm
Persons who commit this crime will be severely disciplined.
Discipline: Police referral, Principal referral, suspension.
Disputes between members of the school community should be settled through appropriate channels. All
participants in an altercation will be punished equally, unless there is a clear-cut aggressor.
Discipline: Depending upon the circumstances, school suspension or superintendent suspension.
Insubordination toward School Personnel
All members of the school community will treat each other with respect at all times, including when off
campus. A student must comply with all adult directives even if they do not meet with his/her approval.
A student who believes that he/she has been treated unfairly may bring a grievance to the Principal or
discuss the situation with his/her counselor and/or parent. A student who defies a teacher, adult staff
member, or security guard will be suspended.
All students are to be free to attend school without worry over threats or demands for any reason.
Students must report any demands for money, any threats, or harassment of any kind to an
administrator, teacher, dean, or school psychologist as soon as this behavior occurs.
Discipline: Depending upon the severity of the act, one or more of the following actions may be taken:
 Parent conference, suspension from school, and referral to School Psychologist.
 If appropriate, a police referral will be made.
Sexual Harassment
Sexual harassment is unwelcome conduct, either sexual or non-sexual, that is directed toward a person
because of that person’s gender and creates an intimidating, offensive, and hostile learning environment.
Sexual harassment is considered to be a form of sex discrimination and is illegal in schools and in the
workplace under existing federal and state laws. The policy at SCHSDTP is to provide a working and
learning environment that is free from all forms of discrimination, including sexual harassment.
Any student, who believes that he or she has been subjected to sexual harassment, either as a victim of or
witness to, should bring this to the immediate attention of a teacher, dean, school psychologist, or
administrator. All such complaints will be investigated promptly and fairly, and where appropriate,
immediate corrective action will be taken.
Forgery, Cheating, and Plagiarism
Students will be referred to administration.
Loitering or Misbehavior Off-Campus
Students shall not loiter on lawns in the neighborhood.
Discipline: Depending upon the circumstance, suspension or police referral.
Possession and Use of Illegal Drugs and Alcoholic Beverages
No student shall possess these items.
Discipline: Referral to administration, suspension, parent conference, and police referral.
Water guns, Radios, Electronic Devices, or Other Inappropriate Items
Students are not permitted to bring to school water guns, radios, electronic devices or other items
inappropriate for a learning environment.
 The item will be confiscated from the student and given to the Principal.
 The Principal will return the item to the parent at any time or to the student on the last day of
school in June or earlier if a parental note is presented to the Principal.
Students are not permitted to smoke or hold unlit cigarettes or e-cigarettes anywhere in the building or
on the school grounds.
Discipline: Student suspension.
Theft and Property Damage
All members of the community must demonstrate respect for individual and community-owned property.
Discipline: Suspension pending parent conference, restitution, police referral as required.
Use of Facilities
To live together peacefully in a community, some common courtesies must be observed.
 Loitering is prohibited in any hallway or washroom. Students may not sit on floors in hallways, on
radiators, windowsills, or washbasins.
 Loud noise-making and screaming are not conducive to study.
 First Offense: Warning.
 Second Offense: Parent notification.
 Third Offense: Parent-notified suspension.
Card playing or any other activity associated with gambling is not permitted in the building or on the
school grounds.
 First Offense: Suspension warning.
 Second Offense: Suspension.
 Third Offense: Possible superintendent suspension, police referral.
In the case of possession of betting slips, participation in pyramid schemes, or other illegal forms of
Discipline: Suspension from school, parent conference, possible superintendent suspension and possible
police referral.
Report Child Abuse
The professional staff of public schools are mandated reporters of suspicions of child abuse and/or
neglect. Failure to report such suspicions is a criminal act punishable as a misdemeanor. Educational
neglect may be filed if a child is not in attendance or late on a consistent basis.
This contract provides information regarding the Sewanhaka Central High School
District Twilight Program. Your signature indicates that you are aware of the school
format and policies and you accept the responsibility for the successful completion
of your education. By signing this contract you are also agreeing to adhere to
policies and regulations set forth by the administration.
Parental Involvement
The Twilight School Program is concerned with developing a partnership between
parents/guardians and staff so that we can work toward a shared goal. The Twilight
staff will evaluate and monitor students’ progress on an ongoing basis.
Parents/guardians are encouraged to call the office at any time to address any
concerns or questions regarding their child’s progress. Your signature indicates
that you are aware of the contract and agree to form a partnership to ensure your
child’s success.
Student Name: _________________________________________________________________
(Please print)
Student Signature
Parent/Guardian Signature
Parent/Guardian Contact Information
Daytime Telephone Number:
Cell Phone Number:
Evening Telephone Number:
Email Address: