INSTITUTE OF INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERS Dayton, Ohio Chapter 002 2004-2005 STRATEGIC PLAN I. CHAPTER LEADERSHIP Regional Vice President: Operations Administrator: Chapter President: Chapter Vice President: Chapter VP, ASC Chapter VP, Reporting Chapter Secretary: Chapter Treasurer: Chapter Newsletter: Chapter Website: WSU Student Advisor: UD Student Advisor: II. Vito Wasniewski, RVP, Region IV Bisi Oyeyemi, IIE Headquarters in Atlanta Sara Deem – Steve Bickel – Bob Bilikam – Greg Groeber – Chris Calhoun – Sandy Feola – Chris Calhoun – Open Frank Ciarello – Charles Edmonson – STRATEGIC INITIATIVES FOR 2004-2005 A. Be an increasing benefit for Dayton Chapter members B. Use Regional network affiliation to strengthen chapter leadership C. Be an active contributor of the Affiliate Societies Council D. Support the Institute E. Improve long term retention of student members F. Maintain Dayton Chapter’s integrity III. ASSESSMENT OF 2003-2004 PLAN ACHIEVEMENT Overall: Our officer team had reduced participation from several officers during the year, as they were unable to participate due to family issues. Chris Calhoun stepped up to assist in chapter management, newsletter editing, including entering the newsletter competition, which was a great benefit. Julie Duffy has stepped in to help us design our TechFest 2005 display. Steve Bickel established a relationship with the Dayton SME chapter and arranged for us to utilize their tours for our monthly meetings on a few occasions. Steve also set up a tour for IIE and SME to a local paper plant. We were not able to have Board meetings as planned, due to lack of attendance, and we were not awarded the Bronze Level for the CAR, which was a disappointment. We held a great meeting in November jointly with ASQ, with Dr. Roderick Munro who spoke on Six Sigma. Sandy Feola helped to coordinate this joint meeting, and continues to help us have joint events with ASQ. We obtained our display for the Chapter Development project and used it at TechFest, which attracted over 2100 children and parents. Our tour in April of the Appleton Paper plant was very well received. We held one meeting with our student chapters and students were invited to two other meetings and the tours. Conduct Needs Assessment: We conducted a survey of all members in September through a mailed questionnaire. We received only 5 surveys back, including two that indicated they would not have time available to attend any function. In addition, Sara Deem contacted 15 members to obtain feedback about the chapter. Many indicated that distance was a problem for them due to the wide geographic area of the chapter. Re-establish Chapter Base: All deadlines were met for submitting information to the National Headquarters. The By Laws and Constitution are up to date. We completed our first Strategic Plan. We are in line with National IIE Headquarters guidelines for the way to run the chapter. The website was set up, but still requires development work. Participate in the Affiliate Societies Council: Bob Bilikam does an excellent job as our primary ASC representative. Sandy Feola and Greg Groeber are very active in several of the societies, and help us set up joint meetings, attend ASC functions and represent our professional group. We continue to participate in the planning and maintenance of this organization. Dinesh Shah, an IIE member, is an ASC officer. ASC will undergo a number of changes in funding that will require a more active role by our organization in ASC. Greg Groeber has provided some ideas to the Board to help the ASC sustain its position as a coordinator for all of the societies. Support the Institute: The chapter has submitted documents and feedback in a timely manner to the Institute. Several chapter members are active in the SEMS and SHS divisions. 2 chapter members contributed to the Industrial Engineer magazine articles. Maintain Chapter ethics: This is an area that we can continue to be proud of - our excellence and integrity. IV. 5 YEAR CHAPTER GOALS FOR 2004-2005 A. Be an increasing benefit for the Dayton Chapter members Utilize member feedback and Institute feedback to develop a series of programs that members will be excited to attend. Partner with other local societies to develop strong programs that introduce new and current topics at the local level. Work with student chapters to determine how senior chapter can best support student careers through meetings and speaking engagements. Participate in Newsletter competition each year to strengthen communications by increasing score each year. Enhance and maintain Dayton chapter website. For 2005, recruit new member to maintain Website. Increase membership in the Dayton chapter each year by 5%. For 2005, use Headquarters At Large listing, small business listings, and potential recruits listing to recruit 10 new members. B. Use Regional Network affiliations to strengthen leadership Hold 2 Board of Directors planning meetings outside of chapter meetings to ensure positive progress is maintained. Establish Dayton Chapter website with support from the Institute. Develop solid 5 Year chapter plan by end of 2004-5 program year. Recruit 2 new officers to sustain chapter after this program year. Work with Columbus and other chapters to establish ongoing AllOhio IIE meeting for senior and student chapters in 2005. Utilize feedback from Regional VP for recommendations of chapter management, planning and leadership. C. Be an active contributor to the Affiliate Societies Council Maintain ASC Representative who actively participates in Council meetings – Bob Bilikam for 2004-2005. Participate in Society challenge to keep ASC functioning – Greg Groeber and Bob Bilikam for 2004-2005. Develop a fabulous program for TechFest that is supported by senior chapter members – Julie Duffy for 2005. Schedule at least 3 joint meetings with other technical societies to maximize participation and minimize investment each program year - SME, ASQ, SWE for 2004-2005. Participate in special ASC activities – Awards Dinner, Planning sessions – Bob Bilikam and Greg Groeber for 2005. D. Support the Institute Respond timely to all Institute surveys and requests. Invite Regional Vice President to attend one Board/chapter meeting. Complete all documents and reports to comply with Institute deadlines. Maintain Chapter operations to comply with Institute rules and regulations. Enhance and maintain Dayton Chapter website. For 2004-2005, we hope to recruit a new member to be the Webmaster. E. Improve long term member retention of student members Request University chapter advisors to attend Board meetings Set up a minimum of two meetings each program year for both student and senior chapter member participation Continue IIE President speaking to Introduction to IIE classes at WSU and UD to help them recognize chapter benefits Provide dues incentive for student chapter members that stay in the area and join as senior chapter members, communicate to students through advisors and meetings Sponsor Technical paper competition for all students at local universities. Publicize through IIE members Determine if a student chapter at Sinclair Community College can be established, develop an Advisor for the program For 2004-2005, help WSU to revitalize their chapter with new student officers F. Maintain Dayton Chapter’s integrity Always conduct meetings, discussions and communications with the highest of integrity. V. 2004-2005 PROGRAM PLAN September Miami Valley Computing Societies Joint Technical Meeting Chapter Board Meeting October Plant Tour – Joint with SME November Karen Brodbeck – Topic TBD December Chapter Board Planning Meeting – TechFest, Elections January Senior/Student Chapters Meeting – Career Planning Convene Nominating Committee February 2004 ASC TechFest Plant Tour - Joint with SME March Chapter Board Meeting Ergonomics Tour and Presentation Send out ballots for elections April Dr. Roderick Munro – Topic: Lean Six Sigma May Faurecia Plant Tour Election of Officers VI. FINANCIAL PROJECTIONS INSTITUTE OF INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERS DAYTON, OHIO CHAPTER #2 BUDGET FOR FY 2004 (April 1, 2004 to March 31, 2005) INCOME: Dues Income (actual 2002 income) 87 REGULAR @ $15 = 3 REDUCED @ $13.75= 10 RETIRED @ $7.50= 4 LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP Interest Income ($4000 @ 2%) Monthly Meeting Income Newsletter Advertisement Total Income EXPENSES: Contributions & Grants Tech Fest 2005 Membership Rebate (Incentives) Monthly Meetings Members Expenses 6 meetings @ $50 + 1 meeting @ $200 Newsletter postage and printing 8 newsletters x $1x 30 members Student Development January 2005 Meeting Student Chapter Tech Paper Contest Community Services: ASC Dues IIE National Officer Attendance Chapter Operating Supplies Checking account expense Miscellaneous Expenses Total Expenses $.00 $1305.00 41.00 75.00 0.00 80.00 0.00 0.00 $1501.00 $200.00 $150.00 $500.00 $240.00 $75.00 $150.00 $50.00 $100.00 $26.00 10.00 $1501.00 VII. Chapter Calendar of Key Events for 2005 A. M o Date n t h 2005 2 Responsible Action Item IIE H.Q. Chapter Dues Check Issued ($520 est) 15 Sara Deem Student Meeting with UD, WSU, Sinclair 1 Sara Deem Chapter Activity Report due (CAR) 15 Julie Duffy TechFest 20 Steve Bickel Joint Tour with SME 1 Sara Deem IIE Officer Visit Request Due 15 Chris Calhoun Ergonomics Meeting and Delphi Plant Tour April 15 Steve Bickel Dr. Roderick Munro – Lean Six Sigma May 1 IIE H.Q. Chapter Dues Check Issued ($500 est) 14-18 IIE H.Q. IIE Annual Conference 15 Steve Bickel Faurecia Plant Tour 15 Sara Deem Annual IRS tax filing submission due August 31 New President Create & Submit Chapter Plan & Budget for Next Year to Regional VP September 1 New President Chapter Plan due to Regional Vice President 15 Sandy Feola Joint Societies Meeting - ASC IIE H.Q. Chapter Dues Check Issued ($500 est) Possible Event Date Possible Event Date Newsletter Competition Entries Due January February March June July October November December 15 15 15