PENGUJIAN EFEK ANTI JAMUR DARI EKSRAK DAUN SIRIH-SIRIH (Piper aduncum L) terhadap Altenaria Porri PENYEBAB PENYAKIT BERCAK UNGU PADA BAWANG MERAH Nurbailis, Endang Widyastuti, Syafruddin Mahyuddin Nomor Konrak : 04/LP-UA/SPP-DPP/K/V/2001 ABSTRAK The experiment of evaluation of unfungal effect of piper aduncum extract to alternaria porri causing purple spont on red onion had done in chemistry laboratory and plant disease laboratory Andalas University Padang. The experiment was done from Juni to Oktober 2001. The objective of the experiment was to determine unfungal effect of sirihsirih weed ( Piper aduncum) extract to growing alternaria porri. The treatments were arranged in completely randomise design with six treatment and four replications. The treatment were extract concentrations of sirih-sirih weed ( Piper Aducum : 0 ml/100ml aqiadest, 1ml/100ml aquadest, 2ml/100ml aquadest, 3ml/100ml aquadest, 4ml/aqiadest and 5ml/100mlaquadest. Variables observed were; colony diameter, number, of conidia, fresh and dry weight of colony. The result of the experiment indicated that adding of sirih-sirih weed ( Piper aduncum ) extract for all concentration reduce the growth of Alternaria porri. The best concentration was ml/100ml/aquadest.