IIE Chapter 92 – Greater Kansas City 2004-2005 Strategic Pla Mission Statement Membership will be recognized as a valuable asset for local Industrial Engineers. Service to our members and customers will exceed their expectations and requirements Vision Statement To promote the Industrial Engineering profession and to provide services to our members, educational community, and businesses. 2004-2005 Chapter Objectives 1. Provide improved services to our members Continue student financial support and mentoring – 2, $500 scholarships given, one to Kansas State University and one to the University of Missouri, IE departments Sponsor the Region 5 Student Paper Conference to be held at Kansas State University. Donation of $500 to be used and divided into cash rewards for winning papers. Networking opportunities – informal social events before or after chapter meetings; potentially funded by “Vendor Sponsored Happy Hours”. Career services – post job bank information in newsletter, as requested Communication of chapter activities – 9 newsletters per year, email reminders Career enhancing meetings/tours/conferences – mix of interesting topics and programs, located throughout our membership area, joint meetings with other engineering and engineering related societies Community service opportunities – approx. $800 left from the KC150 $5000 grant for Union Hill Cemetery Officer involvement – President-Elect paid registration to 2005 IIE National Conference Participate in National Engineers Week Continue membership with Joint Engineering Council of Kansas City 2. Increase meeting attendance Goal of 50% member participation in at least one program year event. Provide interesting, career enhancing meetings covering varied topics, meeting formats, and locations Welcome package for new members – personally call and welcome them, invite to next meeting, email previous newsletters, profile in next newsletter. Send e-mail reminders to as many members as possible, of upcoming meetings (currently 95% of membership receives information from our chapter via email) Recognize non-officer who attends most meetings Advertise meetings in other society newsletters 3. Increase membership Goal of total membership growth of 10% Address At-Large membership issues as they arise IIE Chapter 92 – Greater Kansas City 2004-2005 Strategic Pla Aggressively recruit graduating seniors from MU and KSU, who will be located in the KC area after graduation Continue to call members who have dropped from the roster and determine root cause Seek out larger companies with IE departments that currently do not have a participating member 4. Measure our performance Have meeting attendees evaluate the meeting on a 10-point scale. Keep track of all meeting attendees for awards 5. Maintain financial stability and growth Maintain high percentage of membership receiving newsletters via email – currently at 95%. Reduce newsletter printing costs by use of email and generating newsletters in house Hold one all-day conference with expected profit of $500 Allow businesses to advertise for job openings in the newsletter for a fee 6. Meet IIE National requirements of senior chapters Submit strategic plan to Regional Vice President Submit CAR by February 15th, 2005 Elect new officers in July, 2005 Submit annual tax filing by June 15, 2005 Maintain Green status Hold 3 annual board meetings Objectives by Office President Increase membership Maintain financial stability President-Elect Assist in Fall Conference planning Increase membership Secretary Meeting surveys Member profile (new members) for newsletter Membership Director New member welcome packet – call and welcome, send past newsletters, profile for newsletter Dropped members – call and find out why, continue to send meeting announcements, e-mail letter with link to HQ for renewal (Distribution Chair and Corporate Relations Chair) Recent Grads – social events, letters, promote at college meetings (President-Elect and Student Chapter Liaison) Corporations – get right communication to top executives (Corporate Relations Chair) Everyone identify key executive at their company or any others. IIE Chapter 92 – Greater Kansas City 2004-2005 Strategic Pla Treasurer Increase revenue – advertising, corp. sponsorship, vendor sponsored happy hours, non members pay for tours/meetings Decrease expenses Newsletter Timely – create a calendar w/important newsletter dates Exciting trivia for the newsletter Conference Make Money (Goal = $500) Increase participation JEC (Joint Engineering Council) Publicize meetings SERVE – publish meetings in newsletter and recruit volunteers/encourage participation from IIE Corporate Relations Increase involvement Increase membership Community Affairs Increase attendance Coordinate IIE involvement in Engineering Week luncheon Distribution Maintain current membership list Coordinate dropped member list and contacting of dropped members Increase e-mailing percentage Research changing e-mail account to a real account from Hotmail Student Chapter Liaison Recruit graduating seniors for senior chapter membership Work with faculty at KSU & MU Contact other potential schools – CMSU, for example Increase number of mentors for Mentor Day Webmaster Use HQ site to set up Upon members’ request, post link to resumes/websites for job seekers Board of Directors Mentoring, especially new officers Corporate sponsorship Meeting ideas Long Term Objectives Steadily increase membership Improve program attendance with improved programs and communications Continue financial stability and a balanced budget Provide the services desired by our membership Increase local visibility of the Industrial Engineering profession IIE Chapter 92 – Greater Kansas City 2004-2005 Strategic Pla Support the local educational community Maintain continuity with officers and directors Calendar of Events July 2004 September 1, 2004 Sept. 2004 – Aug 2005 December 2004 February 2004 April 2005 July 2005 September 2005 Board meeting to plan for program year Submit strategic plan to RVP Program year Entry due to IIE HQ for newsletter competition CAR due to IIE HQ Develop 2005-2006 budget Elect new officers Submit new officers slate to HQ Program Schedule September 22nd 2004 October 2004 November 2004 December 2004 January 2005 February 2005 March 2005 April 2005 May 2005 Facility Tour – Garmin Student Mentor Day – tour of Gear for Sports Nestle-Purina Tour Joint Meeting with ASQ – Possible St Luke’s (Baldridge Recipient) Target DC Tour (Topeka) Possible joint meeting with KSPE Annual Conference – ThinkReliability (Root Cause Analysis) TPM Speaker Kansas City Star newspaper facility tour Union Hill Cemetery Community Service workday Officer Slate for 2004-2005 Term President – Aaron Cross / aaron_d_cross@yahoo.com President Elect – Keith Johnson / kjohns7@hallmark.com Treasurer – Jeff Poehls / rjpoehls@farmland.com Conference Director – Brandy Collins / brandy.l.collins@mail.sprint.com Conference co-chair – Lori Ashford / loria@robbiemfg.com Newsletter director – Jennifer Albers / Jennifer.Albers@yellowcorp.com Corporate relations/publicity – Brian McCarthy / bmccarthy@missourienterprise.com Distribution chair – Jay Christensen / kjchrist@jcpenny.com Membership chair – Anita Ranhotra / aranho2@hallmark.com Membership co-chair – Jessica Johnson / jessica.johnson@purina.com Community affairs co-chairs– Beth Kelley / bkelle1@hallmark.com Amy Martens / amy.martens@bcbsks.com Secretary – Robert Stillwell / rstillwell@burnsmcd.com Student chapter liaison KSU – Kyle Grabill / kdgrabill@yahoo.com Student chapter liaison MU - Andrea Prouty / Andrea.Prouty@protiviti.com Webmaster – Steve Sturis / sturis1@hotmail.com JEC rep – Gary Hanson / ghanson@kcp.com Board members – Bill Czeschin, Bill Wrennall, Q Lee IIE Chapter 92 – Greater Kansas City 2004-2005 Strategic Pla Financial Projections IIE KC CHAPTER 92 FISCAL 2004-2005 BUDGET (4/1/04 - 3/31/05) BEGINNING BALANCES: ESTIMATED CLOSING BALANCE: TAX CODE 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 $7,668.15 04/01/04 $7,546.15 3/31/2005 INCOME 001 Dues Rebate 002 Investment Income 003 Contributions Received 004 Conferences (Income offset 207)* 005 Monthly Meetings (Income offset 206) 005a Mentor Day (Income offset 102) 006 Newsletter (Advertising) INCOME GRAND TOTAL '03-'04 BUDGET $1,860.00 $18.00 $0.00 $2,500.00 $0.00 $0.00 $250.00 $4,628.00 EXPENSES 5 EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT 102 Mentor Day (Exp offset 005a) 102 Paper Conference Sponsorship 104 General Scholarship Fund 8 5 5 4 MEMBERSHIP DEVELOPMENT & RETENTION 203 First Time Guests 204 Honors & Awards 206 Monthly Meetings (Exp offset 005) 207 Conferences (Exp offset 004)* $0.00 $500.00 $1,000.00 $1,500.00 $25.00 $25.00 $0.00 $2,000.00 IIE Chapter 92 – Greater Kansas City 2004-2005 Strategic Pla 208 Monthly Meetings (Ex only) 10 15 6 12 13 14 13 OPERATING EXPENSES 301 Stationery & Supplies 304 Newsletter Postage 305 Community Affairs ** 311 Engineering Societies 312 Officers and Chapter Meetings 403 President to National Conf./ Registration 313 Miscellaneous (includes website fee) EXPENSES GRAND TOTAL INCOME EXPENSES EXCESS/(DEFICIT) INCOME EXPENSES (Excluding Union Hills) $100.00 $2,150.00 $30.00 $5.00 $200.00 $110.00 $150.00 $550.00 $55.00 $1,100.00 $4,750.00 ($122.00) $78.00 * Conference Income is offset by Conference Expenses (Estimated Net Profit is $500) ** Approx $800 of checking account balance remains for the Union Hills Cemetery Project