Doing a part-time PhD: Managing the process, sharing experiences Sara Haslam and Dorothy Faulkner 1 Purpose of the session • To share some of the highs and lows of doing a PhD and what motivates us to carry on • To discuss and share experiences of effective time management and decision making techniques • To discuss and share experiences of working effectively with your supervisory team 2 1 2 4 3 Stephen Covey’s Prioritisation Model Image from: 3 Structured Flexible Driven by completion and outcomes Driven by potentials and possibilities Likes to have a structured plan to be followed Prefers to keep planning general and to follow a more fluid approach to time management Struggles with change during the process Deals well with (relishes) changes during the process Able to easily give progress updates and to include others into a plan Progress updates are a challenge, as can be others who are seeking clarity of process Delivers quality and creativity, on time, after putting effort in Delivers quality and creativity, on time, after putting effort in Both approaches work. Both are used by successful people. 4 Progress Structured Flexible Deadline Time Structured and flexible approaches to meeting a progress deadline 5