Doctoral Training Workshops Project Planning Sue Oreszczyn, Dave Scott, Julius Mugwagwa 1 October 2014 Planning the whole of your research period and updating this plan regularly is the key to success SESSION AIMS • To start identifying key tasks for your project • To start scheduling these tasks • To start to identify what you will need to support your research 2 Any research project proposal has to have a timetable, constructing a realistic timetable for a research project is a skill you need to have Defra WRT049: project Gantt chart Key tasks Agree inception report Review literature, drivers and barriers Interactive Steering Group meeting Explore and map key issues with selected key stakeholders Design and run quantitative survey Analysis and evaluation Top line findings report to Defra and steering group Design and run 1st phase of stakeholder workshops Integration of results - synthesis and analysis Interim report to Defra and Steering Group Steering Group consultation Design and run 2nd phase mixed stakeholder workshops Integration of results - synthesis and analysis Draft report of findings and recommendations Interactive Steering Group meeting Stakeholder dissemination and consultation workshop Produce a final report and a summary of recommendations Write journal articles and conference presentations Project month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19-24 3 Example of a project diagram 4 Doctoral Training Workshops What does a thesis look like? Have you looked at a thesis yet? British library online thesis: Search EThOS -Searches across 300,000+ theses for free and order full text quickly and easily.;jsessionid=E4AEC9489FD7D888B553A 76719842864 For OU Thesis search ORO: 5 Doctoral Training Workshops Project Organisation • How should a PhD or Masters dissertation be organised? • What stages/activities/tasks involved? With the person sitting next to you: First, make a list of all the key tasks/activities you will need to do in order to complete your thesis/dissertation Second, decide what year (MRes, what month) you think you will be carrying them out 6 Subject Area Topic Review Project Aim Is it this simple? Core Question • There are lots of feedback loops • Keeping on schedule can be hard but success depends on it Data needed Method Data gathering Analysis Party Write up Conclusions 7 Doctoral Training Workshops Your biggest enemy is TIME “Good intentions get delayed by weeks/months/years one day at a time!” With the person next to you decide how long you think each task/activity will take 8 WHAT WOULD BE YOUR Doctoral Training Workshops NIGHTMARE SCENARIO? In larger groups around your table think about what your worst nightmares are. Take a sheet of flip chart paper and write down 23 of the worst nightmares in your group. 9 Here’s one I made earlier… Data Collection Data Synthesis October Data Analysis Writing up Discourse analysis of website Discourse analysis of websites Meeting for data site 2 (8th) Supervision University/Career Development Supervision meeting MK (9th) Doctoral training workshop (9th) SLUK meeting MK (16th) Doctoral training workshop (9th) Conferences Pre-data collection meeting at data site 1 (26th) Data site 1: Observation 1 Write up field notes and transcribe interviews November Initial analysis/reflections of data site 1 observation 1 Data site 1: Observation 2 Revision of sport for development chapter Submit abstract for Sport and Society Conference (5th) Write up field notes and transcribe interviews Data site 1: Observation 3 Initial analysis/reflections of data site 1 observation 2 December Initial analysis/reflections of data site 1 observation 3 Initial analysis of data site 1 Follow up interviews from data site 1 observation 1 Supervision meeting MK (6th) Supervision meeting MK (4th) Getting published for students (4th) Doctoral training workshop (4th) Revision of methodology chapter Transcribe interviews 10 Doctoral Training Workshops If you had to eat an elephant you could not eat it in one go For your first year make a detailed plan for what you will do in your 1st year, for PhD students – the 1st 3 months, for MRes students 11