Introduction: Purpose, Definition of Terms, Excel CAR Purpose The ultimate reason for measurement is to evaluate and improve a product or process. The intent of the Chapter Activity Report (CAR) is to provide a simple measurement system for chapters to see improvement trends and to track their progress. It is also the basis for awards in the Chapter Recognition Program, providing visibility so that chapters’ accomplishments can be recognized and rewarded. The Regional Operations Board’s goal in developing the CAR was to create a simple process that is helpful, not burdensome. The CAR Form must be submitted to your Region Vice President, with a copy to IIE Headquarters, by February 28. Definition of Terms Chapter Year = Program Year = Fiscal Year = CAR Year = Term of office of the chapter’s officers (varies by chapter) Months in which the chapter conducts regular activities (newsletters, meetings, etc.). Generally, considered to be January through December, but does vary by chapter. April 1 through March 31. Also called the Tax Year. Standard for all chapters. January 1 through December 31 (also called the Calendar Year). Standard for all chapters. Note: The CAR year is based on the calendar year, with a deadline of February of the following year. This deadline allows the CAR forms to be judged in time to recognize chapters’ accomplishments during the Honors & Awards ceremony at the IIE Annual Conference each May. Electronic Version of the CAR Note: It is now mandatory to submit the CAR in electronic format. The CAR form has been constructed in a M.S. Excel® spreadsheet for your convenience. This spreadsheet automatically perform all calculations and scoring discussed in this document. The electronic CAR form is available on the Professional Chapter Management page at In the CAR spreadsheet, cells shaded light blue indicate where data may be entered, and yellow shaded cells indicate scoring information (calculated from the data you enter). Submission instructions: Submit the CAR by email to and your RVP. A list of RVPs can be found online at The email subject line and filename must be formatted as follows: Chapter#CARfull09 (example, for Chapter 30 it would be 30CARfull09) General Information/Basic Requirements All chapters, regardless of CAR award status, must completely fill out the General Information section as this determines the chapter's health status. Please refer to the guidelines online at, All fields in the basic requirement section must be manually entered. 1. Chapter Plans and Operations The Chapter Plans and Operations performance dimension focuses on the planning and management of the chapter. Obviously, planning and management are very complex and difficult to measure. To quantify these dimensions, three measures have been selected: 1. Timely submission of a strategic plan. 2. Quality of the strategic plan. 3. Number of board meetings. 1.1 Timely Submission of a Strategic Plan The chapter should develop plans for both the long term and short term. The purpose of the plan is to communicate the chapter's objectives so that others can contribute to the achievement of those objectives. A high quality strategic plan should contain: strategic objectives & related action plans (2-5 years out) tactical objectives & related action plans (upcoming year) chapter website, if applicable The minimum requirements for a basic strategic plan are: a calendar of key dates the chapter program schedule for the year a chapter calendar of key dates and program schedule for the year (chapter activities, HQ deadlines) list of all officers and contact information an assessment of chapter performance relative to the previous year’s plan. Because most of the chapter’s plans for the coming Program Year should be in place no later than the beginning of the Program Year, the due date for submitting the Chapter’s Strategic Plan to your Region Vice President is January 31. This gives your RVP an opportunity to review the chapter’s plans and provide advisement if necessary. Your RVP will evaluate the plan and assign a score between 1 (lowest) and 5 (highest). A score of 0 is assigned if no plan is submitted by April 15th. Your RVP will score your plan and send one copy of the score and any advisement back to you and one copy to Headquarters. Information Required Enter the date (in mm/dd/yy format) on which you emailed or mailed your strategic plan to your RVP. If no plan was submitted, or if the plan was submitted after April 15th, leave this field blank, as no points will be awarded. Score Points 4 Revised: 12/15/2011 Timing Plan submitted by 1/31 Page 2 of 13 2 1 0 Plan submitted by 2/16 Plan submitted after 2/16 but before 4/15 No plan submitted, or plan submitted after 4/15 1.2 Plan Quality The requirements of the strategic plan are discussed in section 1.1 above. Assuming your chapter has submitted a plan, your RVP will review it and assign a score from 1 (basic) to 5 (best). The RVP will consider the following in performing this assessment: 1.5 points - Calendar of key dates (local and national) and program schedule 1.0 points - List of all officers and contact info 0.5 points - Financial projections (budget) 1.5 points - Assessment of chapter's performance relative to the previous year's plan (analysis of last year's performance to objectives and performance relative to the objectives) 0.5 points - Overall format and quality (plans are feasible and challenging, chapter is working to meet the needs of the membership and using their financial resources accordingly) Information Required Enter the score assigned to the strategic plan by your RVP. If you did not submit a strategic plan, then enter 0 or leave this field blank. Scoring The CAR score is equal to the Plan score. 1.3 Number of Board Meetings Board activity is highly correlated with chapter success. Hence, it is advised that six board and/or planning meetings are needed each year for optimum chapter health. Board meetings help to develop and maintain chapter focus and keep the “ball rolling”. Information Required Enter the number of board meetings held during the calendar year. Only meetings where a quorum of the chapters board was in attendance should be counted. Chapter must have minutes of results of discussions involving a quorum. Interactive chat/discussions or other electronic communications may be counted as well, but at least one must be face-to-face meeting. Score Score = >4 meetings = 6 points 4 meetings = 6 points 3 meetings = 5 points 2 meetings = 3 points 1 meeting = 2 points Revised: 12/15/2011 Page 3 of 13 2. Chapter Programs The chapter is responsible for serving members’ needs and ensuring member satisfaction at the local level. One of the primary ways of serving the local members is through chapter programs. This section attempts to measure success in this area based on quality of programming (as measured through evaluation forms) and program attendance. 2.1 Number of Programs This is a direct measure of the level of service to your chapters membership. Information Required List the number of meetings that the chapter held during the calendar program year on the activity report. This includes all the meetings for chapter members and guests, such as education sessions, short courses, joint meetings with other organizations, plant tours, etc. Score Score = Max( Min( Number of program meetings held - 2 , 6 ) , 0 ) 2.2 Program Quality Quality programming may be the most critical factor in the success of a chapter in providing service to its members. Quality programming encourages members to become active. The evaluation of the quality of programming must be done from the member’s perspective. This can be accomplished by distributing an evaluation form (see sample in this manual) to all attendees at each program. The evaluations should be collected and the average program score determined for each program. Use the same evaluation scale for each meeting. Information Required Under “Your Survey Range”, indicate the lowest and highest score possible on your evaluation form. Note that the both the highest and lowest scores must be specified, and the highest score must be > lowest score, or your information will not be scored. Under “Program Scores”, enter the average score for each of your programs. Unless you had more than 12 programs, the number of scores should be equal to the number of programs stated in section 2.1 above. Note: in order to claim points in this category, your chapter must use an evaluation form for every meeting or program. If your chapter had more than 12 programs, enter the 12 “best” evaluation scores. The program scores are then averaged (for a overall average program score), and the result converted from your evaluation forms scale to a 1 to 5 point scale. This is done automatically in the Excel spreadsheet. Score CAR Score = round( Average program score on a 1 to 5 scale ) If no program scores are entered, a score of 0 is automatically assigned. Revised: 12/15/2011 Page 4 of 13 2.3 Program Attendance One measure of program effectiveness is the number of attendees, both chapter members and nonchapter members, present at chapter meetings and programs. Attendance by chapter members is weighted more heavily, since the primary objective of the chapter is to serve its members. However, attendance by non-members is also important, since this is perhaps the best way for the chapter to recruit new members and to promote IIE in the local community. Before answering the questions 2.3.a and 2.3.b, provide the information regarding chapter membership at the end of the last 3 calendar years. If you do not have this information available (from past CAR’s and rosters), you may contact IIE’s Chapter Operations Administrator to request it, if available. This information is used in section 2.3, again in section 3.2, and in assigning the chapter size class in the scoring summary. 2.3.a Member Attendance It is recommended that you maintain a sign-in sheet at each general chapter meeting, with space for tracking member attendance (see sample in this manual). This would allow you to collect the necessary data as you go, and would also aid in identifying trends in meeting attendance (e.g., is it generally the same people or different people? Do certain people always attend certain topics? Does meeting time and/or location seem to affect attendance? etc.). The measure used for scoring this section is the percent improvement in attendance, where attendance is defined as a percent of the base unit membership: % Improvement = % Prior Year member attendance % Current Year member attendance Information Required Total attendance by chapter members in the current year and total attendance by chapter members in the prior year should also be collected. If no information is entered, the resulting score is 0. Please note that IIE members who are members of other chapters as well as spouses, guests, members of student chapters, and members of other societies (in the case of joint meetings) should be counted in Section 2.3.b Non-Chapter-Member Attendance. Only the members of your chapter should be counted in this section. Score Points 5 4 3 2 1 0 Revised: 12/15/2011 Ratio 1.20 1.10 1.00 0.90 0.80 <0.80 Page 5 of 13 2.2.b Non-Chapter Member Attendance The measure is the percent improvement in attendance, year over year for non-chapter members. % improvement = % Current Year Non-Member Attendance % Prior Year Non-Member Attendance Information Required Enter the total non-member attendance at meeting for the current and previous CAR calendar years. If no information is entered, the resulting score is 0. Score Points 3 2 1 0 Ratio 1.00 0.90 0.80 <0.80 3. Membership Communications, Growth, and Retention Greater emphasis is being placed on this section this year, with an increase in total points for the section from 25 to 27. 3.1 Communication with Members Communication with members is essential to let them know what services are available and build a sense of involvement. 3.1.a Chapter Newsletter The evaluation of newsletters is handled through the Newsletter Competition, with details available in the Newsletter Manual. Information Required If the chapter participated in the Newsletter Competition, list the number of CAR Points (you can find these numbers on your returned Newsletter Competition score sheet and/or your Newsletter Competition award notification letter). The chapter must compete in the Newsletter Competition in order to claim points in this category. Transfer the score from your notification letter or score-sheet CAR Points Received section. Your chapter will receive a letter stating the points awarded in the Newsletter Competition out of a maximum of 35 points. Enter the points awarded in the Newsletter Competition on the form. Do not include Bonus points from the competition. Score Score = (Newsletter Competition Award) 7 Revised: 12/15/2011 Page 6 of 13 3.1.b Other Communications Although the chapter newsletter has historically been the cornerstone of communications with your members, your chapter is encouraged to communicate as often, and through as many methods, as possible. Chapters are especially encouraged, in this age of the Internet, to develop a Chapter Home Page and to use E-mail for fast, timely communications. Information Required In this category, your chapter may claim one point, up to a maximum of 5 points, for any of the methods listed under this question that your chapter used to communicate to its members. Mark any of the categories that apply with an “X” on the CAR. If you used methods not included in this list that you believe apply, you may include points for these activities (1 pt per communication) in the field labeled “Other”. You should identify what these activities are in your email submission or with an accompanying document (also must be in electronic format). Score Score = Min( Count of “X”’s + Number of “Other” Points Claimed , 5 ) 3.2 Membership Growth/Retention Overall membership growth is derived from a combination of retaining current members and recruiting new ones. A successful chapter will undertake activities targeted toward both strategies: growth and retention. 3.2.a Membership Growth The measure of membership growth is the ratio of the total membership at the beginning of the year to the total membership at the year end: Ratio = Total Membership as of December 31, Current Year Total Membership as of December 31, Prior Year Information Required The information required for this measure was already entered in Section 2. Score Points 5 4 3 2 0 Revised: 12/15/2011 Ratio Value Ratio > 3% 2% < Ratio 3% 1% < Ratio 2% 0% Ratio 1% Ratio < 0% Page 7 of 13 3.2.b First Year Membership Growth This measure is intended to reflect growth in the chapter membership from new members or students converting to full members. This rewards chapters who undertake membership recruitment campaigns. The measure used is: Ratio = # of New Members as of December 31, Current Year Total Membership as of December 31, Prior Year Information Required Enter the number of new IIE members for your chapter during the CAR calendar year. Only people who have joined IIE in the calendar year or students who have upgraded their membership are counted in this measure. Members who rejoined shortly after their membership expired should not be counted, however, members transferring into your chapter can be counted. Score Points 2 1 0 Ratio Value Ratio 1.0% 0.0% <Ratio 1.0% Ratio < 0.0% 3.2.c Retention/Recruitment Activities This category is meant to encourage chapters to engage in activities aimed at retaining existing methods and recruiting new members. Information Required In this category, your chapter may claim one point, up to a maximum of 10 points, for any of the activities listed under this question that your chapter used to try to retain and recruit members. Mark any of the categories that apply with an “X” on the CAR. If you had activities not included in this list that you believe apply, you may include points for these activities (1 pt per activity) in the field labeled “Other”. You should identify what these activities are in your email submission or with an accompanying document (also must be in electronic format). Some changes have been made to this section: The maximum point was increased to 10 points and the list of selections was expanded to reflect new resources and avenues available. The Chapter Development Fund is a grant program that support chapter initiatives focused on membership recruitment and retention. The grants are non-refundable. Applications are accepted quarterly. Please contact your RVP or visit the chapter management center – for more information. Score Score = Min( Count of “X”’s + Number of “Other” Points Claimed , 10 ) Revised: 12/15/2011 Page 8 of 13 4. Student Outreach Activities and Community Affairs 4.1 Community Affairs Participation One responsibility of any professional organization is to educate the public about the contributions of its members. Community service projects can be an excellent way to inform the public about the vital skills possessed by Industrial Engineers. Promoting the profession in this way helps educate and support our communities. Community affairs events must be chapter endorsed, sponsored, promoted, and organized. There should be a minimum of two chapter members present at any of these activities. Information Required In this category, your chapter may claim one point, up to a maximum of 3 points, for any of the activities listed under this question that your chapter used to try to retain and recruit members. Mark any of the categories that apply with an “X” on the CAR. If you had activities not included in this list that you believe apply, you may include points for these activities (1 pt per activity) in the field labeled “Other”. You should identify what these activities are in your email submission or with an accompanying document (also must be in electronic format). Score Score = Min( Count of “X”’s + Number of “Other” Points Claimed , 3 ) 4.2 Student Outreach Activities The future of IIE and the industrial engineering profession can be found in today's students. IIE should work towards educating high school students about industrial engineering and supporting university students pursuing studies in industrial engineering. Briefly review the activities that your chapter undertook to work with local schools (middle, junior/senior high, colleges & universities) to inform them about the profession. Also, include activities that involved university chapters in your area. Please note that this section has been designed so that every chapter, regardless of proximity to an active university chapter, has the opportunity to earn the maximum of 15 points. 4.2.a Student Regional Conference Support In this category, your chapter may claim points per number of students or chapters supported, up to a maximum of 5 points, for any of the activities listed under this question that your chapter conducted in support of the University Regional Conference. Enter the applicable numeric value on the CAR. Note that some of the categories are mutually exclusive. If you had supporting activities not included in this list that you believe apply, you may include points for these activities (1 pt per activity) in the field labeled “Other”. You should Revised: 12/15/2011 Page 9 of 13 identify what these activities are in your email submission or with an accompanying document (also must be in electronic format). Information Required For student and chapter sponsorship, mark any of the categories that apply with an “X” in the green cells and enter the corresponding number of students and/or chapters sponsored in the blue cells. Points 1 2 Value $100 Total Value < $250 $250 Total Value 4.2.b Other Student Activities In this category, your chapter may claim one point, up to a maximum of 5 points, for any of the activities listed under this question that your chapter conducted in support of student or outreach activities. Mark any of the categories that apply with an “X” on the CAR. If you had supporting activities not included in this list that you believe apply, you may include points for these activities (1 pt per activity) in the field labeled “Other”. You should identify what these activities are in your email submission or with an accompanying document (also must be in electronic format). Score Score = Min( Count of “X”’s + Number of “Other” Points Claimed , 5 ) 4.2.c Other Student Financial Support With the rising costs of education, financial support for industrial engineering students benefits the profession. Your chapter can claim points, up to a maximum of 5 points in this category, for offering a financial support to a student. The support could be in form of, but not limited to, scholarship or in sponsorship to the annual conference with a total value of: Points 1 2 3 4 5 Scholarship(s) Total Value $100 Total Value < $200 $200 Total Value < $300 $300 Total Value < $400 $400 Total Value < $500 $500 Total Value 5. Member/Chapter and Institute Service & Support 5.1 Member/Chapter Service & Support In this category, your chapter may claim one point, up to a maximum of 10 points, for any of the activities listed under this question that your chapter conducted towards member/chapter services or support activities. Mark any of the categories that apply with an “X” on the CAR. Revised: 12/15/2011 Page 10 of 13 If you had supporting activities not included in this list that you believe apply, you may include points for these activities (2 pt per activity) in the field labeled “Other”. You should identify what these activities are in your email submission or with an accompanying document (also must be in electronic format). Score Score = Min( 2 * (Count of “X”’s ) + Number of “Other” Points Claimed , 10 ) 5.2 Institute Support In this category, your chapter may claim between one to two points, up to a maximum of 10 points, for any of the activities listed under this question that your chapter conducted towards support of other chapters and/or the Institute. Mark any of the categories that apply with an “X” on the CAR. If you had supporting activities not included in this list that you believe apply, you may include points for these activities (2 pt per activity) in the field labeled “Other”. You should identify what these activities are in your email submission or with an accompanying document (also must be in electronic format). A number of changes have been made in this section since last year’s CAR: Attendance at your region conference calls would be included under “Other”. For IIE Foundation donations, 1 point will be awarded for donations >$100 and 2 points for donations >$600. The maximum allowed points in this area stays the same. Score Score = Min( 1 * (Count of “X”’s ) + Number of “Other” Points Claimed , 10 ) Revised: 12/15/2011 Page 11 of 13 AWARDS Any chapter meeting the minimum levels of participation as noted below will be recognized. The award levels are Gold, Silver, Bronze, and Award of Merit. Gold Award winners will receive special crystal awards etched with the IIE logo and award title; all others will receive award certificates. Class size: The class size is determined by the chapter's base membership. The base membership is defined as the average number of members during the program year [(December 31 Prior Year membership total + December 31 Current Year membership total) /2]. Base membership classification is as follows: 150 or more - Class A 76 to 149 - Class B 0-75 - Class C Awards of Excellence are based on the Overall CAR score and the chapter Class Size. The following chart shows how scores are awarded. Award Level Class A Class B Class C Gold Award 80.0 score 100.0 75 score 100.0 70.0 score 100.0 Silver Award 60.0 score < 80.0 55 score < 75 50.0 score < 70.0 Bronze Award 40.0 score < 60.0 35 score < 55 30 score < 5.0 Award of Merit 20.0 score < 40.0 20 score < 35 20 score < 30 Certificate of Participation score < 20 score < 20 score < 20 These calculations and the scoring are performed automatically if you are using the Excel® CAR. However, the final award is unofficial until ratified by the Membership Coordinator. Some chapters may want to order more than one award (for example, one for the president and one for the C.A.R. director). The cost for additional Gold Awards will be approximately $50. A second award certificate can be provided at no extra charge. To order additional awards or certificates, complete the next page and submit it to the Membership Coordinator. All CAR reports must be received at IIE Headquarters by February 28. IIE - Chapter Operations Department 3577 Parkway Lane, Bldg. 5, Suite 200 Norcross, GA 30092 Phone: 770-349-1115 Fax 770-263-8532 Revised: 12/15/2011 Page 12 of 13 Chapter Recognition Program Award Data Sheet The award levels are Gold, Silver, Bronze, and Award of Merit. Gold Award winners will receive special crystal awards etched with the IIE logo and award title; all others will receive award certificates. Some chapters may want to order more than one award (for example, one for the president and one for the C.A.R. director). The cost for additional Gold Awards will be approximately $50. A second award certificate can be provided at no extra charge. To order additional awards or certificates, please feel free to contact the Membership Coordinator. Chapter Name : ___________________________________ Chapter # : _____ Region # : ____ Chapter President : _______________________________________________________________ Address : _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ Name and chapter office to appear on award (for example, John Smith, President or Mary Jones, Director of Chapter Development). Please type or print clearly the name exactly as it should appear on the award : ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Unless otherwise indicated the award will be sent to the chapter president listed above. If you want it to be mailed to someone else please provide the name and address below : ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ PLEASE COMPLETE THIS FORM AND INCLUDE IT WITH YOUR CHAPTER ACTIVITY REPORT FORM. All reports must be received at IIE Headquarters by February 28. IIE - Chapter Operations Department 3577 Parkway Lane / Bldg. 5, Suite 200 Norcross, GA 30092 Phone : 770-449-0461 ext. 115 Fax 770-263-8532 Email : Revised: 12/15/2011 Page 13 of 13