MFP Job Description/Commitment Form

Master Food Preserver (MFP)
Master Food Preserver_______________________________
(_________________________________________________) County
OSU Extension Program Supervisor:
PURPOSE: To provide OSU Extension Service educational programs on food safety and food
preservation to the general public using research-based and unbiased information.
1. Volunteers become certified Master Food Preservers (MFP) for the current year after
completing the training program of approximately (_____)* hours of intensive food
preservation/safety education, passing a competency examination and completing required
volunteer service.
2. Each volunteer provides an equal number of public service hours during one year following
the training
3. Support the OSU County Extension food preservation/safety education programming.
4. Cooperate with and assist county Extension faculty responsible for food preservation/safety
5. Maintain appropriate records (e.g., volunteer service hours, accident reports).
RESPONSIBILITIES may vary slightly with the current needs of the community, the program, and
skills of individual volunteers. Responsibilities will include
1. Working as a team member with the local county Extension faculty and other MFP volunteers to
plan and conduct a comprehensive food preservation/safety education program in the county.
2. Serving as a food preservation/safety resource in the local community or at the county Extension
office by answering the telephone and responding to requests for resources.
3. Preparing, setting up, and staffing exhibits and displays to promote food preservation and safety
in the community (e.g., fairs, shopping centers, farmers’ markets, produce stands, home shows).
4. Assisting with MFP program communication through mass media and/or social media as needed.
5. Testing pressure canner gauges for accuracy.
*A minimum of 40 hours of training is required. Some programs may have additional training
and volunteer requirements based on the needs and interests of their area.
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1. Willingness to partner with OSU Extension Service staff in providing the public with up-todate, safe food preservation/safety information.
2. Ability to communicate effectively with others, both face-to-face and on the telephone.
3. Commitment to follow and communicate OSU Extension Service food preservation/safety
4. Willingness to ask questions of Extension faculty and acknowledge limitations when working
with the public.
5. Available for all training sessions necessary for MFP certification and/or re-certification.
6. Willingness and ability to give volunteer service time to related OSU Extension programs.
7. Experience in food preservation (especially canning) is desirable, but not required.
8. Successful completion of a personal Criminal History Check conducted through the OSU
Office of Human Resources if the volunteer role works in this OSU program more than two
times per year, and meets one of the following six criteria. Please check all items that are
applicable. (Note: It is rare that the MPF volunteer would need to meet this requirement.
Check with your OSU Extension program supervisor regarding this requirement.)
In the course of this role, the MFP volunteer may work with, or have responsibility for:
 Youth (or other vulnerable audiences) in an unsupervised setting
 Personal information (e.g., health information, social security number)
 Organizational funds (e.g. registration fees, scholarships, organization credit card).
 Chemicals (e.g. potentially harmful chemicals)
 Transport of program participants during the planned program (driving)
 Care for animals
Revised April, 2015
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OSU Extension
Master Food Preserver (MFP)
Volunteer Commitment Contract
The purpose of the Volunteer Agreement is to promote the safety and well-being of all Oregon State
University program participants and stakeholders. The opportunity to represent OSU is a privileged
role to be held by those who are willing to agree to behaviors that fulfill this trust.
As a Master Food Preserver (MFP) Volunteer I agree to:
1. Represent the educational mission of the land grant university, with the equal opportunity and
anti-discrimination policies. (Programs are accessible without regard to race, color, religion, gender,
sexual orientation, national origin, age, marital status, disability, and veteran status.)
2. Obey local, state, federal laws. Follow guidelines established for county or state programs.
3. Accept supervision and support from OSU staff and/or designees.
4. Use and apply research-based information and objective recommendations during programs and
activities sponsored or approved by OSU Extension. Not share personal opinion and actions that
may contradict research-based information while acting as a representative of this program.
5. Treat others courteously. Be a positive role model.
6. Establish and maintain safe environments for all participants. Act responsibly to protect participants.
7. Report suspected abuse to protect those who cannot protect themselves.
8. Not consume alcohol or behavior altering drugs (or be under those influences) while responsible
for OSU programs or youth.
9. Handle equipment in a safe and responsible manner.
10. Operate vehicles only with a valid operator’s license and the legally required insurance coverage.
I understand that
A. The title Master Food Preserver (nametags, clothing, signage and materials) is to be used only
in conjunction with activities sponsored or pre-approved by Oregon State University
Extension program staff.
B. I may use the title and resources of the OSU Master Food Preservers only when engaged in
unpaid public service in an OSU sponsored or pre-approved program.
C. While in the role of volunteer Master Food Preserver, I will not appear as part of commercial
activities, endorse commercial products or imply endorsement of any products, business or
D. I may include my certification as OSU Master Food Preserver on a resume or job application.
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I understand that
Certification as an Oregon State University Extension Master Food Preserver Volunteer is effective
for one year. Master Food Preservers are invited and encouraged to continue their involvement in the
program. Volunteers wishing to re-certify will be required to:
1. Pass a competency exam each year to maintain certification.
2. Participate in at least one educational update.
3. Keep resource notebook up to date.
4. Commit to continued volunteer service.
5. Effectively complete a Criminal History Check through OSU Human Resources Office if
applicable (see item 7 under Qualifications).
I have read, understand, and agree to the OSU Extension Master Food Preserver Volunteer Commitment Contract.
I understand that OSU may determine individual suitability to volunteer in its programs. I will comply with those
decisions. I understand and agree that any action on my part that contradicts any portion of these expectations
may be grounds for non-acceptance, suspension or termination of my volunteer role with OSU programs.
Volunteer Signature________________________________________ Date __________________
Volunteer Name Printed _____________________________________________________________
Supervisor Signature ________________________________________ Date ___________________
Return this completed form to: _________________________________________________
Oregon State University Extension Service offers educational programs, activities, and materials without discrimination based on age,
color, disability, gender identity or expression, genetic information, marital status, national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual
orientation, or veteran’s status. Oregon State University Extension Service is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
Revised April, 2015
Media and Program Evaluation Consent Form
OSU Extension Service frequently uses images and voices of program participants in educational
materials, resource publications, and program promotion. In addition, the Extension Service
conducts evaluations to measure the quality and impact of its programs. As part of the registration
process, Extension gathers an advanced media and program evaluation participation permission.
My/Our signature(s) below indicate that:
(a) I/We give permission to use my/participant’s image and voice on videotape, audiotape, film,
photograph, or in any other medium, including the World Wide Web for educational, fundraising,
or promotional purposes.
(b) I/We give permission to release participant’s name, image, voice, biographical material and
written or verbal quotes in connection with any such recordings or communication.
(c) Publish, exhibit, adapt, reproduce, edit, modify, make derivative works from, distribute, display,
or otherwise use or re-use such recordings or communication in whole or part without restrictions
or limitation for any educational, promotional, fundraising, informational, or public relations use
which Oregon State University Extension Service - _____ County and those acting pursuant to
its authority deem appropriate.
(d) I/We waive any right I/we might have to inspect and/or approve the finished recordings, written
material, or the use to which they may be applied.
(e) I/We give permission for the member to participate in and/or complete surveys and evaluations
that will be used to determine program effectiveness or to promote the program.
(f) I/We understand that participation in surveys and evaluations is a voluntary and that the
participant may choose not to participate in surveys or evaluations without any impact on his or
her eligibility to participate in the program.
(g) I/We understand that the participant will be asked for his or her verbal assent before completing
a survey or an evaluation.
I represent that I am at least 18 years of age and that I have read the above and fully understand it
and I am knowingly and voluntarily executing this consent without compensation to myself.
Participant Signature
Parent or Legal Guardian Signature
Daytime Phone